I have had a pressure down there for about 2 months but never any pain. The medication I take takes away appetite and dehydrates you so I wasn't eating much at all so I didn't go as frequently and my body was dehydrated. I remember a few really hard to pass stools but no lasting pain just SLIGHT pressure. I was taking magnesium citrate 3x weekly for easy stools. Didn't know anything about anal fissures at this point
Until recently when I ran out of magnesium citrate and couldn't pass a big stool. I got stool softener instead and after that day I have been in severe pain.
I am using aloe Vera gel and prep h wipes. On Friday I got magnesium citrate and had watery stool that burned the fissure. However day 2, watery stool with absolutely no pain.
I was reading that fiber was the right way so I tried it yesterday and my last 3 bowel movements have left my nervous system in shambles. My body trembles and my hands shack from the pain
I don't think fiber is the immediate answer. I am hoping to delay bowel movement until tomorrow night (I did a lot today) so that I can get more magnesium citrate and coconut oil
I think we have to give it time to heal with little anal effort and not force big mass poops with fiber and stool softener. My poop was extremely soft but it was big