by mec2012 » 27 Sep 2012, 09:34
Hi Suzy,
This is my first post on the forum itself; I had the Advancement flap surgery on September 18, 2012 after two failed fissureotomies. I did not find much information previous to my surgery on the surgery itself. I must state that I do have a higher tolerance to pain than others. I was very nervous about the pain that might occur before the surgery. I had the same depressing thoughts, my friends often called me Eeyore. The doctor recommended bed rest for a week, this meant all I did was get out of bed for showers/baths, and bathroom breaks. Along with no activities he recommended to take Colace stool softener. The first day wasn’t bad between the local anesthetic and the Percocets I was flying high, all I did was sleep. I can say as far as diet went I had a milkshake with Ensure and some dessert for dinner that day. The first bowel movement wasn’t too bad, the pain was minimal. After the first four days I realized I didn’t like to Colace as it wasn’t softening my stools enough so the next two bowel movements were more painful. I would recommend taking a softener that works for you. Since then I have been taking Miralax which has been a lot better. The pain wasn’t too bad as long as I stayed taking the pain killers. The first few days were more uncomfortable and painful when trying to find a position to sleep in. I’ve had family, friends, and my significant other helping me out through everything. I will be going to my post-op visit in a couple hours in which I will report back. But I completely had your anxiety too. If there is anything I can do or more specifics you want to know feel free to ask.