Questioning whether I should have had surgery

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Re: Questioning whether I should have had surgery

Postby db56 » 11 Aug 2011, 13:08

Thanks everyone for the help. I've been taking Phillips stool softner which I believe has docusate...Is this a good one? Also how often should I take it?
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Re: Questioning whether I should have had surgery

Postby val » 11 Aug 2011, 13:32

docusate did absolutely nothing for me....but everyone is different.
Miralax/movicol seems to work for most, adjusting the dose to suit your individual requirements.
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Re: Questioning whether I should have had surgery

Postby Guest » 11 Aug 2011, 14:05

Yep Phillips is docusate sodium. I never had any luck with it either. Didn't matter if I took 2 or 6, I got the same results. I also take Miralax now and get much better results.

Re: Questioning whether I should have had surgery

Postby Deleted User 579 » 11 Aug 2011, 16:28

In my experience, there is definitely such a thing as too much fiber! Everybody is different and it takes a while to figure out how much to eat for yourself. Also, there are different kinds of fiber: soluble fiber, like oatmeal, potatoes and squash, add bulk, and insoluble fiber like green beens and spinach, make things move faster. When doctors say "eat more fiber", they don't always distinguish between the two kinds. For me, eating too much insoluble fiber caused loose and watery stools; for some people, eating too much soluble fiber causes constipation (which is why it's important to drink lots of water with fiber too). One website I read put it really well: soluable fiber is like a sponge, it absorbs water in the intestines; insoluble fiber is like a broom, it softens stool and keeps things moving. It can sometimes take some experimenting to figure out the right combination for you. I also found that docusate sodium wasn't very helpful. Miralax was definitely the right stool softener for me. :D
Deleted User 579

Re: Questioning whether I should have had surgery

Postby db56 » 24 Aug 2011, 14:24

I had my one month follow up. I'm still in pain. The Dr. said the outside sphincter muscle has loosened and is hopeful I will heal. He was conservative on the cut. He usually does 1 cm and only cut half of that on me. I'm going back to nitro to help the spasms. He also said there is no such thing as too much fiber. I'm just frustrated and feel like I'm back to square one.
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Re: Questioning whether I should have had surgery

Postby Guest » 25 Aug 2011, 17:54

Did you ask your CRS why he cut half of what he usually does on you, why he chose to be more conservative than usual? I'm not really sure how big the cut should be, but there is one thing that is certain- if the cut isn't sufficient then the fissure may not heal and has a chance of returning if it does.
Have you had spasms all along since your LIS? If you have, then the fissure won't heal. That is why we get LIS, to stop the spasms so that the fissure can heal.
I had a few days of spasms first week post-op because I had the skin tag removed too and I guess sometimes just having LIS can cause that temporary but I got some valium and after a few days really didn't need it anymore and never had a spasm since. Some of the others had some spasms post-op and road it out with the baths and no valium. I seriously don't believe a fissure will start healing until those stop.
I really feel for you and think you need an explanation from your doc as to why the spasms are still going on and if that unusually conservative cut wasn't good enough.
I'm so sorry and I can see why you are frustrated Image

Re: Questioning whether I should have had surgery

Postby Deleted User 579 » 26 Aug 2011, 07:49

Hey db56! I'm so sorry you are still suffering! I think Dawn is right that an overly conservative cut might prevent the fissure from healing. A few people here a had to get a second LIS because the first one wasn't sufficient. That really sucks, but I think that too conservative is better than too much! Also, a few boardies used ointments (like nitro or Diltiazem) to finish the job after their surgery - especially if they still had spasms. So that might work for you - maybe you could ask your doc about it.
A few boardies took valium, like Dawn, and it worked quite well to minimize the spasms. Another boardie, Elphie, took oxazepam, which is like valium, but not as addictive.
I HATE it when doctors make blanket statements like "there's no such thing as too much fiber"!! Image
They should know that there isn't one amount of anything that is good for every person. We are all built differently, and there most certainly is such a thing as too much fiber for someone with IBS or celliac disease, gluten intolerance, or even relatively minor intolerances and allergies etc. Body weight and metabolism matter too. Sheesh! IMO, you should work out a combination of soluble and isoluble fiber that works for you. As long as you are getting enough fiber for you, and most importantly, drinking enough water, you will be quite fine as far as BMs go.
Unfortunately, it looks like you might need some medical interventions to deal with those spasms. I really think you should talk to your doc about ointments and meds (like valium).
I really hope you find relief soon!
Deleted User 579

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