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Postby Marsh37 » 29 Mar 2010, 11:31

Hello All
I went to see a different CRS today and he did not see the fissure that the other two doctors have seen. So he takes some instrument and tries to insert it in my A$$ Image which hurt like Hell. So since I was in to much pain for him to do that procedure he is recommending that I have a Sphincteromy has anyone had this done? He said I will only be off work for 5 days is this true? Image I trust you guys more than the doctors... Image
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Re: Sphincteromy

Postby NeuropathicGuy » 29 Mar 2010, 11:36

Hey there, I've never had it done but a lot of people here have. You'll see it abbreviated as LIS (for "Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy") on here. I'm sure some experienced folks will chime in shortly. There are also a number of LIS threads in the "Considering Surgery" section of the forum. Good luck -- if it hurt like bloody hell when the doc tried to do an anuscopy, then odds are pretty good there's a fissure.
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Re: Sphincteromy

Postby Marsh37 » 29 Mar 2010, 11:52

Thank you, I am still very uncomfortable all I wanted to do was come home and take a bath which I did.and now I am relaxing. The surgery is scheduled for 15th of april. The doc said the same thing you did.. but the other two docs were able to see the fissure right away I do not understand
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Re: Sphincteromy

Postby StevePain » 29 Mar 2010, 12:26

Yup, chances are if it hurts like crazy during an examination then it's a classic symptom of AF.. Them exams scare the crap out of me - no laxatives required!
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Re: Sphincteromy

Postby cherylk » 29 Mar 2010, 14:28

There are a couple of sticky threads under the surgery category that you might want to peruse. One is on LIS.
Good luck!!
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Re: Sphincteromy

Postby Marsh37 » 29 Mar 2010, 16:06

Thanks Cheryl, I hope Iwill be able to put healed in my status soon..
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Re: Sphincteromy

Postby dee » 29 Mar 2010, 17:42

every doctor i've ever seen about the fissures saw them right away until i went to a gi "specialist"...she wasn't gentle when she did a digital exam and "wasn't sure" if it was there...i had a colonoscopy (she is part owner of the clinic where it was performed) and all she found was the fissure i already knew i had and she wasn't sure about...
arrghhh...thank god my insurance covered it 100% because the bill came to over $3000 to find out i had a fissure! and then the referral she promised to give me to a CRS didn't come--i never even got a phone call from the clinic with the final results...not my favorite medical experience ever...
oh well...
good luck with your LIS and let us know how it went! i'm looking into it but have to wait a bit before i can--i just had surgery today and feel better than i have in weeks (of course it's because i've still got plenty of morphine and toradol in my veins...)
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Re: Sphincteromy

Postby Marsh37 » 30 Mar 2010, 07:43

Thank you, I will keep you guys updated. Im just a little nervous because the doctor thinks I will be able to return back to work in 5 days. another doc told me a month... we will see... Im still a little uncomfortable from the exam yesterday. I dont know why he did not see it when other docs did.. Makes me wonder if I should go through with the surgery...
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Re: Sphincteromy

Postby DinoDevine » 30 Mar 2010, 08:00

Marsh37 wrote:Hello All
I went to see a different CRS today and he did not see the fissure that the other two doctors have seen. So he takes some instrument and tries to insert it in my A$$ Image which hurt like Hell. So since I was in to much pain for him to do that procedure he is recommending that I have a Sphincteromy has anyone had this done? He said I will only be off work for 5 days is this true? Image I trust you guys more than the doctors... Image

Sorry to hear about your AF and the problems it is causing. Suffering AF Patient myself, I know just how you feel.
I have had two AF / Sphincteromy Operations in the last year and I would say you are not mobile enough to really do anything, let alone work for at least 1 week. 5 days is very very optimistic. I would allow at least 1 week before even thinking about returning to work.
Good Fortune with your op and keep us posted.
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Re: Sphincteromy

Postby sidra1968 » 30 Mar 2010, 08:04

Hellooooo! I had LIS in August and worked a 12 hour day as a nanny 5 days later..so, it depends on your job. If you sit at a desk all day it probably take a bit longer unless they let you move around, etc. as needed. I was in a little pain and uncomfortable, but nothing unbearable and 100 times better than the fissure pain I had been experiencing. I highly recommend the LIS as my experience was great and my life is back! Read through some old posts under "considering surgery or already had it".
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