Q for Juney

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Q for Juney

Postby Fissulyna » 25 Dec 2007, 19:58

Hi Juney,
I just discovered in one of your posts that you had your skin tag removed ! Did you have it done during your first LIS? How they did that - did you need a stitch for it ? Did it hurt much
having BMs after that?
I hope you will find this post soon because I have problem now with one of my tags and am considering removing it Image .
Thanks in advance Image
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Re: Q for Juney

Postby juney » 02 Jan 2008, 14:03

hey fissulyna! sorry i was out of town and didn't check the internet over the holidays. yes i had my skin tag removed during my first LIS surgery. i'm not sure exactly how he removed it, just cut it off i guess. i didn't have any stitches, just an open wound that needed a few weeks to fully close and heal over. i'm still dealing with the fissure but the skin tag has never come back. my skin tag was never really painful, i just didn't like it and wanted it removed. i'm not sure if that had any effect on my surgery not being succesful or not.
how are you doing since your LIS?????
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Re: Q for Juney

Postby Fissulyna » 02 Jan 2008, 14:57

Hi Juney : )))) !!!! Happy New Year !!!!!
Thanks for answering to my question, I was just thinking of you this morning - must be a telepathy at work ; ) !
The surgery went smooth and my incision healed in 3 days but they hit one of my vanes with a needle during local anesthetic administration and caused outside hemorrhoid forming that got thrombosed. They didn't suggest seeing me although I called couple of times and they just dismissed it over the phone as "normal swelling after surgery". Fifth day I insisted to being seen and by that time my hem. pooped and started oozing blood and lymph : ((. So it was late for any procedure and I was supposed to wait for it to "calm down on it's own" . BUT, it is not calming down. It looks like big swollen skin tag and I want it to be removed so I was wondering how painful that part is ???? Was that outside wound hard to heal and did you have to do anything special to it to close ? Was it painful to have BM with it ?
So you see my friend, I am still not out of the woods either : (. Fissure pain is gone but this bulbous thing is painful and drains discharge that causes irritation of the whole area - burning feeling. It helps when I use chamomile and oak tincture compresses, but I can't live with that between my cheeks for the rest of my life : (.
How are you doing Juney ? I hope that at least you see some progress ...
Thank you so much again and I am looking forward to hear from you again : ).
I am having app. with another CRS so it would be god if I have all info and can fight for my case.
All the best XOXO !!!!
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Re: Q for Juney

Postby juney » 02 Jan 2008, 16:54

i'm doing better i think. Milk of Magnesia is my saving grace. i have been taking 2 tablespoons every night for about a month now and it makes things so soft for my morning bm. i have no pain during the day anymore, which is a relief after a year and a half!! i'm scared to stop using it, but i'll try to taper off in the next few months...
as for removing the skin tag, mine wasn't complicated like yours so i'm not sure. it seems like you may have more of a problem than a simple skin tag. my tag was just a painless piece of skin that swelled a little and caused extra irritation after bm. i would definitely let things "calm down" in that area before you try to have someone remove the tag. as annoying as that may sound, it's all you can do after your surgery. let your fissure heal up completely and your body recover from surgery, and then i'm sure you can find a dr who will remove a skin tag for aesthetic reasons. a lot of dr's won't even remove a skin tag during LIS because they don't want to compromise the fissure's actual healing.
your skin tag sounds different though, as far as the discharge and burning. it will definitely be good to have your dr check it out and measure your surgery-recovery progress that way....
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Re: Q for Juney

Postby Fissulyna » 02 Jan 2008, 17:43

Thanks Juney for fast reply ! I am glad to hear that you ere finally pain free : ).
Definitely stay on MOM couple of more months to get chance your fissure to close.
(Sigh...), yes , my "skin tag" is not simple one- that is why I want it removed - it is not big but it is bothering me BIG TIME. I am impatient, yes, just want to heal all that needs to be healed at the same time and not to prolong unnecessary discomfort. If it was just a plane 'oll skin tag, I wouldn't even touch it. I hate having something that is inflamed and oozing and possibly can become infected down there : (.
My husband finally got hold of my CRS and he said that he performed fisurectomy too #$^^&*^&^%$#@!!!!!! And he never found it as appropriate to informe me about that ????? !!!!!! I am now suspecting that this skin tag is result of cutting into the fissure itself and not thrombosed hemorrhoid (grrrrrrrrrr......). I am REALLY, really pissed off right now !!!!!
Why the heck would he do that - my fiss. was only 5 months old and was healed 2 weeks and than opened - there was no chance in this world for it to form any scar tissue !!!!!!! Image
They are all crazy - don't know what to say...... I am speechless .... Image
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Re: Q for Juney

Postby buttgirl » 02 Jan 2008, 18:01

Gosh Fiss. That sounds horrible. Why would he do that without warning you.
It is incredibly unnerving that a good dr is so hard to find. I certainly have not come across one who is even competent in dealing with this issue.
Is the skin tag directly below the fissure? If not it may very well be a hemmie. If so, I'd be even more POed.
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Re: Q for Juney

Postby juney » 02 Jan 2008, 18:42

i can't believe they did a fissurectomy and didn't tell you! if he had gone in there and found it necessary to do that during surgery, he should have at least told you or your husband afterwards! that's ridiculous..
after my first LIS the stupid nurse in the recovery room told me he'd done LIS and fissurectomy. not until my follow-up appt 2 weeks later did i find out that he had NOT done a fissurectomy. sometimes it amazes me that anything gets accomplished in hospitals, so many people seem SO incompetenet there!!!
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Re: Q for Juney

Postby Fissulyna » 02 Jan 2008, 19:18

You see !!!! Isn't that amazing how entitled they feel to do whatever they feel doing ?!? And I was wondering whole this time why is that skin tag slow to heal ??? I made app. with him next week to talk face to face - I will not let this go just like that @ : [ ] !!!!
I am also going tomorrow for second opinion to another CRS that was trying to heal me with creams. She was great person all over, but is one hour drive from me and I wanted to be close home after procedure. The one who did my LIS was voted best CRS in this area by his pears in local magazine - so go figure ! I think
his ego must be HUGE so we the "little" people do not count much any more : (.
He can cut and snip any way he pleases ...
Just unbelievable :pale:
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