LIS Having second thoughts

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LIS Having second thoughts

Postby Guest » 05 Mar 2008, 10:40

Scheduled for LIS next Thursday March 13th but having second thoughts. Been feeling better lately. Minor pain, no blood and very little if any spasms. However this always happens. I seem to be fine for a few weeks and then I retear. Bit confused, not sure what to do. I guess the fear is setting in. Frankly I'm tired of constantly thinking about my BM. Tired of the creams and lubing. Tired of retearing. I know the LIS is no garuantee that I won't retear but is the likelyhood much less after LIS?
Any suggestions?

Re: LIS Having second thoughts

Postby Deleted User 5 » 05 Mar 2008, 10:46

How long have you have the fissure, remind me? I was faced with a similar decision, I "seemed" to be healing too right before my surgery. But upon reflection, I am still VERY glad I did it.
Yes, you can retear after the LIS but you are FAR more likely to heal quickly, like any acute fissure, because the blood flow to the fissure site won't be constricted anymore by the tightness.
The thing to do is avoid retearing by continuing to have a good diet and staying regular.
Deleted User 5

Re: LIS Having second thoughts

Postby Guest » 05 Mar 2008, 11:46

Thanks Kim!
I was diagnosed 8 months ago but I'm sure I've had a fissure for much longer was just misdiagnosed.

Re: LIS Having second thoughts

Postby Deleted User 5 » 05 Mar 2008, 11:53

Well, after seven months of Hell, I had had enough.
It's a very difficult choice to make when you think you are healing, but if the fissure has ruined your quality of life, that may make the decision a bit easier (to proceed).
Deleted User 5

Re: LIS Having second thoughts

Postby Fissulyna » 05 Mar 2008, 14:40

I had fissure for 5 months and would almost heal and than retear every 3-4 weeks , always around my period. At one point it was closed completely , NO pain for 3 weeks and than it opened right before the Christmas. I just had enough of all that craziness and after my CRS explained that the longer I have it the more scar tissue will form and it will make it than hard to heal, and also, that scar tissue can cause incontinence by itself - I had no doubts that I want LIS - like NOW !!!! So I was scheduled Dec. 20 th and boy am I glad I did it !!!!!! I am completely healed, just take Metamucil once or twice a day and can eat whatever I want. Now, even during my period when my poop gets little bit harder and my cramping cause my sphincter to tighten - I do not retear (knock the wood !!!) so, LIS definitely helps wit preventing fissure
from opening again.
All the best @: )
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Re: LIS Having second thoughts

Postby juney » 05 Mar 2008, 14:59

i have never healed even after 2 LIS surgeries. if you want to give it a try to help you heal, you should just do it. it can't hurt. odds are you'll have as much success as fissy and kim and others from the board!
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Re: LIS Having second thoughts

Postby erik » 05 Mar 2008, 23:14

I would totally go for it. My LIS has made my life tolerable again.
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Re: LIS Having second thoughts

Postby val » 09 Mar 2008, 12:38

I thought mine had healed because I was using diltiazem and wasn't having such bad pain. Then I got an abcess, then a fistula. When I had the LIS I was told the fissure was 12cm. I so wish that I had had the courage to go for the op sooner! Its given me my life back!
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