Fe Supplement

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Fe Supplement

Postby Fissulyna » 18 Mar 2010, 00:36

Since 2 members asked about Fe non-constipating supplements - I decided to post this as new therad.
I do not tend to constipate BUT I found "Feroglobin B-12" syrup great. Had no stomach problems, no constipation or anything. It is made in UK, but can be probably ordered on-line . My Mom sent it to me from Europe after my GP and Gyno refused to give me iron infusion therapy.
It raised my Fe levels pretty fast and now my Fe is actually "above" average KTW.
Second supplement that is not constipating is Ferrochel . It actually caused me having a mushy poop :( and that is why I could not take it *sigh. But , for somebody who maybe tends to constipate - it might work great :roll:
Best of luck to all !!!!
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Re: Fe Supplement

Postby dee » 29 Mar 2010, 19:39

i'm afraid to take iron for the time being...i need another cbc since i haven't had one since i had the blood transfusion...i do know i feel MUCH better (i can walk more than 10 steps and not have my heart race)...
and i had surgery today that is supposed to address the underlying problems that caused the blood loss and therefore the iron deficiency in the first place...
thanks for the information and if i am unable to get my iron up i will definitely look into this--iron without constipation would be great--anemia really sucked! i may still be a little anemic but NOTHING like when i was at my worst--but given the choice i'd rather not take another transfusion...
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Re: Fe Supplement

Postby Fissulyna » 29 Mar 2010, 20:42

Sorry for asking ...did you have ablation perhaps :roll: If you feel more comfortable please send me a PM - I have a bleeding problem myself : ((
Thanks Image
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