New, unsure, and scared.

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New, unsure, and scared.

Postby Mae » 01 Dec 2014, 21:50

Okay so. THIS is a forum I thought I'd never have to join! First of all let me offer my sympathies to you all. I am possibly in the same boat. (Dammit.)

If you're interested, here's my story:
I'm a 24 year old female. I've never really been constipated before in my entire life. Diarrhea yes, but never constipated. Sometimes my stools would be a little hard and feel weird coming out but it's never a feeling I'd call pain- just discomfort. Now, about two weeks ago I was shocked when I saw some blood in the toilet. I knew it wasn't time for my period yet. And I had been so engrossed in whatever I was reading on my phone that I hadn't even paid attention to whether or not this BM had been uncomfortable, haha. I just figured it was "vaginal spotting" because it was just about ovulation time. Especially since the next day my poop contained less blood, and the next day none at all. I did start paying attention after that though. Things pretty much went back to normal. Well, until about 5 days ago. My stools got hard again. I chalked it up to not having been at work for a few days (cuz when I'm at work is the only time I really remember to properly hydrate). I decided not to worry about it. Cuz hey, no blood right? The next day, oddly enough, I had diarrhea. And then.... three and a half days of nothing. Well, practically nothing. A couple of those really hard pebble turds. Still no blood. I was super stressed because it was the weekend after Thanksgiving so I had to work double shifts three days in a row. I was drinking water like crazy, hoping that'd soften everything up so I could go. And it worked. But as the last piece came shooting out, I felt like my anus was being sliced open. I got up to look and sure enough the last piece had a smear of blood on it. But it looked fairly soft! The last piece, at least. It came out really fast too. Maybe one of the earlier pieces opened up the wound and I just didn't feel it immediately?
Well naturally I started crying and stressing even more. It doesn't help that my period starts in a few days!! Not only does that mean my emotions are out of control right now, it also means that in a few days if I see blood I won't necessarily know which hole it came out of!

I read that taking a warm bath helps so I did that. I felt no pain for the rest of the day. I guess it only happens while I'm pooping. I feel kinda gassy right now but I can't seem to go because I think the fear of pain is holding it back. I keep trying to relax but it doesn't work. It's psychological.

I don't have a primary care physician (haven't been to the dr in awhile) and I'm wondering... for something like an anal fissure/hemorrhoids should I go to a regular doctor first or go straight to a specialist? I know people recommend going to your regular doctor first but that's probably just because most people can get an appointment with their family dr sooner right? But I just don't wanna go to a new dr only to get referred to a specialist!
How do they diagnose it? Do they have to do any tests? I'm terrified of getting exams, let alone having someone poke around in there! Does the exam hurt??
What's the best stool softener? We have Senokot at home but I'm scared to try it. Does it really soften it or just make you go more often? Cuz I've actually been going fairly regularly with the exception of this weekend.

Also what are spasms? I don't think I'm having any spasms. Is that what I have to look forward to?
Btw I generally don't strain. I would describe it as waiting. Yes, I have historically had to sit on the toilet for about 5 minutes before going, but I never forced it. It just took awhile to get going.

Can they get infected? Are there any drugs that can help them heal? Or make them worse? (I've been taking a lot of Aleve and B vitamins lately for my carpal tunnel)
The only thing that gives me hope is... there hadn't been any blood for awhile, including the really hard stool previous to this one. So it was probably healing on its own but then the pressure from the three-day constipation reopened it.
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Re: New, unsure, and scared.

Postby Scientist2516 » 02 Dec 2014, 10:22

Hi Mae,
It's pretty normal to have the occasional bit of blood in your stool. A full-blown fissure is a cut that doesn't heal, for whatever reason. If you had that, your BMs would all be painful (but not necessarily bloody), and you would probably get a lot of pain for a long time after each defecation.
A likely cause of blood is enlarged internal hemmorrhoids. So be very careful with your diet and hydration. It's great that you don't strain, but you also don't want to sit for too long. Why not try the senokot? Take just a little and see what happens. Also read other people's posts to find out what stool softeners work well. Lots of people here use Miralax.
Since you have seen blood, it's worth seeing a doctor, to rule out colon cancer (don't be scared, I doubt you have it, but you should be checked anyway).
Good luck and let us know how you get on!
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Re: New, unsure, and scared.

Postby Mae » 02 Dec 2014, 10:43

Hemorrhoids, great. My mom had those. I spent most of my life growing up thinking they were some kind of blister (like dry skin) or something. Then I found out they were veins and got really grossed out! Is there a way to get them to go back to normal or am I stuck with them forever? How did I get them?

I found a primary care doctor online who gets really good reviews so I'm gonna make an appointment to see her hopefully this week.

The reason I'm terrified of going to the doctor is because my mom died a few years ago from pancreatic cancer. I've been somewhat of a hypochondriac ever since. But instead of being the type who's constantly in the doctor's office, I'm the type who just worries and worries and avoids getting stuff checked out at all costs. :(
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Re: New, unsure, and scared.

Postby Mae » 02 Dec 2014, 10:48

Also, you said internal hemorrhoids. Aren't those usually painless? Then why did my last BM come out with a sharp pain (like I was getting a papercut)?
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Re: New, unsure, and scared.

Postby Scientist2516 » 02 Dec 2014, 12:48

Yes, the internal hems are usually painless. You may have got a cut, and it may have healed. I think most people experience that at some point in their lives. The fissures that don't heal are for various reasons, including high anal resting pressure, which squeezes the muscle, keeping blood out and stressing it. If you have low/normal ARP, chances are any anal cuts will heal naturally and quickly.
Are you still having pain on defecation? Are you sore afterwards? Does it feel like passing broken glass or gravel?

Everyone has hemmorrhoids - they are part of the anus. They can get swollen, enlarged and prolapsed, and that's when you have problems. I've heard that sitting on the toilet a long time can cause problems, but don't really know if that's an old wives tale. The thing to do is keep your stools soft and try to get off the toilet quickly but without straining. Hopefully they will reduce by themselves.

I'm so sorry about your mother. That is really sad. But please do look after yourself.
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Re: New, unsure, and scared.

Postby Mae » 02 Dec 2014, 14:37

Thank you. I need to get over my fears because I know she wouldn't want me to live like this-- always assuming the worst everytime I feel slightly off. Worrying about money problems and my carpal tunnel syndrome is probably what's causing the constipation, eczema flare-ups, and now canker sores on my gums. I need to calm the eff down, because I'm ruining my body, but how can you force yourself to calm down?

As for if I'm still having pain, I don't know, because I haven't gone again since then. That was yesterday afternoon and I haven't eaten much since then so we'll see. If I don't go by tonight I might take half a dose of Senokot.
As for if I'm sore afterwards, no. The pain only lasted a second and was during the end of my defecation. I have felt a feeling of pressure all day though. I either have more to defecate or it's gas, I don't know. But it has been constant.

I made a doctor's appointment for next week but they were so booked they could only get me to see a PA.
● Fissure first appeared Nov '14
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Re: New, unsure, and scared.

Postby Mae » 02 Dec 2014, 19:04

UPDATE: All the water I've been drinking and veggies I've been eating paid off! :poop:

No pain or blood this time!

I don't wanna get *too* excited though, cuz this happened before. I'd have a few normal BMs and then a few days later bam! Back to the way it was before.

Is it possible to have a cut that heals in one day? Or at least partially?

Or does *occasional* bleeding mean it's hemorrhoids rather than a fissure?
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Re: New, unsure, and scared.

Postby Scientist2516 » 03 Dec 2014, 15:19

Fissures can bleed or not bleed. Hemmies the same. I don't think you can read much into blood. It's scary, and if it happens a lot, that's a sign that something is not right, but it's not really diagnostic.
So glad you had a pain free BM. That's great.
Hopefully you'll get some answers and a diagnosis next week - let us know!
Nifedipine/lidocaine, no help
Diltiazem, effective, but caused major rash
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Re: New, unsure, and scared.

Postby Mae » 04 Dec 2014, 14:50

I actually might want to reschedule because I just realized that I'm still gonna be on my period by then. But I don't know, we'll see...

I had another pain- and blood- free one today. Considering that I'm still slightly constipated, that's a victory in itself, haha. I have, however, been having a (nearly) constant feeling of slight pressure around the anus. It doesn't really hurt, but it feels kinda like I have to pass gas but I don't. I start my period tomorrow, so I was wondering if maybe it could be a type of PMS. Or maybe it's the fissure healing?

Come to think of it, I've had extremely painful periods my entire life. Nausea, chills, and almost like hot flashes. Had to stay home from school and work a lot. I got checked out for endometriosis when I was a teenager but they said I was fine.

But I can't help but wonder if maybe there's a connection. Considering that the first time I noticed blood in my stool was around ovulation day, and now I'm having this feeling of pressure and it's nearly menstruation time.
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Re: New, unsure, and scared.

Postby msimon » 04 Dec 2014, 19:08

Just wanted to chime in that internal hemorrhoids can hurt if they prolapse. That is when they get stuck outside and the pressure of the sphincter on them causes pain and spasm.
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