So I'm day 5 post lis/fissurectomy. I had reservation before having the procedure which can be read in more detail here: Overall, the procedure and recovery have been a breeze. Today, I'm finally to able to sit again without much pain or discomfort.
I just had my 4th bm. The first one took 2 days and I have since been having 1 per day around the same time each day. The first 3 were followed by a wave of intense burning, which were reminiscent of my early days with the fissure. It took about 8 weeks of trying to heal naturally for me to finally not have that problem anymore. Just like those early days, I immediately followed all 3 bms with a 25 min warm bath. Then of course I experienced some tightening and a heightened sense of soreness for several hours. Today, I'm happy to report that my bm was accompanied by zero burning. However, I am still experiencing the heightened sense of soreness which feels identical to my post bm problem prior to my surgery 5 days ago.
I fully understand that it's still super early. But I'm just concerned that with all the pain and soreness gone from the procedure, I'm still left with the same familiar feeling that all know all too well. Can anyone relate to my experience?
Thank you
**I just want to make an addendum to this as I only made this post a couple of hours ago. Right now, I'm actually alittle suspicious as to whether or not my CRS actually did what he claimed. First, I want to note that the first thing I was surprised about the day of the surgery was that there was not one drop of blood anywhere on my bandages (after I removed them.) There was even a tightly-rolled piece of gauze stuffed snugly between my cheeks and nothing on that either. I was expecting my first bm to produce an unsightly amount of blood and I was shocked to see that there was only a spot on the toilet paper when I wiped (no more or less than I've seen after a bm pre-surgery.) The other 3 bms I've had since have not shown a drop. Now since I made the above post, I decided I was curious as to what the area looked like. I took a hand mirror and was pretty shocked at what I saw... He (my CRS) told me that there were stitches from the removal of my sentinel pile - I could not see any stitches and I saw the same skin tag right above the opening of my anus. Am I crazy? I thought that was my sentinel pile? Am I wrong and it's actually something that's inside and not on the outside? WTF is going on????