10 weeks postop - bigger skin tag and plateau

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10 weeks postop - bigger skin tag and plateau

Postby Laurieb » 18 Sep 2017, 09:14

So I'm about 10 weeks after my LIS, and I still have pain just after my daily BM in the morning. It's like a burning sensation, but without the throbbing. And usually the sensation comes like a wave: immediately after the bm I feel the burning building up for 2-3 minutes, and it lessen quickly after, but leaves me with some incomfort for 3-4 hours. The heating pad helps and by lunch time usually the pain is almost disappeared. Is it normal? This pain is posterior, like at 6 o'clock, not on my left side (incision). Since my surgery I haven't had a day pain-free, however, I never had any spasm again, so I'm glad about it but I find the healing very slow. I feel the improvement since the surgery, but now since several weeks I reached a plateau.

Also, I absolutely need to take my lax a day 1 dose every 2 or 3 day, otherwise I find to push to hard, and it hurts more after.

Few days ago, I noticed that my skin tag was more swollen than before my LIS. Again, is it normal? And I now have kind of a small bump under my skin, on top of the anus. I wonder what it is, could it be inflammation related to the surgery? I don't think it's an hemorroid, it's not colored and it's not looking like a vein. My crs told me at 6 weeks that everything seemed to heal just fine, and in one year the tag should disappeared by itself.
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Re: 10 weeks postop - bigger skin tag and plateau

Postby patience_and_healing » 30 Sep 2017, 17:29

I'm sorry you are having these new issues after the surgery. I hope you'll get better soon. Hopefully some of the members who have had surgery can advise you on how to approach these problems.
8/16-12/16: Fissure due to antibiotics
5/17: Botox to sphincter, fissure healed
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Re: 10 weeks postop - bigger skin tag and plateau

Postby Buttorfly » 04 Oct 2017, 15:23

Hello! I just had an LIS, Hemrrhoidectommy and skin tag removal about 2 weeks ago. This procedure was done about a month after I had done the botox procedure hoping the fissure would heal with that. After the botox procedure I noticed that my skin tag was swelling and getting painful no matter what I did. My BMs didnt hurt it was just the skin tag. So i went back I the surgeon and he decided to remove it and in the process of he saw the fissure wasn't healed and if I had hemorrhoids he would take care of that too.
I can tell you that even though I was told by the surgeon that did the botox that the skin tag would heal in its own, it didn't. It was getting worse and was bleeding and was painful to even wipe. I did everything I was supposed to do but once the other surgeon saw it he told me that it was not going to heal and it needed to get removed. They do the removal under general anesthesia which I'm glad because I'm a chicken for pain. Today it's been 2 weeks and the skin tag is gone and the stitches are disintegrating. I have no pain where the skin tag was. My only issue now is that I have an open wound and I have some swelling by that wound. That pretty much is all the pain I have and so I'm taking care of that so that it doesn't get infected. I have a follow up next week and I guess I'll see what the doctor says about it.
Keep your stools soft, keep the area clean. If you can get yourself a water bottle that squirts water that helps me with cleaning after I have a BM especially since the skin tag can get in the way of cleaning thoroughly. Just a little tip I can give based on my own experience.
Good luck and I hope you feel better soon. :)
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Re: 10 weeks postop - bigger skin tag and plateau

Postby Laurieb » 12 Oct 2017, 20:20

Thanks for your comments.

I don't see any improvement since my 1st post. I went today to see a physiotherapist who treats pelvic floor problems, and she advised me to go back to my surgeron and ask him if I'm healed enough to follow a pelvic floor therapy. I guess this is the next step :/
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Re: 10 weeks postop - bigger skin tag and plateau

Postby Laurieb » 13 Nov 2017, 22:29

Hey, just a quick update. I saw my crs last week and he decided I need to have my skin tag removed. But he said the fissure as well as lis incision are both healed. Skin tag is irritated, but I now only take a 1/4 of dose of lax a day every other day and it helps, so the BMs are not too softs. I hope the recovery of the skin tag removal will be quick!
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Re: 10 weeks postop - bigger skin tag and plateau

Postby patience_and_healing » 15 Nov 2017, 22:21

I hope skin tag removal will be the last thing you need to be back to a pain free life. Will it be done under local anesthesia or general?
8/16-12/16: Fissure due to antibiotics
5/17: Botox to sphincter, fissure healed
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Re: 10 weeks postop - bigger skin tag and plateau

Postby Laurieb » 08 Dec 2017, 09:53

I’ll have the procedure done today! Under local. Crs told me to apply xylocain creme on skin tag 1 hour before the anesthesia. The xylocain shot in the butt is very painful he said :/ (and as per Dr Google too...) fingers crossed it won’t be that bad. Anyway, nothing is worse than fissure pain. And my spasms stopped right after LIS and I’m so grateful about it! I’ll update this post shortly.
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Re: 10 weeks postop - bigger skin tag and plateau

Postby chachacha » 08 Dec 2017, 15:02

Good luck. I hope that your preparation made for a pain-free experience.
Fissure since about 2007
Fissure diagnosed in 2011
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