Thank you to everyone for all the informative posts I see here. I would love to get any advice you can offer. I have what I'm pretty sure is an acute anal fissure caused by a gastroenterologist during a colonoscopy. Tomorrow will be 4 weeks since the procedure, and it is still impressively painful, and not clear to me it is improving. I read that "6 weeks" is the transition from acute to chronic, and I would love for this to not become chronic. (I've developed a lot of sympathy for all of those on this site struggling with chronic issues!) I have pretty stunning pain during a bowel movement, visible blood on toilet paper only some of the time, but pain is not just for a while after bowel movement, it continues off and on (but vast majority of the time "on") all day.
What seems unusual about my case is that many apparently get fissures from issues with constipation, and that has never been an issue for me (I've been mildly constipated or a day or so perhaps 2 or 3 times in my whole life, and I'm in my 60s); I am pretty athletic and typically eat a large volume of high fiber food, with 2-3 bowel movements per day. However, this seems to be working against me because, since the fissure was caused by the colonoscopy, it feels like it never gets to heal, as each bowel movement re-injures it. At first, not knowing what it was (did not know about "fissure") I was convinced by a friend to try preparation H. Gave up on that after about 8-9 days. Then I read about sitz baths. These are the best thing I've found at reducing pain, but the pain reduction is only temporary. Next, I tried eating no solid food (just water, and a little bit of juice and jello) to see if I could stop having bowel movements long enough to let the fissure heal. A day without a BM was the best things have felt but, a few days into this, I had 2 BMs (go figure!) and was in pain again. I don't have a lot of weight to spare, and, by 5.5 days without eating, I'd lost several pounds and was feeling weak enough (and still in pain), decided this was not sustainable. Now I'm eating very moderately.
Finally got to speak by phone with gastroenterologist. I've had perhaps 6-7 colonoscopies from him in the past (my mother died of colon cancer at 46, so I was at risk), and was always quite impressed by him - I was not at all accusatory, but he was rather evasive ("you had a couple internal hemorrhoids, perhaps they were aggravated by the prep"). From what I've read, people generally do not feel internal hemorrhoids at all, and I described to him what sound like exact symptoms of a fissure. He prescribed some $100+ hydrocortisone/pramoxine cream, which I've used twice so far - the first time, it seemed to partially alleviate pain, 2nd time no effect (I used it right after a sitz bath and, with the discomfort of applying it, the cream seemed to make things worse, at least temporarily). It's not clear to me whether I should force myself to use this cream (which I would if it actually promotes healing), or it's just supposed to mask pain.
Please give me guidance in what I can do to prevent this from becoming chronic: 1) does hydrocortisone/pramoxine cream actually promote healing?; 2) I read on this site a link to study from Italy in which 5 days of progressive digital anal dilation (10 minutes each morning/evening) had good results, do you recommend this?; 3) my bowel movements are already pretty soft, should I take laxative to make them more diarrhea-ish (I've had that a couple of times, and it hurt as well!); 4) is there an important reason to see a colorectal surgeon to have this scoped (ouch! I would not look forward to that right now, and afraid the process would cause more damage); 5) I already have healthful eating and exercise habits (remarkably, along with sitz bath, running is when it is hurting the least), but what else could you recommend? Apologies this post is so long, wanted to be clear about things. Please, ANY tips would be *very* appreciated! Thanks!