36F Post-Lis w Skin Tag Removal & Complications

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36F Post-Lis w Skin Tag Removal & Complications

Postby sparkledust » 16 May 2022, 20:52

Hi All,
I'm entering week 6 post-LIS surgery with skin tag removal and having a bumpy recovery, I'm wondering if anyone else who've had complications can share their journey as I'm feeling at a loss and any encouragement is welcome. I've dealt with chronic constipation for 10+ years and as of 2020 I've been on a daily dose of miralax to ease bm pain. The last GI diagnosed two types of constipation, IBS-C and idiopathic constipation with the only real treatment being laxative, iberogast, healthy diet, water, exercise. I've been able to relatively control the constipation but what became unbearable was the pain from soft bms.

Three years ago I started experiencing what felt like fissure symptoms but wasn't diagnosed until November 2021, at the time two lateral fissures on opposite sides of each other were found. I also underwent a large skin tag removal in late July 2021 which is what I think finally made the fissures visible under examination, which hadn't been many since it was always too painful for me to properly be examined, even a rectal MRI came up empty in late 2020. I underwent treatment with diltiazem and sitz bath which failed, then received botox injections and those failed which led to surgery in early April 2022. During surgery they also removed several skin tags.

The first week was extremely painful and by the second week I started to feel improvement. Yet at the 2.5week mark I started having sever pain which turned out to be an infection which was treated with antibiotics but failed to improve so at the 4week mark I underwent a procedure to drain the affected area. Throughout the time that I was dealing with the infection bm pain came mostly from the incision site. However, as the infection pain improved I started to have what felt like fissure pain with soft formed bowel movements which wasn't happening before.

During this time treatment has stayed relatively the same, three healthy meals with lots of water throughout the day, sitz bath 3x a day and after every bm, and only walking for exercise. Though lately with resurgent fissure pain I've been losing my appetite and not been able to go on regular walks. As of today, I also experienced bloody bm's which are throughly freaking me out. I feel like my progress is reversing.

I'm frustrated and confused at the many detours recovery has taken. Feeling burnout and growing anxiety. I feel like I'm doing my best but its not good enough :(

I read through this forum prior to undergoing surgery and though it gave me confidence to undergo the procedure I also remember coming across stories of delayed recovery, any feedback from you would be much appreciated. I have a small circle of friends who I talk with about fissures but none of them have first hand experience and sometimes it feels very lonely even with their support.

Doing my best to stay hopeful :thankyou:
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Re: 36F Post-Lis w Skin Tag Removal & Complications

Postby Suffering2long » 23 Jun 2022, 21:50

Sorry to read about your journey. I can relate to the ups and downs (mainly downs).
How are you a month or so later?
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