E-stim units

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E-stim units

Postby fire-cracker » 28 May 2010, 20:53

Ok...I think that I am a little nuts, but has anyone used an e-stim unit on their buttocks to help relieve some of the pain??? I work in a Physical Therapy office, and as I was sitting their today with my nagging pain in the butt, I started thinking that if e-stim can help back, neck and other spasms.....why can't it sorta help my butt spasms. I asked my boss about it, and he said that he wasn't sure it would help since I shouldn't place the stim pads directly to the rectum. Anyway....I have an e-stim unit that I pretty much claimed from my mother inlaw......so here I sit this evening with a hot pack and the stim unit on my lower butt cheeks hoping that it will relieve some of the pain.
This nagging pain is different from when I first got the fissure. It started last week after a normal sized BM...so I thought it was muscle soreness from the BM being normal. But as of last night the nagging pain near the tailbone area down to a spot on or in the rectum that happens when I cough, stand from a seated position, whenever I go to sit and turning in bed. After I stand for a little while the pain is not so bad...just very annoying.
Any thoughts are appreciated!
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Re: E-stim units

Postby fire-cracker » 28 May 2010, 20:59

Ooops...I forgot to add...I don't seem to have the pain whenn I go to sit, stand, ect whenever I press firmly on the rectum beforehand. Really strange Image
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