Anyone heal a chronic fissure without surgery?

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Anyone heal a chronic fissure without surgery?

Postby Johnny91 » 07 Feb 2016, 12:33

Hello guys,

Those of you who say that are healed, can you elaborate on that?

I mean, are you back to your old usual feelings and stuff down there?

Do you see any difference from day to day?

I am 8 months past the first occurrence and the last 3 months i'm at a livable state but usually have issues.

I had a case of diarrhea about a month ago, then hardened stools and it got really bad for about a week with constant hard stools day by day and some times multiple BMs. I tried macrogol and lactulose which both tend to make things worse for me for some reason. Then I remembered and started using mineral oil again to help a bit with the pain... and for a couple of weeks using mineral oil daily (and sometimes over-using) I was under the impression that it healed due to the supersoft stools.
Then I tried to stop abusing the mineral oil and ate greenbeans which ended up forming a pretty much bulky-hard stool and got me back at the after-diarrhea state.
The good thing is that i had no blood at all for some strange reason, it hurt although as much as it did back when i used to get the whole toilet red. In addition, within this painless interval i had the courage to start using movements (not straining but helping out) of the anal muscles that i had stopped for all those months..

Are you facing similar stages?

Also after the diarrhea, foods that helped forming softer and more humid stools won't work any more.

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Anyone heal their fissure without surgery?

Postby Savaici » 07 Feb 2016, 13:04

I have some issues (going to the loo to many times a day, not able to eat all that I like, occasional pain and bleeding and so on), but basically I just live with it. Am considering starting dilation again. Apart from that I soldier on. :helmet:
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Re: Anyone heal a chronic fissure without surgery?

Postby Daisy Mac » 07 Feb 2016, 14:07

I've been completely healed for about a month. I had a nasty stomach bug and felt some irritation after that, but I had an appointment/exam and he said it was just scar tissue that might bug me for a while, but it's very minor.
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Re: Anyone heal a chronic fissure without surgery?

Postby Johnny91 » 07 Feb 2016, 14:55

Savaici, could you describe an one-day diet you consider ideal and one including things you'd like but know will end up bad? I need to figure out if i'm doing something wrong diet wise. Can't really relate foods to effects cause i don't have the same outcome always. I think i have to start a diet log for some weeks and figure out whats wrong, if it is wrong.

Daisy by completely healed you mean that no matter the diet you weren't in pain? I have some things like pizza that i know if i don't drink adequate amounts of liquid paraffin i will most likely regret it on my next visit.
Regarding that scar tissue, does it go away on its own eventually or you have to live with it or get rid of it surgically?
I'm not exactly sure whats going on with me but after that diarrhea incident (before which i was pretty much surviving it painlessly) i had a totally different type of pain than the pain i experience early when the fissure was acute or the first 2-3 months. I'm trying to figure out if that pain is due to skin tags or hemorrhoids that may developed in the mean time.
I'm planning to visit the only doctor that examined me, and looked like he actually knew about this, in the near future and he will most likely send me in for another colonoscopy to make sure it has healed.
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Re: Anyone heal a chronic fissure without surgery?

Postby Daisy Mac » 07 Feb 2016, 18:00

For me I think I healed a while ago, but if I had a firm BM it would pinch and then feel irritated all day. That became less and less with each passing week until it was totally gone, and I survived several hard BM's without any discomfort. Then after the stomach bug, I felt it again, but just slightly. It seems like with each mishap I feel the scar tissue again, but less each time. I feel completely healed again, so hopefully if I can avoid a bug or anything major for a long time the scar tissue pain won't come back.
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Re: Anyone heal a chronic fissure without surgery?

Postby mada2885 » 07 Feb 2016, 21:37

I had a major fissure in May 2015 (1~ o'clock position) and it still bothers me (aches the next day) after a bowel movement that's not completely soft stool. Very annoying, but at least not complete agony with a fully opened fissure that bleeds. Trying to keep up lots of water and fiber and exercise too, but it's a complete lifestyle change.
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Re: Anyone heal a chronic fissure without surgery?

Postby Johnny91 » 08 Feb 2016, 07:02

Hello guys,
Daisy, how long do you have the fissure and at what point? mine was on 12 oclock and doctors told me that its very difficult to heal.
I'm very confused about that though.

Mada seems like we have a lot in common, i had mine on June 2015 at 12 oclock, have mostly the same issues with you. Only liquid paraffin seems to trully help but i must eventually stop using it.
Did you try any medications or oils yet?
I've been using GTN and have been side effect free after the first week, even if i overdo it at application i dont have headaches any more. But i have skin problems such as topical dermatitis, itching and general discomfort most of the time... Some percentage of the pain is due to this and i'm still trying to treat it with ointments such as celestoderm and bepanthol/en ...

Anyway if i could find something like liquid paraffin for long term use i could live with that
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Re: Anyone heal a chronic fissure without surgery?

Postby Savaici » 08 Feb 2016, 07:57

12 and 6 o'clock are the most common fissure positions.

Have you tried Miralax, which is recommended by most CRSs, rather than liquid paraffin?

Sadly, reaction to the medication is quite common. You could ask your doctor to try Diltiazem ointment instead. I used both Diltiazem and Nifedipine, and they were compounded without lidocaine and Vaseline as I found I was allergic to both.

My diet is very ordinary. I have a toasted bagel and milky coffee for breakfast. Veggies for lunch and I eat late (potatoes, greens of some sort cooked, carrots), cheese, fish sometimes. I don't eat meat. Supper is a sandwich, small one. Very boring diet. If my husband has something that I fancy to eat, I will have a bit (usually pizza), a tiny bit, for a taste. I am VERY careful. I take a little Milk of Magnesia each evening.

I did dilation when I was in the most pain from my AF, and this is what turned the tide for me.
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Re: Anyone heal a chronic fissure without surgery?

Postby Johnny91 » 08 Feb 2016, 09:38

I live in Greece and unfortunately have a limited variety of meds here. I have tried Lactulose (duphalac) and most recently effecol which is macrogol 3350 very close to miralax.
For some reason they don't seem to work for me even on the max daily dose. Or i'm not exactly sure what they should do to work but i end up with a bulky stool with a little bit of rough texture, which is pretty painful to eliminate. Both of the times i experimented with osmotics i had to stop using because they tend to make matters worse.

I also tried a spoon of psyllium husk daily, after i let it in a glass of water first to make sure it had retained enough water already. I took it for about a week before being forced to stop it due to playdoh like, kind of hard dehydrated stools.

I also drink a lot of water, to the point i have to go to the bathroom at least 1-2 times an hour.
Nothing seems to help except that damn oil.
I am aware of milk of magnesia but i thought it is a stimulant laxative and not for every day use. I have some magnesium supplements and i eat blackwheat which has a very high amount of magnesium and seems to help a lot.

I also tried to get some diltiazem before getting the GTN but it is not available here at all for some reason. I will try the 8 week therapy with GTN since i can handle the side effects and see how well it will go.

By the way your diet would probably be very painful for me and could lead to a rip.
I use to eat a lot of oily stuff and fat pork meat or chicken and some beans and eggplants, oranges and apples that all seem to produce smooth hydrated stools.
I cant handle fibrous food such as zucchini, lettuce etc. Most of the times on the early beginning i would eat too much fiber and couldn't stop bleeding afterwards...
I still havent make up my mind if fiber does indeed help or make it worse... I'm having BMs at least once or twice daily, morning and before going to bed usually depending on the fiber but it is usually painful without the mineral oil...
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