Had my LIS, fissurectomy, and tag removal surgery today

LIS,fissurectomy and tag removal surgery today

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Re: Had my LIS, fissurectomy, and tag removal surgery today

Postby Hatetopoop » 11 Jan 2014, 12:56

Thanks jr2..I was worried. I am more prone to diarrhea and do well with regularity on the fiber pill and magnesium. I suppose that is why she said that, but since I am taking the painkillers I am reading everywhere you need to counteract with extra stuff. So the goal is to go have a BM even after day 1..? yikes...LOL. I suppose you are right. I just didn't want to irritate the tissues. I am still bleeding a bit I think due to my tag removals.
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Re: Had my LIS, fissurectomy, and tag removal surgery today

Postby jr2 » 11 Jan 2014, 13:12

Really, people heal just fine either way (there are people who have had their first BM the same day as their surgery, and people who have not had a BM until day 4 after their surgery). What's totally normal is that everyone worries about that first BM after their surgery. Who wouldn't be worried? You've just had surgery after all, and you're supposed to poop all over your tender surgical wounds now? That would be scary for anyone. But as far as comfort levels it's just going to be a lot easier on you to have a smaller, softer BM than it is to have one days later that will be larger and firmer. But obviously, if you tend toward diarrhea you do want to be careful about overshooting and ending up going too much, which would also be more uncomfortable. It's tough because you know how your bowel is normally, but now you've got the after effects of anesthesia, the potentially constipating effect of pain medicine, and also the potentially constipating effect of the worry and muscle tension in your pelvic floor. So, you may find you do need extra help when it comes to stool softening. I probably wouldn't try to go too overboard with relying on more and more fiber for this, as the fiber will make stools even bulkier and could be more painful to pass.
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