dating today...LIS surgery tomorrow, :)

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dating today...LIS surgery tomorrow, :)

Postby Guest » 20 Feb 2008, 19:27

Well, surgery is actually on Friday at 9:30am but thought the topic for the thread sounded cute.
To answer some questions: Yes, I did have a quasi date today. Kinda casually seeing this man and the date went really well. Had a hour long drive up to his town and was in a bit of pain in the car ride but otherwise felt really good. The immodium I took helped with the diarrhea and I was able to have a stress free day. Ate notmal ppl food, did normal ppl things, wink wink:) And everything felt fine:) However, I need the srugery and I'm doing it on Friday before I chicken out and end up in pain for another few months. I'll keep you posted in this forum. I'm not nervous. Crazy right? Maybe I will be tomorrow night, but I just want to feel good again and I'm putting all my faith into the success of this surgery.
I just want to say that this support group is the best thing in my life right now and I am so grateful to have found it. You ppl are soo amazing. I don't know how you do it. I wake up everyday excited to read the new posts and I feel such a strong connection and honest love and support from everyone. Thank you soo very much.
Off to bed! Have a good one

Re: dating today...LIS surgery tomorrow, :)

Postby Fissulyna » 20 Feb 2008, 21:59

Dear Erin - I wished you luck on your previous thread, but "extra luck" can't do any harm Image !!! We will all be thinking of you and praying on Friday Image, you can be sure of that !!!
May your surgery be complete success and may it bring you swift healing and freedom from pain Image !!!
No reason to be scared : ), you will be out of the surgery before you know it !!! I see that you are born in the year of the Ret - it is just starting and I am sure that it will bring you extra good "vibes" ; ))) !!!
I can only imagine how much fun you will have once pain cases ; ) when even with all those troubles you can "chase" a fireman Image Image
Keep us posted !!!
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Re: dating today...LIS surgery tomorrow, :)

Postby Guest » 20 Feb 2008, 23:46

Best of luck, Erin. Hope everything goes really well for you.
Will keep you in my thoughts & prayers.

Re: dating today...LIS surgery tomorrow, :)

Postby motherluch » 21 Feb 2008, 06:59

Good luck Erin...with your positive attitude and your great relationship and trust in your Dr., you should do just fine!!
Keep us posted!
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Re: dating today...LIS surgery tomorrow, :)

Postby Guest » 21 Feb 2008, 10:17

Wow-you are such a mover and a shaker! I know when I finally decide to do something I just want it done! I am glad you were able to schedule your surgery quickly. You are going to do great!!!

Do you have family out there who can see to you? Do you think you'll see the fireman again? Is he a good kisser? Image

I am proud of how you are handling everything. You have the best attitude-I could learn a lot from you. We are glad to have you here!

I've been praying for you!

Re: dating today...LIS surgery tomorrow, :)

Postby juney » 21 Feb 2008, 10:34

you do have such a good attitude erin! i'm so impressed you're managing to handle the dating scene right now, that says a lot about your ability to deal with this awful problem. now make him drive down to see you next time! Image

GOOD LUCK w/ the surgery! i'm sure things will go fine for you. the surgeries themselves aren't really a "big" deal, especially if you're under GA. it's the recovery that invovles a lot of patience and possibly some frustration...but don't give up!

and remember we're always here for each other! Image
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Re: dating today...LIS surgery tomorrow, :)

Postby Guest » 21 Feb 2008, 14:36

Good luck Erin! I didn't realise your surgery was coming up so quickly.
You're great to have around with your positivity :)
Looke forward to hearing how it all went

Re: dating today...LIS surgery tomorrow, :)

Postby Guest » 21 Feb 2008, 15:25

Thanks for all the kind words. Got a lil scare today when my CRS's secretary called and asked if I had had any pre-surgical testing done. I told them no. Funny thing is that for my last surgery the Dr said i didn't need any b/c I was a young healthy woman. Anyways, I tell the assistant this and she says ok ok i'm sure it wont be a problem, just show up tomorrow and the Dr will work it out. Ahhh, I hope this doesn't postpone or interfere with anything. As a nurse it was a lil strange to me that I didn't need any bloodwork b4 the last surgery. Guess I should have asked this time so that I didn't get a call the day b4! Hmmm
Oh and he wasn't a bad kisser, nothing special though hehe

Re: dating today...LIS surgery tomorrow, :)

Postby Fissulyna » 21 Feb 2008, 15:49

Don't worry Erin, they did not do any tests for me either, although I am not so young any more nor completely healthy LOL !!! What they worry the most about is diabetes and allergies. Since you had no problems during your first surgery they really have no reason to postpone it now.
I am sure all will go smoothly tomorrow !!! : )
Regarding kissing - what is up with guys nowadays ??? My older daughter says that it is soooooo hard to find a god kisser !!! When I was dating all boys were great kissers , maybe because that was the most they could "work with", hahahaha !!! I don't know, just feel sorry for my girls and am laughing my sox off when my older describes "the techniques", LOL, and I wondered before why she dumped guys after only one date - now I know LOL !!!
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Re: dating today...LIS surgery tomorrow, :)

Postby Guest » 21 Feb 2008, 19:20

Good Luck Erin. You go girl. I hope this helps you so you can get on with your life. I will be thinking of you. XOXOXO....

Take care,

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