Mucous in Stools

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Mucous in Stools

Postby littlebutterfly » 23 Jun 2013, 09:12

So for about 7 weeks I have had a sensation of pressure in my anus. Like I need to evacuate. When I go to the bathroom what comes out is clumps and strands of mucous. It is almost a gel. I have been on mostly liquids to minimize bowel movements but there are still days I will pass up to ten times. Had LIS for a fissure in May and just had a Seton placement for an infected fistula. Has anyone had this mucous issue? There is brown bile and feces that coat the mucous. I am beginning to think I may have Crohn's Disease in addition to Gastroparesis. I am scared. This is not normal. And it certainly is not helping my bum heal.
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Re: Mucous in Stools

Postby Savaici » 23 Jun 2013, 11:22

Did you mention to your surgeon about the mucous? It is fairly common, when the rectum is inflamed, to pass mucous, and it is sticky and jelly like in consistency, just as you say. I too have this.
You need to conserve all your energy for healing, so if you are on mostly liquids, I hope that you are using Ensure, or something similar. 
Do give a list of what you are using for pain, keeping your stools soft, etc. Then we can offer advice for what might help.
Is there no chance that your surgeon would have taken a biopsy for Crohn's?
Hope the pain is a little better today.Image
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Re: Mucous in Stools

Postby Savaici » 23 Jun 2013, 11:47

I have just read through all your posts, and can see that you have quite a few illnesses. So sorry that you have to go through so much.
I don't know where you are in the world, but if you are in the US, I wonder if you get your medical records so that you can keep an eye on exactly what the doctors have said, done, etc. I think that is a good thing to do, as sometimes our doctors do not get to tell us everything. Maybe you already do this...
Do hope that someone who has had surgery similar to yours will come in and comment, but a lot of people, once they get better, are gone. And who can blame them:sunny:.
Sorry I can't be of much help, as I have not had any surgery except hemorrhoid surgeries many years ago. I do have Behcet's, and autoimmune disease, so can appreciate some of the problems you are having apart from this rear end pain.
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Re: Mucous in Stools

Postby littlebutterfly » 24 Jun 2013, 19:12

Thank you for your support. I am not taking the hydrocodone as I have an allergic itching all over rash reaction. I am just dealing with the pain. The worst is the stinging and burning. After I go to the restroom it is so intense for quite some time all around the anus. I am using Calmoseptine to try and cool it down. I am taking lots of fish oil, vitamin d, vitamin b complex, zinc, and probiotics as well. I also got this supplement called SeaCure which is a hydrolyzed white fish protein that is supposed to be excellent for healing. The doctor did take a biopsy. He said rarely does Crohn's show up in the anus. It simply showed inflammation. My doctors have wanted to do colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, biopsy, gastric emptying tests for months but this butt stuff has prevented that. We know I have delayed small bowel emptying but I suspect Crohn's in addition. The surgeon called today. Seton will be in for two months. Then a final surgery (I HOPE) to finish the job. My concern is that if the underlying bacterial, fungal, inflammatory, motility issues are not managed this will keep happening. I have lost a third of the year so far to this. It is just a big void of HELL. I am already in bed up to 20 hours a day with exhaustion and pain. But this acute pain is a whole other animal. It is taking me down! I also do feel often that my anus is pushing and full and needing to expel. That pressure is also very uncomfortable. I have to say: NEVER TAKE YOUR ASS FOR GRANTED.
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Re: Mucous in Stools

Postby Savaici » 28 Jun 2013, 19:25

How are you feeling, littlebutterfly?
I hope that you are feeling a little beter now. Wish you the very best.
Thinking of you. :)
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