I'm in agony! :(

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I'm in agony! :(

Postby fedupandsore » 03 Feb 2013, 16:33

Hi all
I hope everyone is ok and is not in pain (like me) :(
This is my first time posting so please bear with me.
Well it all started (this time) back in June 2012. I was away in Paris for a weekend and had a hard BM and I've been in pain ever since :'(
Went to my GP was told I had haemorrhoids etc. (I've always suffered from haemorrhoids and fissures) was given creams, suppositories, movical etc but nothing was happening :( I was eventually referred to a CRS. I am lucky that I am provided private medical insurance in my job, so I have been able to use this and go private to see a surgeon. I was diagnosed with AF and prescribed nitra for 2 months but this was doing nothing and was causing me extreme headaches. Went back to surgeon, explained everything and told him how this was taking over my life.
He has advised me to go for a sphincterotomy - I am booked in to have this done this week! :-O
I suffer pain every single day! It's so sore :( I have a BM and it's like I'm possessed, no matter how soft the stool is, I have to strain like mad until my head it about to explode or I'm about to pass out. I can not do anything to control this, I try not to strain, but something just takes over me! Almost feels like how I imagine it would when you're giving birth, when you've got to push... You've got to push!
I'm like this even when the stool is not hard :( its so draining. I then get off the loo and am in pain for 4-8 hours. However, often after a BM all of a sudden I get the urge that I need to go again urgently! So I go and normally just sit and strain (I try my hardest not to), I don't always pass anything though. But I am ALWAYS late leaving the house now :(
I have a skin tag too which I think it the bit that is causing the most pain, after a BM it gets inflamed and throbs! My bottom hurts to sit down too and by this, I actually mean my bottom. Like the boney bit of your bum that you sit on, actually feels bruised!
After a BM and I am in pain, the base of my back also hurts :(
So, as I say... I'm booked in this week for my sphincterotomy and will ask him to remove my skin tag too. Part of me is looking forward to this op because then maybe there will be an end to all of this, but then part of me is soooo nervous and scared too obviously.
Does anyone have the same sort of symptoms i have too? Like the straining, even when no hard stools?
What should I expect after the surgery? He says I'll need a day or two off work, but I've already told work I'll be off for a week.
Is there anything I should do in preparation or anything I should buy for after the surgery that will help recovery or comfort?
Anything I should ask my surgeon?
Sorry for the long winded post but it's not something I've ever discussed with anyone other than my surgeon. So I will be awaiting eagerly for responses. Thank you so much in advance and I look forward to chatting to you all and sharing stories
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Re: I'm in agony! :(

Postby Mamalucia » 03 Feb 2013, 19:12

I'm not much help but didn't want u to feel ignored! What I found useful in looking for answers is type a key word in the search bar for this forum and it pops up with posts that are related. In your case type in the name of the surgery you will be getting a browse some of those posts. Best of luck in getting answers as well as a speedy recovery!!
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Re: I'm in agony! :(

Postby Jessjess » 03 Feb 2013, 19:14

Hello there and Image SO sorry you are in pain! I too have a chronic fissure with sentinel skin tag (sounds evil, doesn't it?).
I have been in chronic pain for the past 10 days and I am scheduled for surgery tomorrow. I have been taking painkillers along with Motrin or Aleve to help with pain of course and drinking a LOT of water (codeine can be constipating), taking Colace 3 times a day, and Gas X twice daily along with a high water/low residue diet. Doc prescribed Rectiv and Nifedipine for application. Rectiv works well to keep the spasms at bay and the Nifedipine helps with burning.
For a few days, the heating pad helped but it stopped helping I think due to my sitting on it and putting pressure on the skin tag. So now I am laying on my belly and taking 5-6 sitz baths with HOT water in the bathtub daily. Also a great immediate help with the aweful burning sensation is a fan. I pretty much just bend over and back my butt up the fan. Ahhh :)
Hope this helps with your pain for now at least!
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Re: I'm in agony! :(

Postby Jessjess » 03 Feb 2013, 19:24

Whoops- your questions...I'm not sure about the straining, but AF Angel has a great entry about squatting instead of just sitting on the toilet. This might help.
Time off after surgery varies, but I've read that it will take 10-14 days to heal.
I would stock up on food, water, get a heating pad (not to sit on), ice packs or frozen peas, fan, stool softeners, Milk of Magnesia (for constipation), Gas X, and whatever else might give you comfort.
Not sure about what to ask surgeon. I am just going to follow the instructions that they give me afterwards. My surgeon's nurse will be on hand if I have questions.
This is all I know to recommend. Again, AF Angel, is a good one to talk to or send a message.
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Re: I'm in agony! :(

Postby CrackinUp » 04 Feb 2013, 03:04

I'm exactly the same! I've had really watery diarrhea and still had to push to get it out!!
Can I ask, does it feel like it splitting even before anything manages to come out? That's what mine feels like and it's a severe pain. I'm quite relaxed then the second I get this splitting sensation I literally feel everything tighten up and then the BM is impossible. If I manage to go really quickly I can escape this happening but then it seems to hurt more afterwards.
I'm on my 6th day of GTN and have to say not impressed. Yesterday I had spasms from 9am to 6/7pm. And this followed one of the best BMs of the week.
Just one week ago I was 11st 10lbs and today I'm down at 11st 4lbs - surely this kind of weight loss for someone my size is not healthy. That's almost half a stone in a week!
I really want surgery and I want it now, I'm not interested in the damn cream as I feel I have something severely wrong with my body function due to the fact I can't even pass water without pushing.
All I can say to you is I think you are doing the right thing and I wish I was in your position right now.
Let us know how you get on :)
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Re: I'm in agony! :(

Postby Mamalucia » 04 Feb 2013, 07:44

I can help with the splitting feeling...if ur AF is on the edge of ur sphincter everytime you push u r expanding that muscle and splitting/ opening the AF. So any tiny insignificantly sized part of that fissure that started to heal even if its the size of a pin head...is retorn. The spasms are absolute torture and while I'm not sure how to stop them before surgery I know for me since my surgery I haven't had any!!! My suggestion is push your CRS until he agrees to do it. If he still refuses go to another CRS and explain the meds haven't helped and you are in desperate need of the surgery. Best of luck and I hope you both find relief ASAP!!!
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Re: I'm in agony! :(

Postby CrackinUp » 04 Feb 2013, 08:19

@Mamalucia thanks, I am absolutely convinced I need surgery and the GTN won't fix this. The pain is unbearable I've been in tears three times today and I can tolerate pain.
I've got another appointment a 5pm today, I am going to have to insist on surgery. I literally can't live another week like this.
I'm convinced by what some other people say they are in nowhere near this much pain, saying should I or shouldn't I have surgery. I would have it in a heartbeat. If I had to live with this pain forever life would not be worth living.
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Re: I'm in agony! :(

Postby Mamalucia » 04 Feb 2013, 10:01

I know all to well how you feel. If they don't believe surgery to be necessary find another dr. Because it will not get better on its own!!
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Re: I'm in agony! :(

Postby fedupandsore » 05 Feb 2013, 02:40

Hi everyone
Thanks so much for your replies and advice. Well, I'm another day closer to surgery and I'm so excited! (also very apprehensive of course) but the thought that this pain might actually be over one day soon is bliss! Today I have a bit of a cough and it's doing my head in because it's hurting my bum everytime I cough. I have to clench because it's so sore and feels like my insides are about to fall out every time I cough! Lol! Sorry TMI! Haha
JessJess - how are you feeling today after your op yesterday? I hope it's not too bad and you're not in too much pain. Look forward to hearing from you.
CrackinUp - yes definitely tell them you want surgery. It's awful isn't it and NOONE understands the pain unless they have been through it. Especially when it's chronic and doesn't go away like ours :( it takes over you life and makes you depressed doesn't it :(
It's effecting every aspect of my life, I also haven't had a good nights sleep in so long because I keep waking in pain!! :(
Roll on Saturday!
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Re: I'm in agony! :(

Postby ajkk » 05 Feb 2013, 03:54

HI everyone,
another first time writer. I've had piles and anal fissures for about 7 years now. 2 and a half years ago i had HALO surgery which due to the nature of it my anus spasmed causing a great deal of pain. The hospital kept me in over night as they couldn't control my pain and i was in a bit of a mess. It then took a week to have a bowel movement (it felt like my anus had scrunched up and fu*cked off) when i finally did manage to go it was, embarassingly, in the bath with my body and torso having what i can only describe as a contraction completely independent of my conscious self. This was a really painful week, with the medication prescribed for pain relief only making me constipated. The Halo surgery appeared to work, as the pain subsided and my fissures and piles took on the form of what i imagine is the average discomfort level for piles and fissures (itchy/ sore/odd bit of blood) and i could look after myself with hot Good diet, hot baths and creams.
However in the past year the pain and frequency has been increasing to the point where it is, once again, ruining my life. I experience the pain that some people describe on here on a daily basis (the inability not to strain, the soft stools, the fear of passing out, inability to stand/bend/sit etc)
I am awaiting referrel to a specialist. I know there's lots of options, and am not sure of the best one, i'm at the point where i would rather risk incontinence than cope with this pain anymore.
I'm struggling to get to work, am embarrassed and depressed. I'm awaiting a call from my doctors surgery to discuss pain management. i'm not sure what i want, just pain relief that doesn't constipate me. Ibuprofen and paracetamol aren't cutting it. I've had the head bangin cream but gave up as it didn't help the pain and just gave me a sledgehammer headache to go with it. (i spose the headache did take my mind of the ass pain for a while) I'm at the irrational point where i could quite happily smash myself over the head with something so it would
a) take my mind of the ass pain
b) give me something else to talk about (i think i'm becoming a real ass bore)
Lots of love to all you fellow sufferers
I was crying when i started this but have calmed down somewhat and am going to waddle downstairs to make a brew.
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