Need info before the DR. Appointment

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Need info before the DR. Appointment

Postby Southernlady » 02 Nov 2016, 18:05

Whew! I realized how to find draft as I submitted my request for tech help. Oops.

So glad to find this site! I never heard of a fissure until gynecologist yesterday said that is my problem. I am doing research quickly since I See general surgeon tomorrow.
( I know I need a clear understanding while I have a Doctor in the room!) My story:
I have had hem. Since babies decades ago with just minor issues. It seems they got larger or " poofier" in the couple of years. Could that actually be sentinel piles? I have 3 separate places maybe as large as a pencil eraser. Still, no pain... Had a colonoscopy in April 2016, gastro Doctor did a little burning of a hem. but I am not sure if that hem was interior or exterior. I do remember while recovering from that was pretty easy, I could tell there was a painful spot near the anus- located in a "wrinkle" around the ring. No other spots or pain and it dissipated. I had 4 cortisone for shoulders in June and within a week, my butt was stinging/burning like crazy! ( The orthopedist said cortisone is not the cause. My feet also started burning and ears started ringing in the same time period.)I thought my bum might be moisture related- I have run the gamut. My nurse said it wasn't yeast and my skin in the area is hyper-pigmented. She gave me a cream and said to also use Hem. Ointment. No improvement , so I saw my gyno yesterday.He saw fissures and said I had some big word that meant "chicken skin" in the area and that could be a pre- cancer sign. I have loose stools because I take stimulant laxatives nightly since 2008 when I took a muscle relaxant for chronic migraines . It caused my intestine to stop the contraction movement to empty. Anyways, I have no pain at BMs, but I am on fire by the afternoons. Take showers after BMs. Wear a dress and no undies trying to get relief at home each day.
~please tell me if fissures make the skin hurt to just TOUCH it? About 2" out from the anus ring hurts so bad and sometimes it's red like a diaper rash, but not all the time.moisture is not the problem. I know this is lengthy- I have had vulvar vestibulitis since babies and asked gyno if it could spread to anal area and he said no, although I have read different. Oh, and I have never had a spasm with this problem..
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Re: Need info before the DR. Appointment

Postby Southernlady » 03 Nov 2016, 12:24

Just a note after seeing general surgeon today ( there are no CRS in my city). He barely even looked at my butt- I mean like up close, or using a light. He said hem. And the word "prolapse" and prescribed a compounded ointment. He looked for about 5 seconds. I asked if he saw fissures - he said he had ruled those out because of had verbally stated I had no leakage and no pain during BM. That was it! Said come back in 3 weeks. I cried. My butt is on fire every day.
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Re: Need info before the DR. Appointment

Postby averageJoe2000 » 04 Nov 2016, 18:03

Well i'm sorry about how you were treated. I'm going to a doctor appointment soon and i hope it's not a Dr that ignores me.
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