I did it! Surgery this morning and so far it's all good

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I did it! Surgery this morning and so far it's all good

Postby Guest » 14 May 2007, 21:09

Hi everyone - well, after a few good days that tricked me into thinking that the fissure was healing, and a good checkup with my CRS ("the fissure is healing nicely"), then some more hellish days, I went back to the clinic where my CRS practices, and bribed his assistant with chocolate to get me in for surgery. She must have liked the chocolate, because she got me in for 9am this morning. I was pretty nervous when I went, and am glad it's all over.
The clinic is in a medical office building, so they do all surgeries as day procedures under local anaesthetic. I went into the doctor's office, told him I was still in too much pain, and he said "Do you want me to do the surgery?" I gulped a bit and said, "Yes." Next thing I knew, I was on the table with my pants down and my butt in the air. Then I was getting a local anaesthetic injection in my butt. That was a little unpleasant. They had warned me that area was very sensitive and that the first 30 seconds of the injection was the worst part. It did hurt, especially as I hadn't gotten any sort of sedative first (I've heard they give Demerol at the clinic, but I was never offered any.) But once the freezing kicked in, no pain. It was wonderful! I could sort of feel a little tug, heard a snip sound, and then the doctor said it was all over. From pants down to back on wasn't more than about 3 minutes. I was amazed at how quick the procedure was.
Afterwards I was a little shaky - I guess from adrenaline and relief. Still, I walked to the subway, went back to the apartment I use when in town, got in my car, and drove the 100 miles back to my house. Unfortunately the freezing started to wear off in the car, so I gulped down a couple of my usual extra strength ibuprofens. Pain was very manageable - in fact, not nearly as bad as the spasms. Got home, went grocery shopping, had lunch, had a nap, spent the rest of the day shopping for plants for my garden. Have been a slug ever since, resting on the sofa, eating dinner, watching trashy TV, and drinking red wine. Just had a hot bath, and put some more gauze over the wound. I do feel more tired than usual, so will head off to bed soon. :sleep:
I've read from some of you who have already had surgery that day 2 is often worse than day of, so I'm prepared for a little more soreness and stiffness tomorrow. But I'm thinking positive - after all, if I made it through everything today with only 2 ibuprofens, I'm going to be just fine. Back to work on Wednesday!
Thanks for sharing all your stories, and helping give me the courage to go through with this,
P.S. I can fart! When I want to! No incontinence for me! YAY!

Re: I did it! Surgery this morning and so far it's all good

Postby Guest » 15 May 2007, 05:04

Yippy Yigh Yaye, Robin!!!!!

Couldn't be more happy for you! Your going to do just great! Be sure and take what ever course necessary to insure that your stool stays soft and regular for the next few weeks and try jto refrailn from jdoing to much (if you can).

Man, it sounds like your Doc. is quick Your whole procedure took less time than It took for them to take my clothes away from me.

Wribro, over in Turkey needs to hear about your resolution. He is faced with needing to get his fissure squared away in pretty short order before he goes to fulfill a military obligation in the Turkish Army in three months.
Good Luck and GOD Bless- I look forward to hearing how well your recovery is going in the coming days and weeks.

Re: I did it! Surgery this morning and so far it's all good

Postby Deleted User 5 » 15 May 2007, 06:19

MB was right, that was FAST. Maybe too fast, IMHO. You need to rest and you need to stay on the diet!! Please give yourself as much rest as you can over the course of the next two weeks, and don't lift anything heavy for 4-6 weeks, and avoid squatting and bending over.
Stay off your arse!
I've seen one other case where the surgery was treated like a mole removal, and the parient was *walking* home soon afterwards. This person had problems later, so treat yourself like you just had heart surgery, OK? Don't take it casually or lightlyge
Deleted User 5

Re: I did it! Surgery this morning and so far it's all good

Postby Guest » 15 May 2007, 06:55

Hey Robin-you must be so totally relieved to have that done and got to avoid all the anticipation jitters of waiting for surgery. When I had hemorrhoid surgery it was done the same day I went in so I didn't have time to worry about it so much!
I am glad you are doing okay but I do want you to take it easy. I overdid it after my surgery because I was so numbed up. The shots hurt like a you know what don't they? But then afterwards I didn't feel anything for quite a few hours so I thought wow that was a piece of cake and spent too much dilly dallying around the pharmacy waiting for my prescription looking at lotions, shampoo etc. (I can never get in and out of the drugstore) But then the pain came and boy it was horrible! So please treat yourself as if you had surgery. Stay the course with your All Bran and water.
Did they prescribe any pain meds? What about baths? Stool Softeners?
Aren't you glad it is over? I am happy for you and excited to hear about your progress.
Prayers for a speedy healing, Robin!

Re: I did it! Surgery this morning and so far it's all good

Postby Guest » 15 May 2007, 11:20

Well, Day 2 of my new life, and it's still pretty decent. I have decided to take it pretty easy, so am parked on the couch, surrounded by my :cat: :cat: cats :cat: :cat: who seem to instinctively know that something isn't quite normal! (Maybe it's because I'm lying on my side with my pants down, butt airing happily in the breeze. Here's hoping the next door neighbours can't see in.)
The pain as such is very controllable. I had a long hot bath this morning, then popped a couple of ibuprofen not because I needed pain relief as much as I just wanted to reduce the inflammation at the incision site. Had a BM too - not nearly as bad as some pre-surgery days. And no spasms afterwards! Man, this is heaven.
Lecia, I wasn't prescribed any pain relief or given much in the way of post-surgical instructions. Fortunately we have some Tylenol 3s and even some Percocets around the house, so I know I can get relief if I need it. But so far I don't. (Fingers crossed) I'm keeping up my breakfast regime of bran cereal with a glass of water, eating lots of beans and vegetables, and drinking as much water as I can.
MB, I'll try to get in touch with Wribro although I don't know what I can say that will help, other than DO THE SURGERY! I agree with you that it's worth doing, and wish I'd done it months ago and spared myself so much pain and disruption of my life.
Kim, I am slowing down a bit today thanks to your words of caution. I have to work tomorrow - no choice about that - so am really taking it easy today to let my body start to get over the surgery. I've found that I'm really sleepy - have already nodded off once this morning, even though I was in bed for nearly 9 hours last night. I guess sleep is just a good way to recover. And the cats don't mind at all, as long as I don't take up too much of "their" couches. You mentioned someone who had had problems after surgery - what happened? Anything I should be on the lookout for?
Otherwise, I shall plan on continuing to heal well and quickly. Thanks for your good wishes and encouragement,

Re: I did it! Surgery this morning and so far it's all good

Postby Deleted User 5 » 15 May 2007, 12:28

Look down the surgery thread for Geneviиve.
I cannot say if her complications were due to any sort of "rush job" but you might want to read her thread anyway...
Good luck in your recovery and we'll be here if you need us!
Deleted User 5

Re: I did it! Surgery this morning and so far it's all good

Postby Guest » 15 May 2007, 12:56

Hey Kim - funny coincidence, Genevieve went to the same clinic I did! Different doctor, but same place. They really do have a pretty good reputation as far as I can tell, so I have to believe that the quick surgery approach can work. If anything, it makes sense to me that not having a general anaesthetic is better, as the body can concentrate on healing the incision and the fissure, instead of having to clean all the residual gunk from the anaesthetic. But I'm definitely going with stool softeners and lots of fiber though, just to keep everything soft and easy. And it's going to be fine. It's going to be fine. It's going to be fine! (Repeat when necessary.)
Back to the couch and TV for me. Maybe another nap, and reruns of Jerry Springer...

Re: I did it! Surgery this morning and so far it's all good

Postby Guest » 15 May 2007, 15:38

Hey guys ,
I just got back from my two week check up with the surgeon. He released me to do whatever I felt like doing. Including riding horses . He said that if I came off of a horse and got hurt back there it would not be as a result of the incision. He went on to say that the incision that he cut is not very big ,it is only about a quarter inch long at most, just long enough to insert the knife ie scalpal to cut the sphincter muscle; the trick ,,according to him is to is to know the anatomy and thereby where to cut. HE did not put any stitches in the incision that he cut in me. He did say that I should insure that I keep eating a lot of fiber and taking a stool softener for several more weeks along with lots of water.
I may give the horses a bit more time anyway....

Good Luck and GOD Bless!!

Re: I did it! Surgery this morning and so far it's all good

Postby happyass » 17 May 2007, 20:57

wow fisherking...that is all i can say.....
you are a brave soul!
and a trooper for going back to work so soon.....
here are my happy and healthy healing wishes for you.
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