How do you on a daily basis?

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Re: How do you on a daily basis?

Postby Just 'Pain' Tired » 28 May 2013, 22:39

This is interesting....I have lots of questions about diet as well. YET, my naturopath recommends a "general diet" with some psyllium husk capsules as the only softener. In line with this, my best four days yet were while I was traveling and eating a more general diet than I eat at home. Including (invoking Davo's diary here) a piece of pizza or two. Had great quality stools once a day and less pain than while at home. Can anyone explain that? I did stay consistent with oatmeal in the morning and Metamucil while traveling. Otherwise ate more liberally than the last three months! We're all trying to be so it possible we're overdoing in one way or another? Is it just a stess difference? I do know there are foods to be avoided, but maybe we overdo in the direction of too much restriction. Food for thought..... Image
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Re: How do you on a daily basis?

Postby Luka » 29 May 2013, 00:33

Interesting reading what others eat to manage this. It gives me some ideas for other things I can try in my diet.
My diet is pretty boring and is pretty much the same every day, but it works for me and I've never been a big eater:
Breakfast - Two Nutrigrain waffles with real maple syrup, plus one prune (can't handle more than one at a time or I get cramps). I may have a few pecans if I feel like it (well-chewed up).
Lunch - Usually just an apple Nutrigrain bar and maybe some more pecans to snack on. I've never been a big lunch person. Sometimes I will have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on wheat bread if I'm hungrier than usual (usually when I'm out of town).
Dinner - Varies. Usually a little meat (grilled or baked chicken or fish... never any beef), baked or mashed potatoes (or brown rice or some kind of sweet potato), a cup of broccoli (or green peas, spinach, or Brussels sprouts), a piece of garlic Naan or some other kind of bread (doesn't seem to bother me, as long as it's in moderation). I douse bread in a lot of olive oil (which I love). I will also usually start the meal with a small salad or a cup of soup (usually clam chowder or potato soup, but sometimes chicken noodle).
Dessert - Usually a blueberry wheat bran muffin. Sometimes pumpkin or apple pie (or cinnamon apples... yum!). I may also have vanilla frozen yogurt, if I'm out and about. I may sometimes indulge in key lime pie when I'm in a restaurant, but that's rare. I avoid chocolate now because it exacerbates my heartburn. : (
Before bed - I eat some regular Cheerios, along with a pear and another prune.
Snacks (when I need them) - Mainly just pecans (well-chewed, of course), apple cinnamon Nutrigrain bars, pears, prunes, frozen yogurt, or graham crackers (the good kind you find at Whole Foods and other places). I also love homemade kale chips (yum again!) and pear chips from Harry and David.
Of course, I drink a ton of water throughout the day. I don't drink anything else except a small glass of 1% milk in the morning and hot green tea at night. Occasionally I will have apple juice, too.
Honestly, even though my diet is limited, I don't really have a big problem with it. I still get to eat tasty food that I enjoy. I just can't eat greasy fried foods and beef anymore. I've also avoided pasta and white rice. I might be okay eating those foods, but I'm too scared to try them again. : ( Sometimes I miss the junk food, but for the most part, I've been fine.
January 2013 - Diagnosed with fissure. Eventually turned chronic.
History of IBS and anxiety disorder, along with fear of using bathrooms other than my own caused it.
Tried Diltiazem, but eventually developed a rash.
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Re: How do you on a daily basis?

Postby Kreaybutt » 29 May 2013, 05:37

Just 'pain' tired- I have been thinking the exact same thing! When I got my first fissure 5 months ago nobody told me I should change my diet so through the pain I still ate things like, chicken fried steak, tacos, cake, fast food, fried food and my AF healed up in a few days... When I got my second AF It was a new one and the first one didn't bother me. I honestly think I got the second one from not eating enough, for some reason I came on the net to research AF's (even though it was gone) and got so scared when I read that you could have a reoccurrence so I stopped eating! Maybe had two salads a day and some cereal. I would get so backed up then bam another af! This time around I'm eating about 5 solid healthy meals a day.I don't let myself go hungry and I switch my food up alot. Last night I made chicken pad Thai with whole wheat fettacini. Yummy! I don't think we should restrict ourselves so much, I DEFINITLY know its scary to try new things though
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Re: How do you on a daily basis?

Postby Kreaybutt » 29 May 2013, 05:39

Luka- blueberry wheat bran muffins are amazing! And great for us af sufferers. Trader joes always has different flavors of wheat bran muffins. I love pumpkin pie too, something I've been a little scared to try again, it doesn't bother you?
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Re: How do you on a daily basis?

Postby Luka » 29 May 2013, 12:37

Krearybutt - Yes, I love wheat bran muffins. I always make my own. There's lots of great recipes online. Pumpkin pie doesn't seem to bother me, as long as I just have a small piece and don't have it every day. I'll have some maybe once or twice a week if I have it on hand.
January 2013 - Diagnosed with fissure. Eventually turned chronic.
History of IBS and anxiety disorder, along with fear of using bathrooms other than my own caused it.
Tried Diltiazem, but eventually developed a rash.
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