10 Month Post Op LIS, Fissurechtomy, tag removal


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10 Month Post Op LIS, Fissurechtomy, tag removal

Postby lmaci » 20 Jan 2014, 22:42


Just wondering if anyone out there has had the LIS, Fissurechtomy and Tag Removal approx. 10 months ago and still is swollen looking? BM pretty normal no pain, no blood (rare) but my anal area is swollen has never really gone down, its on the outside. My doc saw it about 3 months ago said sometimes it takes a year but its now almost a year. There is still a tiny skin tag which he said he could remove if its causing hygene probs. its not but I am tempted to have it done anyway, but it would involve full on general anesthesia again.

I also have stomach distention often which is probably more of an IBS thing, I have a regular BM but it never feels complete and I am still quite bloated. I eat right exercise and drink a ton of water, I am trying one week of no bran cereal (all bran) thinking it could be building up and I am getting too much fiber, not sure.

If anyone can relate to this post I would appreciate your feedback...

Or if you have any questions of my experience with the surgery.

Thank you so much!!!
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Re: 10 Month Post Op LIS, Fissurechtomy, tag removal

Postby Bettyblue » 22 Jan 2014, 04:14

Sorry imacy I can't not help you. I just had my LIS 8 days ago. I am doing very good, just some irritation that is going down too. But as your doctor, my doctor told me I will probably will be normal again between 6 to 12 months. But every person is a world. What it works for some it will not work for others. The problem with this forum is that people who had LIS and got healed will never return again ( only comeback if they still have problems). So probably will be very difficult to find somebody posting 10 months post-LIS. Could you come back to your doctor to know what is happening to you? I hope thing will start to go better for you, so you can finally feel normal again. Take care.
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Re: 10 Month Post Op LIS, Fissurechtomy, tag removal

Postby Bettyblue » 22 Jan 2014, 04:17

P.S Maybe it has to do with the skin tag. Some times those buggers start to act up and get irritated and swollen causing a lot of discomfort. Could be a possibility.
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Re: 10 Month Post Op LIS, Fissurechtomy, tag removal

Postby lmaci » 22 Jan 2014, 12:44

Thanks Bettyblue,

The good thing is I feel normal as far as the surgery it was a success no discomfort with the swollen down there, stomach is probably separate. I just wanted to know aesthetically to be blunt if everyone's butt goes back to looking totally normal??? Only people on here would understand..

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