5 Days Post LIS

I had my LIS on 7th January, 2021

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5 Days Post LIS

Postby Umar Adam » 12 Jan 2021, 09:44

Hello everyone, I used to visit this website every single day during the worst phase of my life living with an anal fissure. It started with a mild bearable pain in mid September 2020. Unfortunately, due to lack of awareness I didn't take adequate care of it which made it worst. In November, it became chronic and the pain started affecting my daily life. I started to fear BMs and so my diet was severely affected which caused rapid weight and energy loss.
Meanwhile, I used different remedies including gtn, ccbs and other ointments (tens of them) to avoid LIS but all went in vain and the problem aggravated with each passing day. In the first of week of January, I visited a doctor who gave an hour of his precious time for my counselling. I decided to go for LIS after that visit.
On 7th January, 2021, I had my LIS which changed my life once for all. I still remember those days of excruciating pain caused by spasms and can not appreciate my decision to go for LIS enough. Today 05 days post LIS, I feel back to life. In fact, I feel a little burning sensation after BM but it goes away within 05 minutes.
My friends, if you are going through the same and overthinking about LIS JUST DON'T DO IT! AND GO FOR LIS!
Umar Adam
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