back to bleeding again

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back to bleeding again

Postby Guest » 20 Feb 2008, 12:51

Oh well, I'm bleeding again. I had 5 weeks of no bleeding and had been off the nitro cream for 3 weeks. My poos have been the same, but Monday morning I had a little blood on the TP and same thing Tuesday and today. The difference is no pain with the BM at all. Just a slight burning when I start to go, but nothing like a sharp glass pain like before. My CRS had said in January when I went for my follow-up that if I had bleeding again to start back up on the nitro cream and continue for 2 weeks after the bleeding stops. So, that's what I'm doing. I've been really good about eating lots of fiber, taking the Metamucil, and drinking lots of water since this all started. So, nothing really changed to cause this bleeding.
I do have the skin tag or hemorrhoid right at the 6 o'clock position and it hasn't changed. I wonder if that is bleeding. When I went to the CRS back in January, she said I could have internal hemorrhoids. But, nothing was definitely diagnosed. Maybe the internal ones are bleeding and that's why it doesn't hurt when I go. I just can't figure it out.
Sure wish I knew what I did this time to cause bleeding again. It's a little tender when I sit, but not too bad. And there's some itching going on down there, too.
I'm sure if I go back to the CRS, she'll just double check that I'm eating enough fiber and taking the Metamucil, taking sitz baths, all the stuff she's told me to do. She didn't seem too concerned when I had the cuts and as she said "maybe some internal hemorrhoids bleeding". She knows that I'm bleeding again because I had to call in a refill of the nitro cream, but I haven't talked to her personally.
I guess I'm just checking to see when you that have had hemorrhoids decided you needed to have something done with them. Like most of you have experienced, just seeing the blood on the TP is frustrating first thing in the morning. But, I don't want to jump the gun and get caught up in surgeries or anything that might make things worse. This I can live with if I know it's probably not a big deal unless the bleeding would get much worse or I had alot of pain.

Re: back to bleeding again

Postby Guest » 20 Feb 2008, 12:59

I know how frustrating it is to feel like you have a setback. I started bleeding again last week and still am and it really bummed me out.

It may not be the fissure that is bleeding-it could well be the hemorrhoids. She needs to do an internal exam at some point to really diagnose it. But most of the time people can just live with them unless they bleed a lot or they start to prolapse and cause pain. I would just get back on the nitro for insurance and stay on whatever eating, fiber plan that was working. I would do that for a year before testing things out too much because it takes a year for that skin to regain the same integrity as before.

I am sure you will be fine in a few days. Keep things soft and slippery. Take some mineral oil if you need to so that the stool slips by. If you can find the source of bleeding you can put some A&D ointment on before you go. I think 5 weeks without bleeding is an accomplishment that you should be proud of.

Re: back to bleeding again

Postby buttgirl » 20 Feb 2008, 13:32

That is disappointing. I'm not a bleeder myslef and tend to worry when I see blood. If I were you I'd stay onthe nitro for a while. It seems to be working and certainly doesn't do any harm.
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Re: back to bleeding again

Postby Guest » 20 Feb 2008, 13:38

Thanks, Lecia. I was so happy to not have any bleeding for so long and really thought things were over with. So, this was a little surprising to see blood again.
The CRS did do two internal exams on me, one at my first appt. and then the follow-up. But, she was vague about whether I actually had hemorrhoids. She just said it could have been causing some of the bleeding. But, she's also the one who said I could have a yeast infection causing the cuts but wasn't for sure about that either. Lots of guessing going on which is sure confusing to me. But, I did feel that if she thought something was really wrong she would have been right on it.
I hate to go back for another exam for awhile. The last one made me really sore.
Hope this isn't TMI. I've noticed since I went for the follow-up and now a little more so because it's irritated with the bleeding, that when I am going pee, the anal area feels sore. You know how when you go, the anal area kind of relaxes? Well, it feels tender and sore when it relaxes and then closes back up. It's like all the puckered skin hurts to be stretched and then retracted. Hope that makes sense. That definitely started when I came home from seeing her last time, like she stretched me out alot and made it sore.
I'm sorry you are bleeding. :-( Is it alot or just a little bit on the TP like me? Do you know what's causing the bleeding this time? I know you had surgery, is this something new or something that hasn't healed yet?

Re: back to bleeding again

Postby Guest » 20 Feb 2008, 13:41

Yes, I'm hoping the nitro works like it did last time. If so, I should stop bleeding in a week or so. I sure am praying for that!

Re: back to bleeding again

Postby buttgirl » 20 Feb 2008, 13:41

I notice the same thing on my really sore days especially in the mornings after bm.. I think peeing is related to pooing, musclewise, and the contractions/relaxing of the pee muscles also hurts in the rear. also, fissures can cause inflammation in the area--after all you have a cut in a very contaminated place. imagine what it would feel like to rub poo in a papercut....
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Re: back to bleeding again

Postby Guest » 20 Feb 2008, 13:47

Yep, that soreness has been my only complaint for over a month now, until this bleeding started. I just put a Tucks down there and it's calming things down. The CRS said to use them as much as needed and I really got sick of having them down there and haven't used them since I stopped bleeding. But, I guess I'll try them again for awhile because they seem to calm things down.

Re: back to bleeding again

Postby Guest » 20 Feb 2008, 13:49

Yeah, I am sure if she thought it was significant she would have done more. Really everyone has hemorrhoids just sometimes they can get inflamed. Most of the time you can have them inflamed and not even know unless you have some bleeding. I can understand not wanting to have an internal exam right now. I am not ready either. I think I know what you mean about the anal relaxing and moving when you pee. It hurts when I go to the bathroom (pee) too. I can feel the muscles there kind of move up and down and my incision hurts. Dont worry-I don't think there is anything as TMI on this board!

I am bleeding from the surgery. Part of the incision busted open. I thought I was out of the woods but I am finding that it can come on suddenly. The doctor isn't too worried but she doesn't have to live with my butt either. I was having quite a bit of blood but today it was just a small pool of blood. I am not ready to wipe yet. I just get in the shower and wash off with the handheld shower head.

Just keep an eye on things but I bet this is just transient. I stayed on the cream long after my fissure healed as insurance. It was like my crutch. If my incision doesn't heal by next week my doctor is going to put me on it.

Take care!

Re: back to bleeding again

Postby buttgirl » 20 Feb 2008, 14:21

Lecia, you poor thing. I found that the incision hurt more than the fissure ever did. I am still recovering from it and that is the reason for the LIS. The fissure itself almost healed despite the abscess last year, but his incision is another thing entirely. I can't believe sheis making you wait for more cream, especially if it helped you before.
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Re: back to bleeding again

Postby Guest » 20 Feb 2008, 14:32

Aww, I'm so sorry, Lecia. You've been through so much! And in the midst of your problems, you find the time to make me and others here feel better and give us encouragement. I hope you don't have to use the cream, but if you do I hope it helps heal you quickly.
Is it nitro cream you'll be using or one of the other ones? I get a headache and burning for a few minutes with the nitro, but it's nothing really. My husband picked up my prescription yesterday and they gave me a nicer applicator compared to the one from the CRS. The one she gave me had a larger hole and could be uncomfortable sometimes. This one is smaller in diameter and smoother on the edges. I only use it at night before bed, 1/2 gram and I just put the applicator in very slightly and push the plunger so the cream goes in. I tell my husband I'm off to "butter my butt". I did find that if I left any on the outside and didn't wipe it off, the skin would feel a little irritated. So, I make sure to dab with TP when I finish putting it in.
Just so my body doesn't get too used to the cream. I did read that if you have a 12 hour or more spread between applications, there's less of a chance of that happening. I know some people use it a few times a day and wonder how that works for them.

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