People with a skin tag who had Botox please

Skin tag playing up weeks after botox

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People with a skin tag who had Botox please

Postby missy moo » 02 Mar 2018, 17:44

Hi guys thought I'd start a new chat about skin tag activity after Botox it's nearly been 3 weeks since I got Botox an my skin tag has been behaving but today after my 2nd bm it went red an swollen not sure what to think about this has anyone had Botox then weeks later their skin tag played up? What did it me for you? Was it a bad sign? Setback? Or was the next day fine? Thanks in advance.
missy moo
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Re: People with a skin tag who had Botox please

Postby Canttakethis » 03 Mar 2018, 13:56

I did not have a skin tag until I got Botox. It just appeared after the procedure. I had no idea what it was. I only know now bc I just saw my CRS and asked. He said the procedure can cause or aggravate skin tags. Would have been nice to know that beforehand....I am still worse than I was before I had the Botox. I don’t know if any of that could have to do with the skin tag or not. : ( Did your Botox work???
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Re: People with a skin tag who had Botox please

Postby missy moo » 03 Mar 2018, 14:25

I'm not sure yet it's been 3 weeks I'm still positive if not this time the next round will fix it before Botox I would have 10 days of pain glass pain during bms then pain anywhere from 5mins after to half the day didn't get painful spasms then it would go away for 4 weeks then be back for another 10 days i believe now this was due to more formed harder bms right before or during my period an my muscle only use to super soft bm 90% of the time couldn't stretch properly so it would retear the fissure I was using two lax sachets a day now I'm taking 1 plus psyllium husk powder so I can re ajust the muscle get it use to normal bms, now after Botox it was just the normal before Botox pain but now 3 weeks later it just hurts a bit at the start of the bm so I guess it's healing don't know why the skin tag is playing up normally before Botox the skin tag only played up when the fissure wasn't happy I'm scared that the Botox is a smoke screen an the fissure isn't happy but the pain is absent because of the Botox I've been using diltiazem for the last week an will continue using it till the next round of Botox if it's needed at the 6 week mark I will see my doctor it I'm still having pain at all during or after bms an book more Botox because I may have to wait 6months not sure but that's how long I waited the first time also I got a bonus fissure during my procedure buy 1 get 1 free but it healed within 7 days like you said the second round must heal heaps of people because it's just Botox not an exam aswel this time I'll tell them I got an extra fissure last time please be gentle he was a male I've heard females are more gentle on the health system you don't get to pick your surgeon you get who evers there on the day.
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Re: People with a skin tag who had Botox please

Postby Reliefatlast? » 03 Mar 2018, 16:05

I'm sorry if this is a really stupid question but how can you tell the difference between external piles and skin tags? I've had what I'm pretty sure are 2 external piles since around the same time I got my fissure. They swell up and then go down but have never gone away. Would piles eventually go down completely if treated with steroid creams or would some skin be left behind and would that then be a skin tag or is a skin tag something completely different?
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Re: People with a skin tag who had Botox please

Postby missy moo » 03 Mar 2018, 16:10

My skin tag goes up an down but never leaves I know it's a skin tag because it's hanging off the bottom of my fissure an I've been told by everyone who's ever done an exam when it gets big an red it becames so painful even to gently touch
missy moo
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