A few things (sitting = pain, bleeding, botox...)

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A few things (sitting = pain, bleeding, botox...)

Postby waves » 10 Nov 2017, 15:03

hi all, it's me again - unfortunately...

I'm writing because I'm currently in strong pain again and I feel so lost now...

I got my botox shot about 6 weeks ago. the doctor told me back then that he fissure seems to be mostly healed already and she wasn't sure if the botox will have much effect on me.
my situation was back then that I didn't have pain every day. there were days without any pain. other days however, I was having pain. I think after a workout in the gym or so.
what I noticed is that depending on what chair I sit I get extreme pain after only a few minutes. for example I went to australia and we did a road trip and the seat in the car was one of those "killer seats" to me. the pain slowly increased to a level where I barely could take the pain anymore. we ended up stopping every hour and I had to walk around for a bit to counter the increasing pain a bit.
then I started a new job in november and unfortunately the office chair there is one of those killer chairs, too. the pain gets so intense that I a forced to stand up and work standing (and it's not a standing-desk, I'm actually standing in front of a regular desk).

I have mostly stopped having anal sex because I was always bleeding quite strongly as soon as the sex started and of course that freaked my partner out, because there was a LOT of blood...
so earlier this week I tried again with a medium sized dildo (because I was pain free on that day all day long) and the SECOND I put the dildo in I started to bleed again - a lot. I soaked about 3-4 sheets of kitchen paper completely with blood. there was no pain when it bled but I was so frustrated that the bleeding problem STILL persists. it's soon two years now!

I dont know what else to do. for one I have days without any pain but then again depending on where I sit I get so strong pains that I can barely take it.
also sex is still impossible for me because of the buckets of blood I'm losing as soon as I get penetrated.

I have no idea what else to do since the botox seems to have failed on me and I don't know what else I can do about it.

Does anyone have similar experiences and hopefully a solution or any ideas? I'm so frustrated right now that it still doesn't seem to heal off :-(
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Re: A few things (sitting = pain, bleeding, botox...)

Postby hurtinend » 10 Nov 2017, 19:56

I don't think engaging in anal sex when you have fissure issues is a good choice.

Go back to the doctor who did the Botox. Maybe you should try one of the fissure ointments. In the meantime I think you should do regular sitz baths.
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