as my username says: another sufferer

Anal fissure

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as my username says: another sufferer

Postby anothersufferer » 16 Sep 2014, 09:26

On searching all the websites, I recently found Dr Feingold and his relatively new treatment for anal fissure. All that I am reading and hearing sounds so positive. As all sufferers know, we are looking to be made well again.

I am an older female - young at heart, just old in body. My history. Long time chronic anal fissure sufferer. Have tried all lotions, potions, numbing agents to no avail. Early days some of the creams did help for a while, but fissure always returned and always a little worse than the last time.

I have had four Botox treatments in the last 5 years. Three were successful, and by that meaning they helped for a while, but fissure usually returned within about 6 months, usually starting up for several days, and then a few days remission until it would return and snot to go away. The last Botox on June 18 was without any healing affect at all, and in fact sent me to new pain levels way beyond belief. :gah: I know only too well about the dreadful pain and spasms lasting from 8 to 14 hours, so when I say much worse, I mean taking me to the blackest of black thoughts. When at its worst, I couldn't even pass urine although the spasms seemed to stimulate bladder making me want to go.

My colorectal surgeon will not consider LIS and is only recommending pain management. Does anyone know of any pain medication that helps and does not make you constipated?? I had MRI that shows no other problems in that area. My GP is trying to help by giving me amitriptyline another non constipating medicines, but so far I haven't found anything that really takes the pain away. So I search and search trying to find answers.

As I am based in the UK, I have twofold problem. I am presently trying to find out from the International Services division at Dr Feingold's facility the cost of treatment as I would have to self-fund. I do not have medical insurance. Then of course, I have the problem of having to get to New York. As you will all know, trying to do anything normal is so difficult let alone long distance travel. However, in saying all that, I am desperate to get treatment and something to help so I can start to enjoy life again.

My husband is a gem, taking care of all the things I cannot when I am in the throes of pain. He doesn't suffer the pain but does suffer alongside me because all the things we cannot do together.

Thanks for listening .. I would welcome any comments :afsmile:
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Re: as my username says: another sufferer

Postby Ever the Optimist » 16 Sep 2014, 14:04

Oh Anothersufferer, to be suffering for so long is just heart-breaking and so exhausting. It sounds like you have exhausted most options and I'm sure you've tried the heat applications and the hot baths, the Recto, the Diltiazem too - Is there any way you can see another CRS or is there some particular reason that they are not considering LIS for you?
I'm also in the UK and so many people here highly recommend Mr Windsor in London (Harley street) - Please jump in someone else if I've got this wrong!......I was treated at the University hospital (Coventry & Warwick) and they were actually pretty good, offering me LIS as the final option.
The only thing that offered me the greatest relief in my most desperate times was Diazepam (Valium) but it's not prescribed lightly as it can be addictive. It seemed to be the most magical relief for me, removing anxiety and providing a good few hours of relief - it just sounds like you so need a break from it all.....
What wonderful support you have! A man like yours is one to be cherished.....
I so hope you are able to find your way through this and find someone that can help you through it soon....In the meantime, don't hesitate to come back for all the support you need to help you through....
Sending you a big........... :smilyhug:
Chronic Fissure diagnosed December 2011
Healed by Diltiazem around Feb 2013
Anal Fistula followed burst abscess in June 2012
2 internal troublesome piles remain & suspected, but undiagnosed, ongoing Levator Ani type symptoms & flare-ups
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Re: as my username says: another sufferer

Postby anothersufferer » 16 Sep 2014, 15:21

Thank you for your response Ever the Optimist. Did try Valium .. Didn't help. GP feels there should be more help so has referred me to St Marks London, appointment is November 12 and on pain filled days that seems like forever. Only pain free days are those when brain overrules bum and I don't go. Although recently treated at Addenbrooke's, which a little closer to my location, I had previously been seen at St Marks and realise this is a good hospital. I will look up Mr Windsor to see what he is offering these days for this problem. The hug is warmly received.
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Re: as my username says: another sufferer

Postby Savaici » 16 Sep 2014, 18:39

Welcome to the forum, another sufferer! Glad you found us though sorry you have to be here.

Two of our members who healed with the help of Mr. Windsor are PinPin and Davo.

This is the link for Davo, and its worth a read: my-lis-diary-march-2012-fully-healed-in-4-weeks-t4589.html?hilit=Davo

One of our Moderstors, OMB, also saw Mr. W, but she is still not feeling so well. I will look up Dr. Feingold as have not heard of him.

I am English too, but I live in the US.
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Re: as my username says: another sufferer

Postby Ever the Optimist » 17 Sep 2014, 01:41

St Marks also comes highly recommended! My sister-in-law suffers ulcerative colitis and has been under their treatment for years with a whole host of issues. I will see if I can find out the name of her consultant for you x
Chronic Fissure diagnosed December 2011
Healed by Diltiazem around Feb 2013
Anal Fistula followed burst abscess in June 2012
2 internal troublesome piles remain & suspected, but undiagnosed, ongoing Levator Ani type symptoms & flare-ups
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Re: as my username says: another sufferer

Postby anothersufferer » 17 Sep 2014, 02:58

Thank you again Ever the Optimist, glad I found this site. Already had helpful suggestions as well as finding people who understand and care. My friends do care too, but because this complaint is alien to them, and outwardly I look okay, it is difficult for them to know just how debilitating it is, or the level of pain and misery we suffer. I have a friend who has just had gall bladder and stones removed, suffered much pain prior to surgery, and pleased to say now doing well .. But have to admit how I envy someone who has a problem that can be operated on and problem is solved.
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Re: as my username says: another sufferer

Postby Apes » 17 Sep 2014, 05:24

Your story brought me back to my dark days. I can tell you from experience that this forum alone will bring you some relief. My wife was great through my fissure but could never truly understand the pain.
I don't think just trying to manage the pain is the answer. like others have said you need to seek out another CRS and get other treatment. Why is surgery out of question? I wish you the best. With time a little help and this forum i think you can get through this and healed.
Fissure 2/13/14 from Colonoscopy
Nitro no help
Nifedipine no help
Botox 5/5/2014 work in progress
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Re: as my username says: another sufferer

Postby anothersufferer » 17 Sep 2014, 12:11

Hello Apes .. thank you for your response. Neither can I accept that pain management is the answer, although my GP is truly trying to help with trying different things latest is something called Buscopan, an antispasmodic. Always hoping something will help. Just about to try that. Also GP agrees pain management is not answer so has referred me to a different colorectal person at St. Marks, London .. just a long way from home ..easier by train, but don't know whether I could tackle train, even riding in a car is miserable. Not every day is a bad day .. today was okay because no BM. Yesterday ... the pits. Was just a cold pain filled human .. for some reason, and it might sound strange, but when pain is bad I feel so cold. Reason last colorectal surgeon would not do sphincterotomy is because I am female and "older" and said it would "bring about its own set of problem". Although a colorectal surgeon, I really didn't feel he understood the levels of pain this causes because at one point, I told him that I would rather deal with a colostomy than the pain. I know that sounds very drastic but those of you who have been there would know. Loving this site ...
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Re: as my username says: another sufferer

Postby mmklinemm » 17 Sep 2014, 13:38

anothersufferer - I can relate to so much in your last post. During my worst days, I'd have gladly traded my fissure for a colostomy bag. Does heat help your fissure feel better at all? I live in the US and had to fly cross-country when my fissure was new. I bought some air-activated hand warmers, called Hot Hands, to take with me. As soon as I boarded the plane, I opened one and sat on it the whole way. It stayed hot the entire time and allowed me to suffer through the flight. Maybe you could get something like that for your trip.
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Re: as my username says: another sufferer

Postby anothersufferer » 17 Sep 2014, 14:33

Thanking you mmklinemm, it is good to know I'm not alone in my thinking. Pain makes us think awful thoughts. Thank you for the keeping the area warm tip, might have to try that.
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