AF repair and sphincterotomy

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AF repair and sphincterotomy

Postby Payne » 04 Mar 2016, 00:02

Hi, I'm new here and am so glad that I stumbled upon this forum. I've rectently had a fissurectomy and a sphincterotomy. Tomorrow I'll be two weeks post op. Today I'm 6 weeks postpartum. I'm still experiencing a lot of pain from my surgery, but fortunately I feel like I have finally got my BMs under control... Multiple stool softeners, miralax, and a fiber supplement later! I'm only thirty and while I realize that age doesn't make a different when it comes to health problems, I feel too young to be wrestling with this. I've always had problems with constipation and developed hemorrhoids with my first pregnancy back in '06. Unfortunately with each pregnancy they have gotten worse and I've even experienced them between pregnancies. This last pregnancy I began having multiple thrombosed hemorrhoids, some of the worse pain I've ever experienced. Then the middle of January I finally had my sweet baby. I was so happy that my recovery could finally start. I was so looking forward to a life of no more thrombosed hemorrhoids! Unfortunately, I didn't get off that easy. I had developed a chronic fissure that was progr swivels getting worse despite medical intervention. Two weeks ago the performed a fissurectomy and a sphincterotomy. Once again I just knew I was on the way to recovery. Maybe I'm an impatient person, but I don't feel like I'm recovering very well. As a nurse I'm required to be on my feet at least 12 hrs a day and I have to be able to move hundreds of pounds, normally on my own. I also have a 2 year old and I can no longer pick him up, I can't do nearly the things I used to be able to do. As an young, independent, active person, I hate having restrictions. im still taking narcotic meds for pain control along with ibuprofen, which is wonderful, and Ativan at times. It was prescribed to relax the sphincter muscle. Taking the pain meds means I can't drive, I'm not driving with a natcotic in my system especially with my children in the vehicle. I feel so dependent on my family and husband and I hate it. I feel as though my quality of life is below what it should be. I can't move without pain, I can't have sex, and I can't work, can't even go to the restroom without a time consuming process. I'm not trying to give a sob story, but I would love with some advice if you been in any similar situation. I honestly felt like I was the only person dealing with anything like this until I ran across this forum. Has anyone dealt with depression with dealing with an AF, hemerrhoids, fissurectomy, or sphincterotomy? I'm sure being postpartum doesn't help in the emotional department. I do talk with my husband some about these things, but I don't want to gross him out and I hate discussing BMs and sphincters and feces/drainage with him. I do want to have sex with the man again so I don't want that to be all he sees when he looks at my butt! Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
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Re: AF repair and sphincterotomy

Postby Canadabum » 08 Mar 2016, 17:31

Payne -- first of all congrats on your new little one....I hope each day is a bit easier than the one before.

The whole fissure experience is a pain...physically and emotionally. Its great that you have figured out to keep your BMs soft...this will help with the healing for sure. Other things you can do for yourself include applying heat to the area (warm baths, sitz baths, heating pad) to help stimulate blood flow to the area and help with the healing.

As for the emotional/mental aspect -- it is as tough (I have found) as the physical. The experience of dealing with the fissure, hemmie etc is so mentally draining and it is compounded by the fact that we have a tough time talking about it. Yes...many feel quite depressed about this situation as it often feels a bit hopeless and out of your control...not a good recipe for making one feel good.

What helped me was actively trying to take it one day at a time, one moment at a time and not to catastrophise (is that a word?) my situation. Sometimes harder to do than others. Speaking with my family was extremely helpful -- and coming to this forum for feedback also a tremendous help. One more thing i did that helped -- I kept a pain/food diary that i also logged my progress or lack of progress -- that allowed me a chance to vent with a pen and also track what was working.

Know that there are literally millions of people out there that are afflicted all around the world...just happens that most are silent about are definitely not alone!!

Wishing you continued healing,
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Re: AF repair and sphincterotomy

Postby Payne » 10 Mar 2016, 02:27

Thank you for the reply. It does help to have family support for sure. I haven't thought about keeping a written log. I will have to try that. I've always been a fan of a hot bath and Epsom salts. While dealing with this they have become my new best friend!
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