healing question

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Re: healing question

Postby SunshineHope » 14 Oct 2007, 02:51

I wonder how long it actually takes to heal if your BMs are soft and non irritating, and little or no blood..
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Re: healing question

Postby SunshineHope » 14 Oct 2007, 02:52

Wait a second, I'm a moderator? Whoa! haha.. How'd that happen? Is that why the site looks different or was it just updated? (I haven't visited in a little while). :)
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Re: healing question

Postby Guest » 14 Oct 2007, 18:15

I remember hearing that fissures can take up to a year to heal.
When I went to the ER this Summer with my hernia problem I was telling the doctor about the year from h#ll I was having and he said, Yeah, fissures can take a long time to heal!

Re: healing question

Postby happyass » 15 Oct 2007, 08:09

yeah my CRS said that a fissure can take anywhere from 6 months to a year if you haven't had any issues with the BM to heal.
but with surgery such as LIS or fissurectomies, he said that healing could take anywhere from 1 year to 2 years to fully have your anus back.
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Re: healing question

Postby juney » 15 Oct 2007, 09:51

well i'm living proof that is can take a LONG time to heal, even with surgery! i'm 2 weeks out from my 2nd surgery now and i know it's gonna be a long road to healing. it's such a discouraging process. i'm just tired of having pain down there.
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Re: healing question

Postby val » 15 Oct 2007, 11:00

I haven't had time to be near a computer because I've actually been out!!! Then for no reason whatsoever, because I never cheat on the diet and do the same things every day with regards to the supplements etc., wham, I was up all night in bad pain again! Isn't it a shock when you've had a few good days? The pain seems somehow harder to deal with because things have been a bit better. That sounds crazy seeing as the pain HAS lessened, but I got kind of used to being in agony all the time!!Now I really sound crazy! But when it's been a little bit better it seems worse when it comes back!
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Re: healing question

Postby Guest » 15 Oct 2007, 11:06

It is definitely helpful to read everyone's comments. I was discouraged the other day when I went to my crs 4 weeks after my sphincterectomy and he told me I should be healed by now. I have no pain with BM but between the sphincterectomy and the skin tag removal, I find walking to being the big irritator. If I walk or stand for a awhile I feel everything tightening up. Has anyone experienced this as well?

Re: healing question

Postby Guest » 15 Oct 2007, 12:07

It is very, very upsetting to have a setback after a run of good days. I totally understand. But I remind myself (and my husband does too) that I was better before and I will get there again.
I bet this flare up will not last as long either.
Yes, walkin for me use to irritate the heck out of my fissure-all of the friction that created really hurt the fissure plus the sentinel pile. I think when we are walking and standing the pelvic floor muscles work harder and contract more so that could be causing more pain. Are you taking anything for pain control?
I hate when doctors say "you should be healed" like it is your fault that you're not or you somehow failed. But 4 weeks from what I have experienced and read and have heard from other CRSs doesn't sound right. I think it is a minimum of 6-8 weeks.

Re: healing question

Postby Deleted User 5 » 15 Oct 2007, 15:55

I never figured out if walking made my fissure worse or not. I do know that whenever I got the spasms, multiple times each day, I felt the urge to "walk it off" but it may have been misguided!
Deleted User 5

Re: healing question

Postby Guest » 15 Oct 2007, 18:36

Did you have surgery and if so what type of surgery. I keep seeing LIS in the forum disscusion and I'm not sure what that is. Is it a different procedure used to repair a fissure instead of a sphincterectomy?

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