what worked for me

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what worked for me

Postby Denise_75 » 27 Jun 2018, 18:28

So, Iam probably a baby in the silly adventure of life that is anal fissure, only been suffering for 3 months and now apparently healed so hopefully this testimony won't be bad luck :-)
Please pardon my english as it is not my mother tongue..but as I found some useful testimonies here, scary ones too, I felt the need to share as well.

So quickly, I had suffered from many things all my life such as hemorrhoids, epilepsy, chronic tendinitis and episodes of stomach ulcers. Got a longo surgery for the hemorrhoids 8 years ago, it worked so far, went to a drastic change in my diet basically to follow my kids who needed to go out of gluten and lactose, and met a very interesting micro-nutritionist who taught my the basic of food, biology, vitamins, nutriments, minerals and neurotransmitters role and so on. I needed to understand the root of my issues and that helped me a lot. Found out I had a chronic lack of magnesium, lactose intolerance, and understood basically that our food is not, unless organic (and yet that is not enough), capable to provide us with the nutriments we need to function. This is for modern and so called developed countries. But that is for another forum maybe. Still, the key is through food, environnement and emotions. Balance ! which is so difficult to reach in our modern life, isn'it!?

So last xmas I did some exceptions in my diet, and bang, hemorrhoids came back..not dramatic but still annoying,then quiet again. then another piece of croissant with swiss chocolate, and got the biggest hemorrhoids crise I had experienced with thrombose this time. Unable to sit, walk even less go to work for 10 days. The pain was constant even with painkillers. Went to doc, got some cortisone and it slowly went away..but after one week I started to bleed, and the pain was terrible again. Here I met my first fissure. Went to the procto dude, he said the fissure was old and deep, and probably reopened wider through the last crisis, he gave me a cream to relax the sphincter and laxatives. pain was a bit better but on and off. But it was getting really clear in my head that thing was not healing at all after 5 weeks, only treatment was LIS according to him. As I am stubborn and got an ex who worked in the medical world, he suggested I get at least 4 diagnosis from different docs.So I went to see another one, same diagnosis, but this one told me there were only 60% chance the LIS would cure me definitely, I was devastated. Honestly I dont know how so many people can endure this several years, this is silly! That doc, when realizing I was not buying the LIS or any kind of surgery, told me about a patient who managed to get rid of his fissure with hyaluron acid vaginal ovules, Cicatridina. I think they do them in suppositories depending in the country you live in. Basically it is made of hyaluron acid and essentials oils, that's it. Besides, I made some research about essentials oils too.

So here what worked for me, it is not a one ingredient recipe as you see (healed so far, finger crossed) :

- the cleaning, hygiene is the basic! no soap, just water, shower or baths with espom salts or chamomilla after each number 2. for me cold water is the best, but I sense that's personal. Cold is better when hemorrhoids are also present.
- the hyaluron acid suppo Cicatridina. This was a miracle for me truly, all pain stopped after 20 minutes after I put the first one inside! no more painkiller needed.
- I stopped all laxatives (very bad for your gut) and use from now on only Psyllium, after a meal or during the meal.
- a minimum of 2.5 liters of water per day (anyother beverage don't count in that amount!)
- fruits
- fibers!! like a lot, personally I cannot eat gluten, so I dive into veggies, fruits, lentils, beans, chickpeas, peas, quino, soja, nuts (pumpkin seads, almonds, brazilan nuts (those last ones are naturally rich in magnesium), cajou, lin, flaxseed, etc...dried figues and dates. Herbs as well, coriander, parsil, basilic, rosmarin and thyme
- I did a homemade preparation of essentials oils that I apply everytime I use the bathroom in a massage on the anus (not inside) : all Organic: Olive oil, arnica oil, cyste essential oil, tea tree essential oil, pelargonium rosae essential oil, true lavender essentials oils. You can try Hammamelis too, didn't find any at the time, but the rest worked. No need for anyother cream, it relaxes the sphincter and heals the area.
- Probotics
- Magnesium orotat 1200mg per day. dont use the chloride form as it often give diarrhea on the longhaul. And if you experience diarrhea with this one, it could be that you don't need it..check with your doctor (note that a lack of magnesium doesn't show in blood test, which is why so many people have a deficiency even if going to medical check up every year). Insist to verify this. If you suffer from cramps, heart palpitations, fatigue, constipation, uncontrollable blinking eye...those are just few symptoms)
- Lemons and grapefruit, the only alcaline fruits
- kennel exercice, once you can exercice again of course.
- walk at least 30 minutes everyday if you can
- Avoid alcohol. But you can keep one glass of red wine per day or every once in a while (good one, french paradox)
- Avoid sugar, any kind of sugar, all of them!. Max is around 10g per day, beyond that your body cannot process it, it will kill you. And fruit juice are not fruits, without the fibers, vitamins and minerals, its only fructose. Try organic honey or maple sirup. Once you manage to reduce sugar for a few weeks you will realize that awfull taste sweet things really have, very chemical.
- Avoid Cow milk, not good for human. This is just another lie from the food industry.
- Japanese reset acupuncture (helped me a lot with the stress and fatigue) and osteopathy worth checking if everything is at its place down there
- try as well Collagen and hyaluron in pills

other suggestions of possible causes :

- stress...yeah, try meditation or simply tell yourself that you do your best, no need to F**k your life up for what exactly?
- gluten intolerance, get a test
- lactose intolerance, get a test
- gut parasites

probably many others yet to determine, and we are all different, genetics and all, but if you still have the energy, keep on investigating until you find what cause it in your case. We do not have to suffer.

The last procto, an amazing woman with high end examination material, I visited a week after the previous one confirmed the fissure was completely healed and looked strong. In one week!

I still have to go through a colonoscopy to determine if I have a gluten intolerance for real or a leaky gut thingy and it takes a lot of energy but I simply couldn't go to surgery and its risks without understanding the cause and try all that I could naturally to avoid it.

Note that I am not a doctor, what I share here is the result of 20 years of personal research through thesis reading, lots lots of question to the many doctors I have met, lots of talking with homeopaths, acuponcture practionners, osteopaths all kind of natural medicine, chinese, even shaman and so called miracle makers, I have tried it all. Except surgery :-)

2 things can really tell you if your are in a good shape, the aspect of your tongue and the consistance of your stool.

This is no judgement, no lessons you need to follow, just advices based on experiences. Take what you want, if you want.

Best of luck to everyone in pain.
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