my update from doctors disappointed

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my update from doctors disappointed

Postby stacey2011 » 31 May 2011, 11:47

Well i went doctors today the nurse wasn't in so they made me appointment for thursday. When i got home i had a bm omg the pain was so bad worse then the other times so i waited till my mum got home from work and i went to the local walking centre.
I told them everything about what im going through the women didnt check me even though i asked her but she said its hemmoriods i told her i thinks it anal fissure she told me ill have to go to my GP for that, so she gave me some anusol HC ointment and told me use it till thursday till i see a nurse at my doctors well i have put the ointment on and had jump in bath and wipe it off it burned me like hell.
i have looked in the mirror myself and dont see anything just a small lump that a hemmoriod i reckon but the pain isnt where the lump is its at the side of it example on a clock you got 12o clock i say its about 3 and feels as if its getting ripped open when i go bm and its throbbing for around 8hours i keep having ibuprofen for the pain.
So when i go thursday hopefully nurse will check me down there. Has anyone else been told they just got hemmoriods thats all they keep saying to me
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Re: my update from doctors disappointed

Postby Deleted User 579 » 31 May 2011, 13:39

hey Stacey - I'm so sorry you weren't able to get proper treatment today. That really sucks. You will find many, many posts here describing how doctors tolds us we had hemmies when we didn't - or at least the hemmies weren't the actual problem. You are ahead of the game because at least you know enough to consider a fissure. If I were you, I would stay away from the hemorrhoid ointment, that can make things a lot worse. That's what happened to me and quite a few others here too - we got steroid cream and it made everything worse. (In fact, I just replied to another post today about this very problem!) It's amazing how little doctors understand about fissures, even though they are quite common.
You may have a small hemmie, but those don't usually hurt very badly unless they are thrombosed (dark purple). Since that's not where your pain is coming from anyway, then it sounds to me like a fissure. The only thing that puzzles me a bit is its location. Fissures are usually at 6 oclock (the end on the tailbone side) or 12 oclock (the end near the vagina) - anywhere else is unusual and should be checked out. I don't want to add to your anxiety, because it's very possible that you caught this in time and will heal; but please don't let doctors dismiss your concerns and send you off with the wrong meds. You have to get assertive. On Thurs you can ask your doctor about nitro ointment and diltiazem - those are the first-line meds for fissures.
I understand your frustration - I could rant all day about doctors! But I'm sure if you're politely assertive with your doc on Thursday you'll get the right treatment and you can start working on healing. :D
Deleted User 579

Re: my update from doctors disappointed

Postby Elphie » 31 May 2011, 14:18

Hi Stacey, sorry you're having such a bad day. I am very experienced with hemorrhoids, I've had them for many years, had banding, got new ones, they NEVER caused me pain like fissure pain, even at their worst. What you are describing definitely sounds like a fissure, there's no doubt in my mind. I also have never seen my fissure, but I know it's at twelve o'clock, most fissures are 12 or 6 but there's no rule, you can get them all around, everyone's different. I know it's hard but try to manage without that anusol, it won't help and could make things worse. Try taking generic robaxacet, a muscle relaxant for lower back pain, with ibuprofen it helps take the edge off. I hope you can in to see a CRS before too long, that's where you'll get the most help. It's very common for many AF sufferers to be diagnosed with hemorrhoids first doctors visit, and with no prior butt related problems, it's really hard to know. That's why forums like this are so invaluable! I learned more on this site since I joined early march than I did from my doctors for a year before that! I hope your appointment goes well Thursday and that you get what you need, like nifedipine, nitro, there are a few commonly seen here. If you go in armed with info, be firm with your doc and hopefully you'll get on the right track. If you end up needing surgery, know it's not the end of the world, it's quite easy actually and for me, it worked right away. Good luck!
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Re: my update from doctors disappointed

Postby stacey2011 » 31 May 2011, 14:30

thanks for both of your help, i will be going doctors on thursday so i will update you again.
Will make sure they check me aswel because its so painful and i thought it was only me who is suffering until i found this forum
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Re: my update from doctors disappointed

Postby Bernie » 31 May 2011, 14:56

Just a quick message, but I have a painful tear inside, that I cannot place the location. The external tear I thought was at 3 o'clock too; in fact I initially queried whether the episiotomy scar I have was interferring with it (apparently it's not). I also have sensitivity at 12 o'clock, but I don't think there's an AF there, just soreness.
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Re: my update from doctors disappointed

Postby stacey2011 » 31 May 2011, 15:27

bernie thats what mine sounds like also have some pain in my episiotomy scar i gave birth 4months ago and when i go toilet i have all the symptoms like a AF.
I dont have any pain at 12 oclock its definitely at 3 oclock when i touch around there
then after i finish bm my whole bum is throbbing and painful to walk and sit
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Re: my update from doctors disappointed

Postby Guest » 31 May 2011, 20:34

It can be really hard sometimes to tell where the pain is coming from with a fissure. My tear was at 12'oclock(?) towards the spine and I couldn't tell exactly where the pain was coming from... It just felt like shards of glass and burning. I think there's so many nerves down there and it can be hard to pin point where a fissure is without seeing it. In my case the CRS saw it and I couldn't.
I hope you get a proper diagnosis soon Stacy and I agree with the others, don't use the hemmy ointment. It can make things worse. It thins the skin. I didn't get a proper diagnosis for 4 months while having my fissure. I kept researching on the internet trying to figure out what was wrong... I never heard of a fissure!! But I basically knew what was wrong before I saw a good CRS who confirmed it...

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