About five weeks, and nearly completely healed!

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About five weeks, and nearly completely healed!

Postby Lelaa » 25 Jul 2013, 12:18

I was diagnosed with an AF about four weeks ago, and all of my discomfort has been gone for about two weeks.
I have an anterior fissure (it felt like my perineum was going to fall straight out for two weeks!) and it is mostly healed back to normal. The only reminder is some occasional irritation, closer to a dry sensation than pain, and some slight swelling that is going away more and more every day.
In the beginning I thought I had a hemorrhoid, because the only symptom I had for the first couple days was a swollen lump on my anus- and then I got very paranoid when I realized that there was even more skin protruding during and after BMs or straining! I thought my rectum was prolapsing or something else very unlikely (I'm otherwise healthy and in my early 20's- prolapses CAN happen but that's so rare!) and I was sick with anxiety, especially when the aching, butt-is-falling-out, have-to-sit-one-one-cheek, feelings of pressure started. Since my fissure was in the front, too, the aches radiated up into feelings much like period cramps, so I was also terrified that something was wrong with that, too! The anxiety levels I was experiencing were insane, I couldn't sleep and it was all I thought about throughout the day.
All that, and good health insurance, motivated me to go to the doctor about five days after the symptoms started. The doctor took a quick peek and told me it was an anal fissure. I wasn't sure I trusted him, he hardly looked! How could he know! Et cetera! But he prescribed nitroglycerin ointment, and I came back the next day for it. I also posted on here because I was so nervous about the diagnosis. I must have had a very mild fissure, maybe without any true tearing, because I never bled, and I didn't have pain during my BMs.
The awesome advice I got here was "sound like inflammation, take some Miralax and an anti-inflammatory before bed", and so I did! I don't know why my doctor didn't talk to me about a stool softener, since I think that was the most important part in my healing. I ate more fiber, drank more water, and took the Miralax religiously. I NEVER strained or pushed on the toilet. I brought my nitro ointment to work, even! I only wiped with baby wipes, to minimize irritation down there.
And gradually, over about two more weeks, the discomfort went away. And over a bit more time I could sit normally, sleep normally, and the swollen bump is shrinking away. I stopped taking Miralax about a week and a half ago, and I stopped using the ointment a few days ago. (Though perhaps I should continue? My doctor never advised me on how long to use it.)
I have a feeling that I'm going to need to make some diet and lifestyle changes to keep this fissure from coming back, since now I've become hyper-aware of every time I strain on the toilet. Although I didn't think it was a lot before, I now realize it is most of the time. And I've noticed a familiar scratchy feeling from pre-AF days when I have A BM, which I think may be the fissure. So although I don't have a perfect butt, at least I'm in healthy maintenance mode, not miserable crisis mode!
I know I've been super fortunate to have such an easy time healing, but I wanted to post this in case someone is reading the forums, wondering if they should go to the doctor for their mystery bathroom problem.
JUST GO! Your problem won't go away by ignoring it, and you might catch a problem early, and have an easier time treating it. Do it, do it, do it! And ask a thousand questions of your doctor, and if they won't answer you, get a different one!
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Re: About five weeks, and nearly completely healed!

Postby Just 'Pain' Tired » 12 Aug 2013, 00:22

That's great you have a diagnosis (though too bad it's AF!) and you are doing what you can to heal!!  I didn't know my problem was an AF (told thrombosed hemmie but she couldn't rule out an AF cause I was in so much pain I couldn't tolerate the exam), so after five weeks I had a decrease in pain and thought I was out of the woods.  I slacked off on ointments and diet and re-tore after another month.  I re-tore after sitting for 7 hours at a training, then walking, then having a small poo.  I'm sharing this because even though it sounds as though you are 'out of the woods' I'll encourage you to keep up your regimen for a longer period of time....just to be sure.  Healing the second time has taken five more months instead of five weeks and I wouldn't wish this upon my worst enemy!!!!!!!!!!!!  Thanks for sharing an 'I caught it early and did the right thing' success story!  Peaceful poos to you!
Just 'Pain' Tired
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