Men VS Women, no contest?

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Re: Men VS Women, no contest?

Postby NeuropathicGuy » 06 Apr 2010, 10:50

Wow that's a nice cut -- I can't believe she did that awake! Image I had a mild case of carpal tunnel (it just barely registered on a nerve conduction study) from typing a while ago, but it resolved on its own once I changed my keyboard layout... If I had to get surgery I would've begged for whatever drugs they could give me for sure :)
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Re: Men VS Women, no contest?

Postby Deleted User 5 » 06 Apr 2010, 12:00

I think fear is fear and as a species we have all co-evolved to handle pain the same, males and females, and when a little boy is a screamer, it's because *someone* modeled that behavior for him, and my guess it was most likely a FEMALE!
Image LOL Image LOL Image LOL Image LOL Image LOL Image LOL Image OLOL Image LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Men VS Women, no contest?

Postby Fissulyna » 06 Apr 2010, 13:07

oh boy LMAO - this man knows how to "make me " log-in LMAO
My dearest Kimmy-boy LOL - girls are raised by their mothers too , aren't they
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Re: Men VS Women, no contest?

Postby Deleted User 5 » 06 Apr 2010, 13:44

A certain percentage are "daddy's girls'" and they are gonna be TOUGH!
The rest? Screamers like the little boys!!
I'll be back later with another theory....
Deleted User 5

Re: Men VS Women, no contest?

Postby Fissulyna » 06 Apr 2010, 13:49

LMAO this is just great Image - like "ol' good times " ha ha haaaaa - can not believe this Image
PS: Mine is not a "theory" he he heee- saw it with my own eyes every year at my school (500 kids)
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Re: Men VS Women, no contest?

Postby just_brit_yaaay » 07 Apr 2010, 10:08

Ya, I'm gonna have to agree with Fiss, men are babies...maybe not all, but most.
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Re: Men VS Women, no contest?

Postby cherylk » 07 Apr 2010, 10:29

My husband isn't! He's quite the opposite of me!!
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Re: Men VS Women, no contest?

Postby Del » 09 Apr 2010, 05:54

Just Brit, how dare you say that us Men are babies, I've told my mum about you and she reassured me that I'm her special little man. So there!
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Re: Men VS Women, no contest?

Postby Deleted User 5 » 09 Apr 2010, 06:10

Image Image Image Image Image Image Image
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Re: Men VS Women, no contest?

Postby cherylk » 09 Apr 2010, 06:48

Ha ha, Del!! I never b/4 heard of the "man flu" until I learned about it from the UKers!!! Image
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