Advancement flap surgery

6 weeks post op

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Advancement flap surgery

Postby Louiza2018 » 10 Mar 2018, 02:57

Hi ,was wondering if anyone who has had the procedure could give me any indication on how long it can take to heal. I am nearly 6 week post op after having advanced anal flaps after suffering for 2years ,am so scared that it hasn't worked,just want the fissure gone .
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Re: Advancement flap surgery

Postby Louiza2018 » 11 Mar 2018, 04:05

Please if anyone has any indication on how long it takes to heal please help am desperate, I suffer severe anxiety and panic attacks due to the fissure and have suffered for over2 years .
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Re: Advancement flap surgery

Postby chachacha » 11 Mar 2018, 11:26

Louiza2018 wrote:Please if anyone has any indication on how long it takes to heal please help am desperate, I suffer severe anxiety and panic attacks due to the fissure and have suffered for over2 years .

I don't think that too many members have had that procedure, but if you do a search and bring up some older posts, those from the past will be sent an email letting them know that their topic has been revived. Hopefully then, you'll get some answers from people who have the answers that you're seeking.
Fissure since about 2007
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Re: Advancement flap surgery

Postby Louiza2018 » 11 Mar 2018, 14:35

Thank you
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Re: Advancement flap surgery

Postby suzyljank » 26 Mar 2018, 20:00

Hi, sorry I haven't been on this site for a while so I just saw your post. I had bilateral advancement flaps done 5 years ago. It's a slow recovery. It was very important for me to dilate after surgery to keep the scar tissue the surgery produces more stretchable. If you want you can look up my posts under suzyljank. Be sure to follow all your post op instruction and continue on whatever stool softener you use. I use miralax to this very day. The surgery should help but things will be a little different after it. This surgery helped me tremendously but I have to take care. I take my miralax once a day and dilate about 3 times a week now and do pretty good. I still occasionally get irritated where the skin flaps were taken from and sometimes I will get a terrible spasming but I also have PFD. I had LIS first but that didn't work for me and then I waited before I finally did the flaps, by that time I had no choice. 8 years of pain and spasms were awful. My fissure and previous surgeries caused anal stenosis so my fissure wouldn't heal. After the surgery I still have some stenosis but it's more functional now. If you have any specific question please feel free to ask I'd be glad to help. Suzy
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Re: Advancement flap surgery

Postby Momofboys13 » 28 Oct 2018, 23:59

Louiza2018 wrote:Hi ,was wondering if anyone who has had the procedure could give me any indication on how long it can take to heal. I am nearly 6 week post op after having advanced anal flaps after suffering for 2years ,am so scared that it hasn't worked,just want the fissure gone .

I'm only 5 days from my surgery . I am heading back to work full time and freaking out too . Sitting too long hurts , standing
Tiers me out.
I had my surgery with one of the best CRS IN Boston. I was.reffered.from a.local hospital near me stating it was the best option cause with my seton 3 months in I still had new ones form . He also explain NOT to have the tags removed it left room for more infection to follow. I'm following up in dec but juat wnat the draining to end .. where is all of it coming from ?? Ughh I pray we both recover fast
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