cal mol - 4 anyone heard of or tried?

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cal mol - 4 anyone heard of or tried?

Postby Guest » 05 Nov 2007, 12:40

Ok. just got back from 3rd opinion, female CRS this time from reputable hospital in Phila. Fissure is healing!!! Very thin layer of skin over it and skin tag is deflated. Wants me to finish off script of Nitro but doesnt recommend for long term use. She feels key to healing is regular soft bms. (we all know that) and recommended Cal mol-4 a suppository for lubrication. She claims will make BM just slide right out. Has anyone here tried it? It is non-presrciption but difficult to find in regular pharmacies. I have a hard time using suppositories as i am so afraid I'll reopen the fissure while inserting. Also she says it doesnt look like Crohns type fissure. Says they are very big and ugly with large sentinel pile. I go back in 6 wks. Not recommending surgery yet.

Re: cal mol - 4 anyone heard of or tried?

Postby Guest » 05 Nov 2007, 12:51

Very interesting! I am glad to hear that you are healing. I have never heard of that suppository but it sounds promising. Does she worry that inserting it will irritate the fissure at all?
I wonder if a place like would carry it?

Re: cal mol - 4 anyone heard of or tried?

Postby buttgirl » 05 Nov 2007, 12:59

I haven't had a problem with suppositories, but I haven't heard of calmol 4. I looked it up and it seems like it would work well to help the bm slide out. i have also found that injecting vitamin E into the area is quite helpful.
when inserting the suppositories you have to really be relaxed and also lube the suppository itself, I use neosporin, but vasoline or lanolin would work as well.
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Re: cal mol - 4 anyone heard of or tried?

Postby Guest » 05 Nov 2007, 13:26

Thanks for your replies: I have some samples - here are the ingredients:
cocoa butter 76% and zinc oxide 10% other ingredients - vegetable oil and glyceral sterate.
I'm going to try half of one tonite. I have aloe vera gel so i can try lubing it with that.
Ifound online a webgroup where new mothers with fissures had success with it, so i'll let you know how it works.

Re: cal mol - 4 anyone heard of or tried?

Postby Fissulyna » 05 Nov 2007, 14:31

Oh, thats GREAT news Paingo suth )))))) !!!!! I am so happy for you : ))) ! WOW,
you don't have to worry about Crohn, AND your F is visibly healing - well I would dance a night off if i were you ; ) ! Do you have inside or outside F and is it toward the spine (posterior), or it is in anterior position? How do you keep your BMs soft? Regarding suppositories, yes it is tricky, : (, I understand your concern. What I do when I have courage enough to use any kind of supp. is that i frst put a lot of Vaseline on the anus itself, than use small scissors to make it supp, thin like baby supp. size, make sure it is smooth all over - and rounded at the end part too, not just the tip. Than I lubricate with cocconut oil or some other oily stuff and slowly push it. If I feel any resistance, I stop and try another time. BUT, you are doing great even without supp., so if you don't succeed inserting them, who cares ; ) !!!!
I was gerat news - keep us posted !!!! Image
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Re: cal mol - 4 anyone heard of or tried?

Postby Fissulyna » 05 Nov 2007, 14:32

LECIA - you look so beautiful on that picture Image :arwen:
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Re: cal mol - 4 anyone heard of or tried?

Postby Guest » 05 Nov 2007, 15:24

Thanks, Arwen! It is from Star Wars Episode 2-the meadow picnic scene. Padme is my girl!

Re: cal mol - 4 anyone heard of or tried?

Postby Guest » 05 Nov 2007, 15:25

Thanks for the encouragement everyone!
to keep things soft I eat lots of fruit and veggies, no red meat and take colace with prune juice (pulp added) I also added flaxseed oil caps 3x/day. I eat a lot less and have loss 15 lbs. I am tempted to say I'm on the "anal fissure diet" when people ask me how i lost the weight!
Did you see the post about the honey? It remined me of when I was in Croatia where honey and Chamomile were used to cure everything!

Re: cal mol - 4 anyone heard of or tried?

Postby buttgirl » 05 Nov 2007, 16:42

this stuff sounds great. I might have to get some myself. I have actually been looking for a good cocoa butter suppository. I think part of the reason the hydrocortizone supp that my Dr. prescribed is effective is the cocoa butter. I'm worried about the skin thinning, so this seems like just the ticket.
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Re: cal mol - 4 anyone heard of or tried?

Postby Guest » 05 Nov 2007, 17:10

That suppository sounds interesting. I will add it to my list of questions when I see my CRS Wednesday for my shot!!

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