2 weeks after LIS surgery, feeling good!

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2 weeks after LIS surgery, feeling good!

Postby hopefulyhealed » 05 Dec 2020, 05:41

Like many of you, I’ve been a quiet reader in this forum for a few months, and as its been an amazing resource of knowledge and comfort I want to give back by writing my own story, in the hope that it will be helpful for someone out there. My LIS recovery wasn’t all smooth sailing but today 2 weeks later I feel so much better, that I hope that sharing my story will help those of you out there that are going through something similar.

Some background details:
Im 32, female, without children yet, and I’ve been suffering from a fissure for about a year. The doctor diagnosed it as chronic as its been a constant, doggedly following me day after day, a bit like a parasitic painful friend that you just can’t manage to shake off. I will add that I never suffered from the crippling pain that some people have described, but after trying everything from acupuncture
and Chinese medicine to a severe diet to more conservative treatments like normalax (miralax for some of you) and rectogesic I decided that I’d had enough.

I visited my doctor about a month ago, with the somewhat misguided idea that he would tell me my fissure is healing. As you can imagine, that wasn’t the case, and he informed me that I belong to the unfortunate 30% of patients that won’t heal without surgery. Event hough I was very scared of the procedure and surgery at large, and had read my fair share of horror stories online, I comforted myself with the 96% success rate.

The day of the surgery
The procedure itself is relatively painless as its done under general anaesthesia, and there’s even something oddly soothing about going under. I woke up feeling a bit uncomfortable, especially around the area that was bandaged, but fairly alright in general. Towards the evening, As the anaesthesia started to wear off, I began feeling pain. They bandage the area and stuff gauze pads up there to keep it all safe and tight. I had a pretty sleepless night as I would wake up from what felt like spasms around the gauze pads that were stuck there. You’re supposed to keep the bandage on for 24 hours, so at the first opportunity I had and with my surgeon’s guidance I removed the gauze pads in the shower and felt immediate relief.

Day 1
I spent the day resting, eating carefully and taking normalax as I had done before. Because of the surgery, I didn’t have a BM at all that day, and as you all know when you suffer from a fissure you’re petrified of constipation, but I read here that its normal, and so actually felt really great that day.

Day 2
As many have described, the first BM after surgery is a big deal. I had read many stories here that were positive, and I was really hoping that I would also enjoy a painless first BM but sadly it wasn’t to be. I think its also got to do with the fact that I hadn’t suffered too terribly from the fissure before, But my first BM was horrible, an 8/10, a sharp burning pain that was v. Different from the fissure pain and that seemed to last for hours and only abated towards the evening. Sitz bathes are okay, but for me the only thing that really helped was direct hot water in the shower, and sitting on a hot bottle, and painkillers of course.

Day 3-5

The following days were pretty similar, but the pain definitely improved from day to day and seemed to kind of stabilise for a few days around a 3-5/10 while lasting for a good few hours till the afternoon after the morning BM. At this stage, I started to feel a bit despondent, you get kind of dramatic in these situations I guess, reading other people’s speedy recovery stories while feeling sorry for myself and not moving from the couch.

Day 6
This is the good part. Without sounding too spiritual, I’ll say that the body is an amazing thing. On day 6 some kind of a miracle happened and I suddenly started feeling better! I can’t really explain it, it just happened and I suddenly found myself feeling only slight pain after the BM, maybe 1.5/2 which hardly lasted through the day at all.

Day 7-Day 14
I’ll fast forward a bit here, today I’m exactly 2 weeks after the procedure, and I can cautiously say that I feel great! I’m very careful, I keep drinking normalax every morning, and am largely still careful about my diet, but I haven’t felt any pain all week!

I think that the main takeaway is to allow yourself to heal. I really made an effort to rest
for the first full week, and my partner was amazing in taking care of me but it required some preparation beforehand. I manage a big team at work, and I just made sure that they all knew that I wouldn’t be available at all for a week. It turned out to be the most important thing I did beforehand.

I have one question for any of you that have been through something similar, how long did you keep up the normalax/miralax? I read online that its safe to take for a while, but I guess its not great for too long?
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Re: 2 weeks after LIS surgery, feeling good!

Postby Pzgre » 22 Jan 2021, 13:11

Good to hear your experience!
Salt Bather
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