Lump near/at skin tag removal site

Lump near/at skin tag removal site 2.5 weeks post op

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Lump near/at skin tag removal site

Postby yummybummy » 10 Jun 2015, 08:49

Hi Everyone,
I had an anal skin tag removed 2.5 weeks ago with a CRS. (Will be 3 weeks this Friday.) It was only a tag, no fissure, no hemorrhoids. He injected some numbing agent and then cut it off, gave me one or two stitches. I had it removed for cosmetic and hygiene reasons and the CRS didn't really go into much detail as far as what I should expect with healing other than that it'd be sore for 7-10 days, stitches will dissolve, etc. The recovery was mostly fine and I dealt with the pain with Advil, nothing excruciating. But here is my problem: right at the site of incision, or right next to it, I have a lump, maybe the size of a pea or slightly smaller. It's almost as if my skin tag is still there except for being totally fleshy it's somewhat firm like a lump. It was much bigger at first and did shrink, but now seems to be in limbo as if it's here to stay. I am panicking that I went through the ordeal and expense of having the tag removed only to have another form in its place. I still see the stitch; it basically borders this lump and I almost have to move the lump over with my finger to see it.

Anyone else have this experience? What can I expect? Will it go away?

edited to add: it doesn't hurt per se but definitely still sensitive to the touch. Though less and less so each day. That said I suppose it's still healing and potentially can expect some swelling as a result. Just wondering if I can expect this thing to totally disappear or if I am going to be left with something.

background: the tag I had removed was the result of an external hemorrhoid while pregnant with my now 8 year old daughter. I don't have any issue with fissures or hems in general and just wanted the tag gone for cosmetic and hygiene reasons. The CRS referred to it as "small" but it sure as heck didn't seem small to me! I am a 37 year old healthy female.

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Re: Lump near/at skin tag removal site

Postby yummybummy » 18 Jun 2015, 08:12

Well, I am now almost 4 weeks post op and the lump has definitely diminished in size, but is still there. I've been putting vit E on it as well as a scar healing treatment (like Mederma, but not that brand.) My stitches haven't fully dissolved yet and am hoping that once they do the lump will shrink further.
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Re: Lump near/at skin tag removal site

Postby msimon » 19 Jun 2015, 17:35

Glad to hear it's getting better for you. Strange your stitches haven't dissolved yet. Perhaps some of the swelling is due to those. I think I had a reaction to stitches and that they caused a lot of my swelling.
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Re: Lump near/at skin tag removal site

Postby lumpybum » 27 Apr 2016, 15:42

Hi Yummybummy,

Can I ask how if this resolved itself? Because I am going through the same thing. It's now 5 weeks since my op and I have a hard lump at the removal site. I am wondering/ hoping it will eventually go completely but a bit worried as it doesn't seem to have changed size for a few days now.
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Re: Lump near/at skin tag removal site

Postby mary25 » 02 Jul 2017, 15:24

Hi there! Had my surgery Tuesday (it's now Sunday) and have the bump as well, hoping it will go away. Now that you're a few months out, did it shrink? Calling doc tomorrow.
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