a sticky question...

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a sticky question...

Postby Guest » 09 Sep 2007, 13:59

Does anyone have a suggestion as to how to make stool less sticky? I've done really well bulking up on the fiber and haven't had any bleeding in a couple of weeks.
I'm finding, though, that I still get some pain and it seems to be because there is usually a bit of feces that sticks right inside the opening of the anus that I can't get rid of. It causes pain and a bit of burning and itching.
It'd be great if I could do something to change the consistency and get things so "slide out" so to speak, without leaving that irritating little bit behind...umm...in my behind.
Is there something that would help - maybe some kind of oil or something?
I'm so glad I found this forum - you're all fantastically helpful! Image

Re: a sticky question...

Postby Deleted User 5 » 09 Sep 2007, 14:07

Have you tried lubing the area with cocoa butter or vaseline? That will help, some, overall in even passing the larger ones, which really seem to make the old sphincter go berserk!
Changing the consistency is a tough question, there is no easy answer. Everyone is so different. I found late last year that eating a pomegranate or two every day gave the best formed stools ever (and they still do!) But I don't know how available they are up north, especially this time of year. But they did wonders for my stool consistency. The juice, on the other hand, really does nothing for my stools.
Last edited by Deleted User 5 on 09 Sep 2007, 14:55, edited 1 time in total.
Deleted User 5

Re: a sticky question...

Postby Guest » 09 Sep 2007, 14:32

I use flax seed oil in capsules and as a seasoning on cooked vegetables and fish oil capsules. Things slide out pretty well with that.

Re: a sticky question...

Postby Guest » 09 Sep 2007, 14:51

You guys are the best! Thanks for the great suggestions.
Kim, you're right...pomegranates are not too readily available here (even in the deep south of canada where I am - lol) but the cream is a good suggestion.
Lecia I'll definately look into the flax seed oil - sounds like a great idea!

Re: a sticky question...

Postby buttgirl » 11 Sep 2007, 15:12

I have recently started trying whole flax seeds in a tea of sorts. I pour boiling water on a Tablespoong of the seeds, let steep and then drink. The seeds make a disgusting mucous, which fortunately doesn't taste bad, but it really seem to help things slide cleanly and softly out for me. Mangos help too, especially the fiberous ones from So. America (as opposed to the better quality silky ones from India).
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Re: a sticky question...

Postby Guest » 23 Oct 2007, 07:22

Just an update...
I've been taking flax seed oil capsules for about a month now and they really seem to help. I've had no bleeding for almost a month and no pain for a couple of weeks now. I'm thrilled (cautiously) and will keep on with the program of high fibre, lots of water, and flax seed oil. It's working well for me so far!
Thanks again!

Re: a sticky question...

Postby Guest » 23 Oct 2007, 07:51

Very good news!!! Image
Just keep on doing what you are doing even when you feel better to keep up the encouraging results.
Yea for you!!!!!

Re: a sticky question...

Postby Deleted User 5 » 23 Oct 2007, 10:11

How 'bout the stickiness? Is that better?
Congrats on the pain-free period. Keep doing what you're doing!
Deleted User 5

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