Advancement flap surgery.

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Re: Advancement flap surgery.

Postby tiredofpain » 13 Sep 2012, 07:30

I wanted to add one more thing that I tried for first Bm.. My doctor actually suggested this! This may sound gross but worked for me. After surgery he told me actually pass the bm in portable sitz bath filled with warm water. Warm water soothes the muscle and the surgery site and may cut down on pain. I did exactly what he asked me to and it did help.
hang in there and concentrate on positive outcome.
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Re: Advancement flap surgery.

Postby suzyljank » 13 Sep 2012, 07:57

Thanks for the replies, I'm still scared to death. Did anyone have lots of stitches and how did they finally come out. I realize each procedure is tailored to the individual and what would work best for them and I appreciate everyone sharing their experience. I've read so many awful stories that sometimes I wish I never would have read any. It's really helpful when people post positive results. I guess that when people get better they just leave the board and we never really know and I do feel really bad for those whose outcomes weren't great. But when you're in pain and told your best option is surgery you're scared enough. Thanks again to everyone. Suzy
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Re: Advancement flap surgery.

Postby Fernie1 » 20 Sep 2012, 00:54

Please keep us posted Susy. I had a failed LIS surgery according to my CRS about 3 months ago. Fissures still advancement flap was talked about..going to another CRS for second opinion though. Still would like to know how ur surgery goes if u decide to go that route..I'm so scared too; I know how u feel..still we should all give ourselves more credit..anyone with AF's are automatically the bravest souls out there. I know God will give u strength to endure anything no matter what ur dicision. Hope u start feeling better soon. Image
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Re: Advancement flap surgery.

Postby suzyljank » 20 Sep 2012, 06:38

Thanks Fernie, my CRS and I knew a few months after the LIS that it didn't work. The anal canal was still narrow, that's why he recommended the advancement flap. It not only can widen the anal canal but helps the fissure heal. I've been nursing this for 4 years now. I have to say my biggest obstacle are the posts I've read about the surgery and the horror stories people have posted. To be blunt they scare the hell out of me. I'm trying to calm down enough to think rationally and have the surgery done. I've been lucky enough to be in contact with a very nice woman who had the house advancement flap done. She's been kind enough to call me and we've had a few chats. Her situation was very similar to mine and the flap was her only option left. It worked for her. She said she had to baby her butt for a few months but she was glad she had the surgery. That's what I'm holding onto. I'm just scare and depressed right now. Thanks for your kind words. Suzy
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Re: Advancement flap surgery.

Postby mec2012 » 27 Sep 2012, 09:34

Hi Suzy,
This is my first post on the forum itself; I had the Advancement flap surgery on September 18, 2012 after two failed fissureotomies. I did not find much information previous to my surgery on the surgery itself. I must state that I do have a higher tolerance to pain than others. I was very nervous about the pain that might occur before the surgery. I had the same depressing thoughts, my friends often called me Eeyore. The doctor recommended bed rest for a week, this meant all I did was get out of bed for showers/baths, and bathroom breaks. Along with no activities he recommended to take Colace stool softener. The first day wasn’t bad between the local anesthetic and the Percocets I was flying high, all I did was sleep. I can say as far as diet went I had a milkshake with Ensure and some dessert for dinner that day. The first bowel movement wasn’t too bad, the pain was minimal. After the first four days I realized I didn’t like to Colace as it wasn’t softening my stools enough so the next two bowel movements were more painful. I would recommend taking a softener that works for you. Since then I have been taking Miralax which has been a lot better. The pain wasn’t too bad as long as I stayed taking the pain killers. The first few days were more uncomfortable and painful when trying to find a position to sleep in. I’ve had family, friends, and my significant other helping me out through everything. I will be going to my post-op visit in a couple hours in which I will report back. But I completely had your anxiety too. If there is anything I can do or more specifics you want to know feel free to ask.
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Re: Advancement flap surgery.

Postby suzyljank » 27 Sep 2012, 09:50

Hi mec2012, I can't thank you enough for your reply. I'm beyond nervous. Right now I have no pain, I've been doing good for a few weeks but my stool is still pencil thin and I know I'm skating on thin ice. One bigger bm and I'll be in trouble again. I really would like to have the flap surgery to make the opening larger so I can sit down and use the restroom and not worry anymore. What kind of pain meds were you given, did you get a lot of spasm after surgery or just surgical pain. Do you have a lot of stitches? Sorry so many questions. Suzy
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Re: Advancement flap surgery.

Postby mec2012 » 27 Sep 2012, 10:13

Hi Suzy,
At first my surgeon gave me Percocets, I took them for the first three days. He prescribed them as 1 every 4 hours and gave me 15. On that Friday I called and asked for additional as I figured I needed them incase a bowel movement hurt and I couldn't handle it. He then prescribed me Vicodin. I didn't use much of the Vicodin but all of my Percocets were used in the first week just to numb whatever pain I had whether it was shifting and it hurting or getting up to use the bathroom and being sore. I must say whether I peed or had a bowel movement I use tucks and wipes because with my experience from the fissureotomies the toilet paper irriated the fresh wound. As far as spasms I had a few in the first few days, usually when either sitting to get into bed or into the bathtub for a sitz bath. I used the pain killers more for the surgical pain as sometimes when I adjusted myself the moving hurt. As far as stitches go I don't know how many I have, I didn't ask and I didn't look. I read a post where someone said their butt looked like Frankenstein and it scared me to even look. LOL. I cannot say if it worked or not. As of now the bleeding has stopped however there is still discharge. I am going to my surgeon today for my post-op I will let you know what he says and how he thinks it looks. I hope I answered all your questions and feel free to ask more. I know how you feel going into it with being scared and depressed.
- Megan
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Re: Advancement flap surgery.

Postby suzyljank » 27 Sep 2012, 11:05

I hope things go well at the doctors. It's so nice to talk to someone who has actually had the surgery. I have so many question for you. I'll ask them later though. Suzy
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Re: Advancement flap surgery.

Postby mec2012 » 27 Sep 2012, 15:13

Well I went to the Doctors for my post-op, and the one bowel movement I had while on the Colace that was tougher than usual ripped all my stitches out. He is hopeful that it will still heal with a little Nifedipine. He said the flap is still where it should be but the stitches should still be there. I am not worried at the moment as I have not seen much blood. Any questions you have and I am able to answer I will. :D
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Re: Advancement flap surgery.

Postby suzyljank » 27 Sep 2012, 16:26

Hi Megan, so sorry to hear you ripped your stitches hope you're not in more pain. Sounds like the flap is taking if it didn't move. Does the flap go inside your butt? Are you able to sit yet? I guess colace isn't enough of a softener. My CRS told me to use miralax, I've been on it seems like forever but it works. Resting and keeping every things soft is probably the best thing for you right now. Are you able to take sitz baths yet? A friend told me to use thermacare wraps for your lower back except she said to wear them across your behind and velcro them around your hips. The heat is supposed to relax the muscles and it lasts for about 8 hours. You sound so calm, I would be a nervous wreck. The anxiety and depression you go through with these things is hard to explain to anyone who hasn't been through it. It's nice to talk to someone who understands. I hope you heal quickly and get your life back. Are you still taking pain medicine? Maybe that's what slowed everything up. Take care of yourself Suzy
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