booked for surgery ahhhhh!!

Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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booked for surgery ahhhhh!!

Postby Guest » 03 May 2007, 19:25

hey guys im so sry i havent been about for a bit. things have been manic. i got tonsillitis, then the day i stopped the anti biotics for that i got another tooth abscess and so have been on lots of pills! they arent sure if the abscess has gone completely yet. they now also think i have allergies so am also on anti histamines. anyway i have had a busy week and will tell u all even no bits of it arent surgery related(i hope u dont mind). i saw a gastro on tues about the ibs or whatever it is. they said that they arent going to do any more tests as they think its unfair on me to and on them, they think its severe ibs as far as they can tell, although i have had ulcers in the colon too. they told me that theres no cure and that im on the best and highest dose of medication for the problem. they have offered another med also but other then that i need to realise theres no cure and get on life best i can. they are referring me to a dietitian again too as i shake at times and get tired and it maybe down to lack of nutrients. they also took lots of blood to check all organs etc are ok.
the next day i went and saw the surgeon about the fissure. he said lots and bits of it have made me very unsure so i just wanted to talk to people who may know if hes right or who may be able to reassure me. he popped his finger up there and pressed against the side. i said it hurt, he stopped and said the fissure is still there. is that all they need to do to know? he said that apparently fissures dont heal when not enough blood gets to them, thats why that one cream they put me on made the blood vessels dilate, therefore making blood flow faster. he said teh gp sud of had me on more cream than they did (as in 3 times a day and not twice a day) and thats y he feels it hasnt worked. but he doesnt want to try again as i did get headaches and he feels it wud be unnecessary as it wudnt work.
so he said he wants to do a left lateral sphinotomy (sry-no idea how u spell it but felt sure an h is in there sumwhere!!) and that its a very simple procedure. he said they will knock me out all together and he seems to think the surgery will be 2 mins tops. he said they will give me GA for as long as it takes then wake me up. does that mean they only give a small amount or does it mean they give u another drug to counteract the GA?? he said complications included infection, brusing of the skin, bleeding out and recurrance after surgery. has anyone experienced any of these? i was shocked as he didnt mention incontinence at all and i thought that was one major side effect of the surgery or could be?? he said i wud probably bleed for a few days after but the pain wudnt last long. he never said anything about pain meds but i assume they wud give me sum?? he also said that hes not convinced i have ibs as he doesnt believe in ibs at all. he feels having the surgery cud solve a lot of my problems. i asked if he had done the surgery many times b4 and he said he had done it alot.
i then expressed my concerns with the GA(he said i had to have GA). im terrified of sickness (have emetophobia) and he said that i sudnt wry as i will fast b4 surgery and that the GA these days is very good and rarely makes people actually vomit afterwards. can anyone tell me if they have been sick afterwards?? or how it felt? im quite scared to have the surgery. sumtimes i think i dont need it cos the pain isnt there all the time. its uncomfortable but ive dealt with it for so long its not as issue at times, maybe ive become used to it. but then other times its so painful i am overwhelmed by it. so i guess the surgery is worth it if it stops all that. as u can see im very unsure on a lot of things!!
they took my blood pressure when i was there and it was 106/66 so they said i have low blood pressure but not a problem. the op is marked down for 15 june. they offered it next friday but that was too soon for me. also wanted to ask how long does recovery take and do they give u a drip while u are in too? as when i had my last colonoscopy i did and he seemed to think i was a little dehydrated. are u allowed to drink b4 the GA? are u allowed to have say chewing gum or is that classed as food? sorry im asking SOOOO many questions.
thanks for any responses and i hope to reply to sum messages tom when im a bit more with it.
P.s. lecia--im sry i havent been in touch for a while. i have missed our chats and will contact u soon i promise. am still doing my degree but my relationship is on the rocks which is great timing. i feel quite ovrwhelmed with stuff at the mo but i look forward to chatting soon. how r u?? i hope ur ok.

Re: booked for surgery ahhhhh!!

Postby Guest » 03 May 2007, 20:21

Hey Gracie!
I am glad to see you back on here! I was worried about you and have been thinking about you!
It sounds like you have been going through a lot but I am glad that you are making the rounds at the doctors to get to the bottom of all of your health issues.
I think the surgery makes sense and I know that was a hard decision for you to make. Since that cream you were using wasn't helping a lot and you got bad side effects it sounds like this could be the right solution. Noone wants to have surgery but sometimes it takes a bold step to take control of the situation and I have always been proud of how you confront your issues like you have!
I have had GA for another surgery and I did not get sick from it. I have a pretty sensitive stomach and am prone to vomiting and I did just fine with it. What made me nauseous was the meds they give to control the pain afterwards but I took kind of a high dose and had I taken it earlier before my pain had gotten out of control I wouldn't have gotten sick. With these pain meds they also want you to have something in your stomach when you take them and I did not so that made it worse. As far as stomach prep for GA, I think chewing gum is fine though.
There are lots of folks on here that have had the surgery-some just this week! and are doing well. We want you to be well too, from all your health issues and maybe solving one will help with the others.
I have some acidopholis and fiber (psyllium) pills that I can send you if you want to see if that helps with your IBS symptoms, so let me know!
Sorry to hear about being overwhelmed-when it rains it pours at times. Please feel free to PM me if you want to talk!
Is that your picture you have up for your avatar? It's very pretty!
I'm not sure if I was able to answer any of your questions adequately but I am sure others will chime in that have had the surgery.
We'll chat soon, Gracie.
Take care of yourself!

Re: booked for surgery ahhhhh!!

Postby Guest » 03 May 2007, 20:53

I just underwent internal lateral sphincterotomy yesterday. I was given the GA and they were finished w/in minutes . I woke up a bit later in the recovery room and everything was fine. yesterday and today are the first two days since Mar.28 that I have not been in agonizing pain. GET THE SURGERY!!!
I drank only clear liquids the day before the surgery ie chicken broth , beef broth,jello and water and black coffee. I took a fleet enema before I went to bed the night before the surgery . Checked into the hospital at 7:30 AM and headed home at 12:45 PM.
start drinking at least 2 liters of water aday and you will NOT be dehydrated. They will put an IV in your arm or hand (this WILL NOT HURT)
I am already soooo glad that I had the surgery. While the recovery I am going through is not without pain it is mild compared to the spasm pain and the burning pain associated with the anal fissure. If you can get them to re up you for next FRI. you should . The sooner the better .
You don't have to and should not continue to live with the pain of this anal fissure. I have had no incontinence issues at all and I am 50years old. With your youth you should be just fine.
Recovery should take from 3 days to 2 weeks depending on the person . They will give you pain meds. that will work to relieve the pain associated with the surgery.
I am bleeding some and it bleeds when I have a motion but it is not very much .
They can give you meds with the GA that will insure that you will not get sick from the GA in the recovery room. Two years ago I had my gallbladder removed and got sick in recovery. I told them about this and they gave me pepcid and some sort of a patch they put behind my ear like people get on cruises I did not get nautious at all.
You cannot drink or eat after midnite the night before the GA is administered.
I do not know whether they consider gum chewing a no no before surgery.
Pray about it and then JUST DO IT!! You will be glad you did. I certainly am.
God Bless , I will Pray for you.

Re: booked for surgery ahhhhh!!

Postby Guest » 04 May 2007, 05:58

hey guys thanks for ur replies. i cant have the surgery next week as i have the dentist the day b4 and they said that im not allowed the surgery is im on anti biotics, which i may well be when i go. so i thought best to be safe and book later then to mess them about. my surgery is at 1.30. they said i cant eat 6 hrs b4 this?? is that long enough to fast? can i eat what i want the day before and can u drink at all or is that a no no too? i think i may ring them b4 i go just to check about the chewing the thing is the burning etc i do get it but only when my stools are loose. when they are hard i dont get it that badly. so does that mean i sud still have the surgery? im so glad ur surgery went well monkeybone. do u have to wear pads of some form aftr the surgery incase u bleeed?
lecia thanks for ur kind words. u always no the rite thing to say to me to make me feel better!! i will pm u tonight or tom for sure :-) take care guys.

Re: booked for surgery ahhhhh!!

Postby Guest » 04 May 2007, 06:33

Im surprised at all the GA for it, I wonder why mine only uses spinal..maybe he's weird!

Re: booked for surgery ahhhhh!!

Postby Guest » 04 May 2007, 06:52

It seems like on this board we have had people get both types of anaesthesia. I wonder if a spinal would an option for you Gracie?

Re: booked for surgery ahhhhh!!

Postby Guest » 04 May 2007, 08:58

Re: Pads for bleeding post surgery.
The Doc advised me to get some because there would be some drainage of blood for a few days after the surgery. He was right. I am now about 47 hours post surgery and I am still having some drainage of blood from the surgical site, but not much and this morning is less than yesterday morning.
My Doc did not give me any dietary restrictions for the day before the surgery. I chose to take only clear liquids the day before largely out of concern for constipation after the surgery. I had heard that the pain meds might be constipation inducing. I figured that I wanted to start out post surgery with as little in my system as possible so that I could control what goes in very carefully ie fiber, fiber, fiber, fiber, and water,water,water,water,water,water..... It has worked pretty well ,I think... In the 47 hours since my surgery I have had 4 BMs; one within 12 hours of the surgery that was (please excuse the graphic nature of my jpost and descriptions) virtually liquid, 2d approx. 25 to 26 hours after the surgery that was without AF pain, soft but formed and hurt only in the sense of my bum was sore from the surgery ie it kind of ached afterward not like the AF pain or the spasming at all. 3d approx 32 hours after the surgery and again only had pain associated with tenderness jof surgical site.
4th BM about 45 hours after surgery no pain assoc. wth the motion but a bit of aching afterward easily resolved with a sitz bath ie soak in the tub followed by shower. 5th Bm a bit of a surprise , had to rush to the bathroom loose stool and a bit of burning after motion . Burning resolved by soaking in the tub again.BTW there was no blood associated with the clean up of the 5th BM.
SO IMHO I would urge you to go with clear liquid diet from noon day beforee your surgery, no food or drink after midnight, and then a high fiber high water diet upon comeing home after the surgery. YOU WILL DO GREAT!!

Re: booked for surgery ahhhhh!!

Postby Guest » 04 May 2007, 13:33

ok without sounding too thick what wud u say is a good diet afterwards? what is high in fibre and good for it all?
thanks for all the info btw very handy!

Re: booked for surgery ahhhhh!!

Postby Guest » 04 May 2007, 13:34

oh and lecia-they said that im only allowed a GA no spinal, not sure why?? also that is my pic from 2004. :-)

Re: booked for surgery ahhhhh!!

Postby Guest » 04 May 2007, 15:08

I am no expert on High fiber diets by a long shot but here is a sample of what I have been eating.
All Bran Buds in the AM with banana or blueberry on top of that with soy milk.
creamy soup of some nature with whole grain cracker or bagel at lunch, along with a salad .
Vegetables at supper
Mix some fruit in there about ie apples, bananas, strawberries, prunes, raisins, pears.
Hope this is of some help.
God Bless All!!

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