Changes in sphincter since LIS? Scar?

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Changes in sphincter since LIS? Scar?

Postby Silas » 21 Aug 2018, 09:28

I had LIS surgery in 2005 after suffering from two fissures, a sentinel skin pile, etc. I had a fissure that would appear every so often for years before it got really bad.

Surgery was a success, and I don't have any issues with pain or bleeding now, etc.

But I sometimes notice that if I strain a bit while having a bowel movement, one side of the stool, especially at the end, is flat. Not the entire stool, just the part at the end if I strain a bit (if I eat enough fiber, my stool looks totally normal).

I have always assumed this was from the surgery--a kind of scar, or maybe changes in the muscle tissue. Nevertheless, it is a bit strange.

So I figured I would ask others here that have had LIS surgery. Have you seen this?
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Re: Changes in sphincter since LIS? Scar?

Postby chachacha » 21 Aug 2018, 10:25

My guess would be that it is an internal hemorrhoid (they don't hurt). They do block the passage somewhat though, hence the flat shape where the stool passes them. I had huge internals before my hemorrhoidectomy, and my stools always came out flat on three sides (triangular). I also had LIS surgery, btw, and the shape of my stool didn't change at all from that.
Fissure since about 2007
Fissure diagnosed in 2011
Diltiazem for two years - didn't work well
LIS January, 2015
Hemorrhoidectomy December, 2017
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