Went to the doctor

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Went to the doctor

Postby mayiahsmom » 09 Nov 2011, 09:16

Went to the doctor on Monday and he gave me Protoctosol 2.5 %. Anybody had any experience with this? Did it help?
I was hoping to be a candidate for surgery as I've had this for over 2 years but no such luck yet...he wants to try the cream.
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Re: Went to the doctor

Postby TonyStone » 09 Nov 2011, 10:05

Try the cream and see. Its seems some doctors dont like to perform the surgery on women right away, but if you feel its time, push for it, be your own advocate. One thing this has taught me is F*&^ a doctor who wants to make you follow HIS/HER timeline. You go home in pain, they go home in the BMW and have a life. Try the conservative approach until you are ready then FIGHT for the surgery or find a doc who will listen.
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Re: Went to the doctor

Postby Savaici » 09 Nov 2011, 19:35

Protoctosol is a hydro-cortisone cream, usually prescribed for hemorrhoids. I was prescribed Analpram, and I'd say they are roughly the same thing. They can thin the skin, which is not what you want with a fissure. I used mine afew times and it did not really help. GPs do not seem to know much about fissures, so suggest you see a CRS instead.
In the meantime, use a SitzBath after each BM, to get the blood going to the fissure and help in healing. And read. As much as you can on here. There really is a vast amount of useful information here from people who have gone through just about everything connected with a fissure.
If you are in the States, I would just make an appointment with a CRS, if you can do that. Just as TonyStone said, you must be an advocate for your own health. Two years means the fissure is chronic and not as easy to heal. I am in that boat too and am off to see a CRS this month.
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Re: Went to the doctor

Postby dwarfs8 » 10 Nov 2011, 03:05

Protoctosol make my fissure worst! It doesn't heal and just prolong on the pain, thinking it will work! So, please do urself a favor and stop this cream now. Even don't use this on hemms, use prep H is muchhhh better. Use aloe vera / nitro / dilt for fissures.
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Re: Went to the doctor

Postby jenny2 » 10 Nov 2011, 06:03

hello i also was given protoctosol creme by my md and it didnt do a thing for me. basically wasted my money buying this. hope that you can see a crs soon.
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