Newbie: Afraid but Optimistic

Description of What I'm Feeling, and some questions

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Newbie: Afraid but Optimistic

Postby Happykermit » 21 May 2016, 02:54

Hi everyone.
I'm new. I've had this fissure for a month now, Before, it was just occassional pain and a smudge of blood on the stool, but in the past week, the bleeding has been really bad during defecation.
I consulted with a CRS three days ago. After sticking a finger up my butt, he asked me if I had googled my illness, to which I replied with a hesitant... yes? Anal fissure? He nodded and proceeded to prescribe psyllium fiber, Rowatanal cream and pain relievers. I asked him if I should continue sitz bath and using Virgin coconut oil. He agreed with the former but discouraged the latter. He advised me to eat lots of fiber, but didn't elaborate much what type of food to ingest.
I am getting a lot of good tips from this forum, and I am thankful to know there are a lot of people like me who are willing to provide support.
Can anybody confirm my hunch that my AF developed because I have general anxiety? I've been away from home for a year now, and the homesickness must have taken a toll down there. (I've been sexually active for 8+ years, the last A sex I had with my bf must have aggravated the tear, I didn't know I had one then). :x
Now, I get weak at the sight of blood. I'm working towards regulating my diet to pass soft stools, but I can't help but get nervous all the time. It's getting really depressing, but I am trying to be ok. :(
How long will the bleeding continue? You've all been taking Miralax, but I'm from the Philippines, and the med is not available here.

Honestly, I just need someone to say that it's going to be ok. I'm a scared frog.

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Re: Newbie: Afraid but Optimistic

Postby Canadabum » 21 May 2016, 19:40

Kermit - welcome to the forum.

First -- you WILL be ok. It takes time and effort but you will sort this out.

Miralax is a brand name - the substance is Polyethylene Glycol 3350 or PEG 3350. Try asking your pharmacist if they have anything like that or perhaps try and find on Amazon?

I agree that anxiety and stress in general can contribute to AFs. addition to dealing with the AF if you are able to deal with your stress it will be helpful.

I am not familiar with the cream you are using - is it a local name for nifedipine or dlitiazem? Also - many have difficulty adding psyllium in the early days of an AF because it bulks up your stool and make cause more trauma with the stool rubbing against the AF. In the early days it helps to stick with lots of soluble fibre...will not bulk you up as much. Make sure you drink lots of water and apply heat to the area.

All best - CB
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Re: Newbie: Afraid but Optimistic

Postby Happykermit » 21 May 2016, 20:03

Thank you for the comforting words Canadabum. I will hold on that thought that everything's going to be ok, and I am going to be ok.


I'll ask my CRS on my next consultation if he can recommend something similar to Miralax. We have an OTC laxative called Dulcolax, but I read that it shouldn't be used when one has rectal bleeding.

Rowatanal is a combination of Bismuth subgallate, menthol, zinc oxide and Calcium carbonate. Google says it's a common topical treatment for hemorrhoids & proctitis. I get palpitations and panic attacks when I use it though. It lasts for half and hour, but I can deal with it.

It doesn't hurt as much when I poop now, but I'm still afraid of the bright red blood that comes out. Isn't it dangerous if this continues? Will I get drained of blood? hahaha :p

Thanks for replying. I feel relieved I get to talk with someone about this. To others who have the same experience, I hope we get healed soon! Sending virtual hugs to everyone

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Re: Newbie: Afraid but Optimistic

Postby Canadabum » 22 May 2016, 07:32

If your bleeding is only related to your AF you should be able to use dulcolax - they don't want you to use it if you have a more serious underlying condition-- ask your Dr about that as well.
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Re: Newbie: Afraid but Optimistic

Postby Happykermit » 04 Jun 2016, 21:44

Hi Canadabum and the others following this thread. I'm happy to report that I've healed. Three days after using a rectal cream, changing my diet (more fruits and veggies, less rice and no meat), I stopped bleeding. I hope I don't get a retear. I am also loving my new semi-vegan lifestyle. I feel lighter too. It's a bit difficult to find really fresh veggies and fruits here in the city, but I am trying to stay committed.

Here are some tips:

Instead of pumping my butt with Virgin coconut oil, I just put a few drops a couple of hours after using Rowatanal cream (a cream for hemorrhoids that was recommended by the doctor - I guess it worked for my AF, too). The VCO kept me lubed.

I didn't go all out with Psyllium fiber. I got too scared of what I've read here - that it makes you bloated and makes your stool large, but I did consume half of the recommended dose for a couple of days.

Instead of soda or caffeine, I drank warm green tea, or warm water with ginger and sugar, or black tea with a slice of ginger and sugar - I dunno, warm water seemed to be my laxative. I didn't even take any Dulcolax or Miralax.

Use pillows or sit on something soft if you are confined to working on a desk. Walk around for several minutes at hourly intervals to keep circulation going.

I also ate a lot of green, leafy veggies, yoghurt, probiotic drink etc. I didn't eat oranges, but I like pears, papaya and grapes. Worked wonders.

Er, TMI, I tried m-bating just to cope with the pain, but it resulted in butt spasms, so I guess, you have to abstain from polishing the pole (and a-sex, obvs) :D

Drinks lots of water!

Stay happy and positive. I'm neurotic and I nearly quit schooling because of this, but I'm happy I bounced right back. Thanks for the support, guys, I'll try to help out here whenever I can.
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