by 15yearfissure » 24 Dec 2017, 10:53
I owe it to all who have posted and given me hope to post what I have learned.
1. Get more than 1 opinion before surgery. I wish I had done this! I didn’t know I had more options than what the surgeon quickly recommended.
2. Don’t have your anal skin tags removed too! I had so many that he practically had to make me a new anus. I really believe the surgery wouldn’t have been so hard if it would have been a simple LIS. I was in bed from my morning bowel movements time until about 2 pm daily for 7-8 weeks. My Meds didn’t even touch the pain, just made me sleepy. It was excruciating.
3. If you can afford it, invest in a fancy Japanese toilet. This was the best gift I have ever received! It helped my recovery immensely. Warm seat, sprays gentle water to clean the area, even dries the area, no toilet paper required. Seriously amazing.
3. The only thing that helped my pain was getting directly in a hot hot bath (with Netflix) and then going directly to sleep.
4. Plenty of water and become a plant-based eater/vegan. It’s just the easiest way to manage the food. Dairy and meat still cause me bouts of constipation when I indulge. As does stress.
5. Now that I’m healed up, I still hard stools now and then. If I have pain after hard movements, coconut oil applied topically am-pm helps me heal quickly.
6. Don’t give up! Those were some dark days! As a busy mom of 4 my healing took forever, maybe 8+ months.
7. Get a Squatty potty-essential
All my love to my fellow silent sufferers. Life does improve, it is dang hard to heal a body part that you have to keep using every day!