My situation...

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Re: My situation...

Postby Fissulyna » 16 Jan 2008, 22:12

It is amazing that in for the past 30 years they didn't come up with better options - except now with Botox tries - and I mean TRAILS ! They still don't have universal protocol for administering the drug - neither for placement of needles nor the percentile of toxin that is needed. That was the reason I skipped the Botox since I didn't want to be a hamster.
Even my husband who is an engineer is flabbergasted with lack of treatments for such a basic injury - they are growing new organs for Gods sake in petrie dishes and cloning left and right and have no idea how to close a wound - come ooooon !!!! If fibro-glue can close huge tissue gap , can't it close fissure too ?? Yes, as Chris said , it would require IV feeding for 2-3 days and what is a big deal about that ???? Skin grafting too ! No, it is just that nobody is taking this pain seriously and insurances just don't want to pay for more sophisticated procedures - period . As I said - can't believe that NOBODY of famous people ever had fissure or hemorrhoid problem - sure ; ) !!! And i don't see anybody missing a photo shoot or campaign run for that either ! It is just that we the "plain people" and the "rich" live in parallel worlds and it sucks a big deal ! Even if I had a huge amount of money I wouldn't know where to go : (((. Unfortunately top doctors and top procedures are out of our reach ...
Sorry for such a Looooooooooong runt , I think I broke the record Image
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Re: My situation...

Postby Deleted User 5 » 17 Jan 2008, 13:32

I think much of the problem is simply that as a non-life-threatening condition, fissures simply aren't given any real research money.
Yes, we have grown organs in petri dishes and sent probes to the outer reaches of our solar system, but there are still many (especially medical) issues that confound us. Fissures do indeed have a cure, unlike the common cold. It is successful about 97% of the time, too. But there are risks. So surgeons try to get the fissure to heal on it's own, a good precaution.
If there are alternative treatments available to rock stars and politicians, what is it?
None of this is any comfort to an AF sufferer. What really bugs me is the lack of training most common GPs have regarding AF...
Deleted User 5

Re: My situation...

Postby buttgirl » 17 Jan 2008, 14:05

True it is not life-threaening, but it is life-affecting I think we should start a "Quality of Life Foundation" that supports drs doing research into cures for life-affecting illnesses. My lilfe has certainly changed drastically since this things came along...
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Re: My situation...

Postby Deleted User 5 » 17 Jan 2008, 14:10

Agreed, 100%! It came close to ruining my life!
But to get any doctor's attention, that foundation is going to have to be quite well-funded!
Deleted User 5

Re: My situation...

Postby juney » 17 Jan 2008, 15:15

i don't trust any success statistics on LIS. I've had TWO of those surgeries and neither did me any good at all. So hearing someone quote statistics really makes my blood boil. it's not so cut and dry for a lot of people, and it's definitely not a "cure", kim. you're so lucky it was for you, and others who only have spasms. but there are a lot of people who haven't been helped by LIS. "cure" is too strong a word to use for something that doesn't work all the time.
personally, i do feel like this has been life-threatening...if only in the sense that over the course of the past year and a half i have considered ending my own life numerous times, as the only way out of this indescribable hell. not so much anymore, but there are still bad days.
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Re: My situation...

Postby Fissulyna » 17 Jan 2008, 22:36

Dera Juney : ( it brakes my heart when I hear how much you still suffer - I know the feeling , believe me : (((. Many times I was crying and sobbing words : " I don't want to live like this" : (( And you have this for such a long time - just not fair :( !!! I am sure dear Juney that your doctor didn't do correct cut - maybe because he/she is just general surgeon and not CRS. You remember that I told you about studies of " unsuccessful LIS" - that they always found that procedure was not done properly , that they cut wrong muscle or not on the right place Image . I really hope that your visit to CRS will bring more insight into your situation and don't forget about skin grafting - if new CRS does not do it - find one that does !
Treatment trends in anal fissures
Hope you will find more info on this link.
KIM - all of the technology already exist ( lasers, skin grafting techniques, fibro glues, IV feeding etc. and there will not be shortage of volunteers, I am sure Image ), so no major funding is necessary , just commitment and brain power !!!!)
There are MANY not life threatening conditions that have major research and funding going on like _ ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION Image for example ! So, that is not the reason either .... Image
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Re: My situation...

Postby juney » 18 Jan 2008, 00:03

thanks fiss, i'll read that article asap. there has got to be a reason the LIS surgeries didn't help me. i've been doing okay this week on the MOM so i'm hesitant to make another appt. i'll see how it goes for the next few weeks.
and by the way, i laughed out loud at your refernce to erectile dysfunction. there is SO MUCH research and medication dedicated to that...and from my understanding it's not even painful?! if they dedicated half as much time to fissures.... haha
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Re: My situation...

Postby Guest » 18 Jan 2008, 09:48

Hey Y'all!
Just wanted to tag on a welcome to the new boardie here. I am sure you have found a lot of great info here. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns and I will be happy to help.

I have seen quite a few CRSs in the Atlanta area and just had anorectal surgery at Gwinnet MC last week.

It sounds like you are doing all of the right things here to get better.

I know how you feel Juney. It is life-threatening at least it was for me. I thought there is no way I can keep living like this and if this was it then I might as well die. But like I have said before. What if I died and then the next day would have been the turning point.

I really think they need to develop a female version of viagra. My doctor (who is a woman) has said that viagra has ruined a lot of women's lives who were just fine not having sex all of the time. If someone can go on tv and say I have ED why not AF or hemmies?

Re: My situation...

Postby Fissulyna » 18 Jan 2008, 17:01

Yes, kidding on the side- there was a study that showed increased divorce rate in older couples because of Viagra - not only older guys were annoying to their wifes but they started cheating and goofing around with "new found youth" - just pitiful ....Nature has a reason why she made it that way, same applies for female fertility going down with age and it makes me sad and angry when I see women going for artificial insemination at age over 50 - how selfish and stupid ???? Their collage graduate is going to push them in wheelchair to the ceremony - if they even live to be 70 ?!?!!!!
Crazy, crazy world in which we live .... (sigh)
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