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Postby Guest » 07 Aug 2007, 07:21

How many of you also deal with hemorrhoids along with your fissure? I have a hard time distinguishing between which I'm dealing with at certain times. Right now I think it is hemorrhoids since I drove in a car for 6 hours last week. Had some slight pink when I wiped yesterday, but the itching was so intense. I'm so ready to chop that whole area off down there! It looks disgusting and I'm sick of the itching/pain/redness....

Re: hemorrhoids?

Postby Guest » 07 Aug 2007, 08:02

I have had problems with hemmies for years until I had surgery in December. I don't know how to distinguish unless you have one that is falling out (thrombosed, prolapsed) internal one or you may have a bump on the outside that could be an external one. I think the best way to distinguish it to have the doctor take a look.
Neither is fun to deal with. I am sorry!

Re: hemorrhoids?

Postby Guest » 07 Aug 2007, 08:23

I have 2 that stick out almost all the time. It's just a matter of how inflamed they are. Along with those there are 2 skin tags from prior ones when I was pregnant. Lovely.

Re: hemorrhoids?

Postby Guest » 07 Aug 2007, 10:46

I can sympathize! I had horrible, I mean horrible hemmies when I was pregnant and they never resolved completely.
Have you asked the doctor about this issue?

Re: hemorrhoids?

Postby Guest » 07 Aug 2007, 10:49

Not yet. As usual, I keep trying to treat myself, but I'm getting so discouraged having my butt consume my thoughts throughout the day. I guess it's time to call.

Re: hemorrhoids?

Postby Guest » 09 Aug 2007, 19:59

Yeah -- talk to the doctor. If they're not stage 3 or 4 yet, banding or other such in-office procedures can probably be done.
I've been battling hemmorrhoids for years now (about 5-6 years ago I lost 40 lbs, got fit and healthy, and then was given the gift of hemmorrhoids!). If you find that you have to manually reinsert internal ones after a BM, or you have internal ones that won't go back in, you have to talk to your doctor about other options, probably surgical.
Having said that, I think my hemorrhoids have interfered with my anal fissure healing, but I don't think they caused it, nor are stopping it from healing. I think I may be especially prone to relapses because of them, however.
I'm 27 freaking years old -- I want the surgery. I know a lot of people here have had long recovery times, but I really want to be able to enjoy my farely fit body at least through my 30s and 40s. What can I say? I'm vain like that. ;-)

Re: hemorrhoids?

Postby Deleted User 5 » 09 Aug 2007, 20:07

I'm 27 freaking years old -- I want the surgery. I know a lot of people here have had long recovery times, but I really want to be able to enjoy my farely fit body at least through my 30s and 40s. What can I say? I'm vain like that. ;-)

I am sure that if your fissure doesn't heal over the next several weeks and months, you will opt for the surgery or some less conservative method. My recovery time was exactly as my surgeon predicted, about 2-3 weeks, though it was a month before I felt "normal" again. If you're fit and you can get a good CRS your life should be waiting for you to just get on with it.
Here's hoping that it's about to heal on it's own... Image
Deleted User 5

Re: hemorrhoids?

Postby Guest » 09 Aug 2007, 21:01

Did you have a banding or hemmerhoidectomy and the AF muscle-cutting/relaxation surgery or just one or the other?
I am considering having the doctor do the AF relaxation procedure, if he concurs, when/if I get the hemmoroidectomy. I feel like whenever stress effects me mentally or emotionally, my lower area is the first to suffer.

Re: hemorrhoids?

Postby Guest » 31 Oct 2007, 08:23

I have been suffering from hemorrhoids for many years. Hemorrhoids are swollen and inflamed veins. The certain symptoms are hard tender lumps near or inside the anus. Fissure is a tear or ulcer.

Re: hemorrhoids?

Postby Guest » 31 Oct 2007, 12:47

Have you tried different treatments for your hemorrhoids?

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