LIS: General or local anesthesia?

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Re: LIS: General or local anesthesia?

Postby just_brit_yaaay » 07 Apr 2010, 23:25

good call NG.
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Re: LIS: General or local anesthesia?

Postby NeuropathicGuy » 07 Apr 2010, 23:33

I hope so Brit. Feeling kind of apprehensive and excited about it at the same time. It's been so long since I've had a normal feeling butt that the prospect seems simply unbelievable, like some kind of weird fantasy from a past life. If LIS gives me my life back I dunno what I'm gonna do to celebrate, but whatever it is, it's gonna be something crazy. Probably ill-advised and stupid. And very likely illegal lol.
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Re: LIS: General or local anesthesia?

Postby just_brit_yaaay » 08 Apr 2010, 00:27

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Re: LIS: General or local anesthesia?

Postby StevePain » 08 Apr 2010, 03:35

Great call NG!!!
My next appointment is April 28th, so anytime after that I could be having LIS, of course this depends on whether or not my fissure friend has healed (which I very much doubt now) infact, the waiting is getting to me as well, I just want it over and done with.
You'll be a new man NG, put that nasty thing to bed once and for all, I'm glad you decided to go ahead with it after much consideration, at least you'll be under from the Propofol, good stuff.
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Re: LIS: General or local anesthesia?

Postby cherylk » 08 Apr 2010, 05:43

I think you two should schedule for the same day and then have a contest to see who feels better more quickly!
Image Haha--easy for me to laugh about, right. I had a slight prob yesterday (brats are baaaad to eat) and kind of got all upset about a minor prob, so having sore butts for as long as you two have is no laughing matter!!
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Re: LIS: General or local anesthesia?

Postby StevePain » 08 Apr 2010, 08:28

I wish I could schedule mine, I have to wait as per the CRS instructions, if he thinks I need LIS then i'll be on a waiting list (NHS) so it's anyones guess just how long, all I can say is, roll on the 28th as i'll be pushing my CRS into it if possible.
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Re: LIS: General or local anesthesia?

Postby cherylk » 08 Apr 2010, 08:41

Well, Steve, NG will probably win the contest by virtue of being the first to go under the knife! :roll:
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Re: LIS: General or local anesthesia?

Postby NeuropathicGuy » 08 Apr 2010, 13:30

LOL Cheryl I don't feel like I'm winning any kind of contest by going under the knife :) About 90% of the reason I scheduled for May 3rd over April 15th is because of my son's situation, but the other 10% is that it'll give me time to give the fissure one last chance to take a hike on its own, and to get used to the idea of undergoing surgery. I almost wish my fissure would act up a little bit in the days before surgery just so that I don't second guess going in :)
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Re: LIS: General or local anesthesia?

Postby StevePain » 08 Apr 2010, 15:41

My fissure is still acting up now, but I can guarantee that a few days before surgery the little bleeder will go into hiding, i'm convinced it has a mind of it's own.
Like you NG, my fissure is on it's very last chance to take a hike on it's own, btw i'm definitely using more Diltiazem than i'm supposed to, just trying to beat it into submission, unsuccessfully I might add..
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Re: LIS: General or local anesthesia?

Postby cherylk » 08 Apr 2010, 16:34

I think that area is just so fricking hard to heal as it gets constant use! :roll:
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