7 years of softeners and 7 years of a fissure

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Re: 7 years of softeners and 7 years of a fissure

Postby JaimeDeschain » 04 Aug 2022, 04:37

Definitely agree with the diet but I'm confused... if I don't eat enough fruit and veg everything is too dry and hard/sharp which causes a lot pain but if I eat more fruit and veg everything is too bulky and I'm too regular which also causes a lot of pain. I might try husk again now that it seems to be working for you, how long have you been taking it and how long did it take to be pain free?
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Re: 7 years of softeners and 7 years of a fissure

Postby Rich44 » 19 Aug 2022, 09:28

Don't forget to try to be active. Get that blood flowing to promote healing of the fissure. If you sit on the couch and watch TV all the time and are never active, that is going to come into play. Make sure your electrolytes are in balance (maybe drink more fortified water like CORE) to help with soft BM. I would avoid caffeine and see how that helps too. You want bulky BM. Stick with them. If you find yourself going and then having to go again and maybe again you are having evacuation issues. Many times that is exacerbated by your sphincter getting too tight (likely the result of too many stool softeners) and why I recommend people to avoid them.
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Re: 7 years of softeners and 7 years of a fissure

Postby missy moo » 08 Sep 2022, 18:30

Hi jaimedeschain
I've bden taking fiber now for round 3 months things are really good i can now handle some hard bms. Stretchy bms feel wrong to start with but as they stretch your muscles daily things get better give it 3 weeks put up with the pain. Think of it like this pain an not getting anywhere taking softeners or pain an getting somewhere without softeners but WITH a little fiber i honestly dont know if its the fiber thats helping me or just the fact that i stopped softeners I'm only taking 1tsp of psyllium husk a day so I'd say it's probably not doing to much. I'm anti softeners now haven't had one in gosh 4 months. Keep me updated and ask me any questions good luck if i can do it with 3 kids an 8 year old fissure 2 natural births with an active fissure anyone can do it. I'm mostly back to my busy life i actually can't believe it. My muscles have changed since stopping softners an being stretched daily 1-3 times. I still have iffy days tweaks here an there but I'm having harder bms because I'm drinking alot of coffee to get through the day with 3 kids but I'm going to reduce my caffeine for overall health an i think my bms will become less hard once i do that.
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Re: 7 years of softeners and 7 years of a fissure

Postby Camry » 08 Sep 2022, 20:29

Hello everyone. Been a silent reader here for years. Do you guys still feel a throbbing sensation after bms that usually last for hours or a day. It feels like a pulsating, stinging pain. Quite annoying at times cause it makes me anxious.
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Re: 7 years of softeners and 7 years of a fissure

Postby missy moo » 10 Sep 2022, 19:44

Hi Camry,
No i don't get this anymore but i still once every 4-6 weeks get a bm that makes me tense up an mite cause some slight pinching here an there afterwards but im much better and i believe my fissures are healed from me dropping softeners and having normal stretchy bms
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Re: 7 years of softeners and 7 years of a fissure

Postby ESun » 10 Sep 2022, 19:46

Missy Moo ❤️ Do you think taking Mag Calm every night is a bad thing? I can seem to kick it. I take about 650mg before bed.
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Re: 7 years of softeners and 7 years of a fissure

Postby missy moo » 10 Sep 2022, 22:28

Nothing wrong with that i actually would take it myself to help with anxiety and sleep if we had it in NZ
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Re: 7 years of softeners and 7 years of a fissure

Postby ESun » 11 Sep 2022, 06:44

I was told it acts like a laxative (and for me it makes the still a little watery)
So that’s why I wonder…
When I start to lessen the dose, I get nervous and I’ve had some really bad flare ups this year.
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Re: 7 years of softeners and 7 years of a fissure

Postby garyd1951 » 13 Oct 2022, 11:44

I really hate you are enduring sooo long. I'm 9 mo. in and I suspect it's going to be a long haul. DR. advised an ulcer in anal canal. Miralax and hydrocortisone supp's. Seems to help a bit. I have 1 good day then 2 or 3 bad ones. I know dr. cares, but when there is no real degree of success, they seem to want to dismiss you. Moving on to someone they they can cut on and make some money. I pray daily for myself and others like all of you that we GET BACK TO NORMAL. I get these little marble like nodules that come up at anus opening. ask dr. he says constipation causes them. BM's after Miralax are pretty darn smooth, so makes me wonder where the constipation is from? Whole thing makes you wonder if you're a constant complainer. I'm not, I just want some peace in my butt again. Seems so easy for dr. to just pass you off. Regards to everyone. I'm new. First post.
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Re: 7 years of softeners and 7 years of a fissure

Postby Ada3000 » 15 Oct 2022, 15:58

I have been trying to heal from a chronic fissure. Sometimes with the help of Miralax I can for up to periods of 2 months with no retear. However randomly I will tear again. I feel like its due to tightness this has me wondering if Miralax is the issue and if I should tough it out and get the muscle to pass larger stools. Also thinking dialators. Really trying to stay postive.
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