Search found 102 matches: Rudd

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Rudd clinic

Hi there FisherKing - yes it's the Rudd clinic I've been going to. I didn't like Dr. Sternthal too much, mainly because of his poor bedside manners. But I've been seeing Dr. Smith now and he's great. If I understand correctly, the Rudd clinic ...
by Guest
25 Feb 2007, 16:42
Forum: LIS - Considering surgery or already had it?
Topic: Genevi
Replies: 45
Views: 11695

Re: Genevi

Hi Genevieve - I see you're from Canada as well. May I ask which clinic you went to? I have an appointment at the Rudd (Toronto) in March. Wonder if it's the same one...
by Guest
22 Feb 2007, 20:49
Forum: LIS - Considering surgery or already had it?
Topic: Genevi
Replies: 45
Views: 11695

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