Vitamix Blender... :)

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Vitamix Blender... :)

Postby SunshineHope » 15 Nov 2008, 04:31

Just wanted to share some joy. Does anyone else here have the Vitamix blender? It's an amazing blender with a motor like a car engine, lol. It retails for something like $500 but I got mine for $300. It's amazing, especially for people that suffer from digestive problems, need more fruit/veggie intake, and/or can't have dairy. I don't mean to endorse the blender lol but I'm just happy. It's given me recipes for making my own rice milk, almond milk, cashew milk, sunflower seed milk, and more. I haven't tried the milks yet but I've been making other fresh concoctions everyday and it's profoundly helpful with increasing my fruit & veggie intake, and with staying regular.. Gareth, this blender experience made me think of you for some reason. I thought you'd be proud! lol. The recipes are very simple too (eg just add almonds & water & sweetener to taste, if desired). The benefit is just that the motor is so darn strong, it mixes up anything and makes liquid of it.
It's really great having access to something like that, and it pretty much mushes everything up (you can put in whole apples and it'd still crush it, seeds included, which they say actually adds to the health factor). You can also make spreads and butters e.g. almond butter which I've heard is really nice on toast. So far, this has helped me maintain smooth BMs because I can put in so much fruit that I wouldn't feel like eating raw otherwise because it's so cold out... E.g. today I made a pomegranate, apple, and orange juice. Sounds weird but tasted great. We've also made green smoothies which are super fissure friendly (and body friendly in every way). You just add greens, spinach being ideal, and whatever other fruit you want to make it sweet. I get kinda sick of smoothies but with this you can make so much more. Green smoothies are great because spinach encourages BMs for me and green leafy vegetables are so great anyhow.
Hopefully this new machine will help me along the way. Image
Just wanted to share my joy.
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Re: Vitamix Blender... :)

Postby Fissulyna » 15 Nov 2008, 13:05

That is great find and I am glad that it works for you Image Just skip apple seeds - they contain cyanide as far as I know Image
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Re: Vitamix Blender... :)

Postby SunshineHope » 15 Nov 2008, 15:14

Oh yikes! Didn't know. Thanks fissy for the heads up.
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Re: Vitamix Blender... :)

Postby SunshineHope » 15 Nov 2008, 16:15

Another benefit is that other juicers take out all of the fibre from fruits/veggies (to extract the juice) whereas this one mashes everything up, so you're getting the adequate fibre + nutrients :genie:
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Re: Vitamix Blender... :)

Postby Guest » 16 Nov 2008, 20:23

I've heard wonderful things about juicing and glad you are doing that for yourself. It really is the best way to get raw vegetables and fruits with all the enzymes intact!

Re: Vitamix Blender... :)

Postby happyass » 05 Dec 2008, 23:49

sunshine, that vitamix blender sounds awesome.......
i certainly wouldn't mind having those smoothies every day!!!!!!
but of course without the cyanide Image
fissy, i am waiting to see you on jeopardy one of these days...i have confidence in you being a returning champion for like weeks........
now i had to do some research on this vitamix blender......
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