healing question

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healing question

Postby val » 07 Oct 2007, 14:28

I've read some of your posts when you say you have to go 2 weeks without pain to know you've healed.
Do you mean completely without any pain at all? Or just bearable so that you can get on with your life but kind of in moderation/
I had about 3 or 4 days when I wasn't too bad, and then, wham! back comes all the pain, but not the crying agony that I was in. Does this mean it will get better, or is surgery still the best thing?
thanks Image
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Re: healing question

Postby Guest » 07 Oct 2007, 17:03

I had many, many ups and downs while healing and it never goes as smoothly as you would hope or want. But I think it is positive that you are feeling like you are getting your life back to some degree.
If you are finding that you are thinking less and less about your bottom and can start to think about other things that is a good sign you are healing.

Re: healing question

Postby val » 08 Oct 2007, 06:13

I think one of the worst things is not being able to plan anything in advance. If I have a good day, I say yes ok I'll go there! and then when the day arrives I can't go. It's just so frustrating!!
Has yours healed now, Lecia?
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Re: healing question

Postby Guest » 08 Oct 2007, 06:42

Yes, the first one I got from the hemorrhoid surgery has healed. The second one is pretty well healed though I felt it getting scraped yesterday. I have a skin tag left behind that can get kind of irritated at times and this has triggered nerve pain from an underlying condition I had prior to the fissure.
It is hard to plan anything in advance. I hate being so wishy washy. It all depends how things go in the bathroom and I definitely don't plan anything in the morning since it takes awhile to get over going to the bathroom. Not as long as it used to though.
Hope you have a good week and continue to heal and improve, Val!

Re: healing question

Postby val » 09 Oct 2007, 12:17

so glad you're on the mend, you seem to have really suffered, and I know what you mean by the kind of day you have depends on the bathroom trip!It would be funny if it wasn't so awful, wouldn't it? Imagine having to explain to any invitations anywhere-"well, if I perform ok in the loo, I'll accept, but if not I won't be able to go anywhere"!Sounds crazy doesn't it, except to all of us here, who know what we mean!!
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Re: healing question

Postby buttgirl » 10 Oct 2007, 09:43

I know what you mean. I'm still the same. The last bits for me seem the most stubborn. Most of the day I feel fine. some days there is no pain at all. And then some days I feel back to square one for a little while. My original fissure is healed, so I figure it's just a matter of time until the surgery scar is no longer sore and the burst hemmie fully heals, and whatever it is in my rectum (internal hemmie?) deflates. But in the meantime, the slow progress and reinjury is worrysome. I just have to keep reminding myself "You're definitely better than you were 2 mos ago." Day-by-day comparisons are sooo discouraging.
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Re: healing question

Postby val » 11 Oct 2007, 06:57

Yes I'm the same, some good days now, then a bad one again. Do you find , though, that when you've had a run of good days, everyone thinks you're back to normal and can do evertthing you could before? Even on good days, it still hurts, and I feel so tired all the time for some reason, maybe just lazy I suppose after laying around so long! But my son thinks I can just run around after him again, and even my husband doesn't really help much anymore!
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Re: healing question

Postby Guest » 11 Oct 2007, 07:10

I know what you mean, Val. When I am saying I am having a good day, I mean in comparision to my bad days and not necessarily that I am pain free. It is hard for people to relate because of the ups and downs. It is hard to make plans and often I find myself changing them if I am not up to something.
You could see me one day and I will be on the playground with my 4 year old waiting for my older daughter to finish with school and seem just fine and then the next day be in the tub in a lot of pain.
I am going to a chiropracter today for the first time to see if he can help me manage the nerve pain flare up that has resulted from the last hemmie/fissure epidsode!

Re: healing question

Postby happyass » 11 Oct 2007, 07:50

well i had something next to my skin tag or just irritated vein pop earlier this week - on monday as a matter of fact. i bled and now i don't feel the pressure it had been building up.
i wasn't in any pain compared to the fissure pain but now i feel back to normal.
even though my fissure is healed, i still have to deal with this skin tag that is all external and it always has to stretch when the bm comes out. it would be nice if i could just somehow get rid of it as it seems to be my only issue left.
for the most part, i have been great. i would say like 95%. compared to my fissure days + skin tag issues, i was like at 70% on really good days.
overall, my answer to your healing question is that it is sort of like a tango. you will have small number of good days - maybe with some irritation but not in any shape as much pain as you have experienced - and then have a set back. the days between the good days and other set backs can vary but as you are healing get farther apart, which means more good days before another set back. and the set backs can vary from really bad to very minor.
it could be a way of life you learn to manage it.
and once you learn that and find some tricks to use, you can plan ahead with most certainty. the thing about planning ahead, is that if you know in two weeks you will want to do X activity, you must try to do all the things right with regards to diet and lessening your anxiety, etc. so that when that day comes, your bum should be okay.
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Re: healing question

Postby buttgirl » 11 Oct 2007, 12:29

good advice HA. And always carry pain killers just incase. I keep ibuprofen and asprin in my purse. And I always remember that most stores have teething gel if things get really bad--the lidocaine in the gel helps to numb the area.

It's funny, Lecia, the good days are definitely relative. My hubby too has started believing that I am fine all the time. He even forgot to drop off my pain killers at my work (I had intended to pick them up at lunch but got stuck in a meeting). Boy, did he get an earful.
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